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SHARE By ... Steve Lucky


SHARE By ... Steve Lucky The daycare worker entered the room And immediately saw two little boys Fighting over a set of building blocks. Both of them wanted to build something. Neither was willing to let go. They held on to the fallen structure Screaming at the top of their lungs. "You have to be willing to share," she explained. "There are enough building blocks for both of you." Without a tear, the two little boys Split the building blocks so they both could use them. Just before lunch, she noticed two little girls Fighting over a doll. Both of them wanted to play with her. Neither was willing to let go. They pulled on the doll Crying at the top of their lungs. "Please share the doll," she told them. "You can take turns holding her." Agreeing with her, the two little girls Started playing with the doll together. When it was time for her to go, She noticed two of her coworkers Fighting over who would have to stay behind And clean up after everyone else. Both of them continued yelling at each other. Neither of them was willing to back off. It was a grim reminder things like crying and screaming Are not just something children do. "Remember to share," she insisted. "The three of us can do it faster If we work together." Her coworkers agreed what they told the children Applied to them as well. Together they started cleaning. Copyright 2002, Steve Lucky