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SEASONS By ... Steve Lucky


SEASONS By ... Steve Lucky In harmony the north and south hemispheres blend Every season from beginning to end. Fall in the north, in the south is spring. Together the two hemispheres bring Balance to the cycle so many recall Of winter, spring, summer, and fall. Varying lengths of day and night Give one a good clue which season is right. Summer begins with the longest day, Heating things up while it stays that way, While the other hemisphere is dark and cold. It is winter there for both young and old. As for the seasons in between, During spring days grow longer, in the fall they grow lean. Predicted easily but never altered, This cycle of seasons has never faultered. Knowing how the seasons work together, Migration gives the rich a better chance to find great weather. Although summer can be cold and winter can be hot, Basically it is the weather the season has got. Normally things go as expected. Only by moving can a season be selected. Copyright 2001, 2003, Steve Lucky