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ALL FOR ONE By ... Steve Lucky

All For One

ALL FOR ONE By ... Steve Lucky One person suffering effects us all, Whether or not their suffering is known. Every single one of the billions of people In the world today has a unique importance. No one should be taken for granite. Helping one person makes the entire world a better place Both in ways that can be understood and ways that can not. Sacrificing one for the good of many will not work Unless one understands the value of the sacrifice itself. For the proper functioning of society as a whole, Roles to play must be found by everyone. Parts seeming insiginficant may be absolutely critical. Cooks prepare the food all need to survive, Garbage collectors prevent waste from accumulating So people will not be destroyed by their own waste, And a physic no one believes makes a prediction Turning out to be amazingly accurate. If the world is to become a better place for the individual, Everyone must make an effort. Copyright 2002, 2003, Steve Lucky