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CHESS By ... Steve Lucky


CHESS By ... Steve Lucky White makes the first move And black prepares for the defense. It can take a long time to play, But the environment can still be quite intense. Each moves effect all moves after it. Long term plans can be ruined by a single check. Many piece have to be watched at once. Attention must be given to the smallest speck In a forgotten corner of the game. Pawns are not worthless pieces, Yet the king determines the fate of all. When the king is in danger, priority increases To the point of sacrificing everything else Just to keep the king in the game. Putting the other king in checkmate Can undo disasterous shame. Numbers and position are both important, But the priority of the king one can never replace. While the king is still active, the game is not over. All one has to do is find the right space. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky