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DESTINATION By ... Steve Lucky


DESTINATION By ... Steve Lucky Before one tries to go anywhere A destination should be selected. Different ways of getting there Help to keep one constantly connected To the journey steadily being perfected. If travel speed should ever start slowing, One does not need to be disected For the cause of the problem to be showing. Logic does not know when to keep going And ambition does not know when to stop. Both should be used and controlled while growing In order for one to reach the top. What is grown depends on the crop. Kindness and cruelty can both be spread. Inevitably cruelty is a flop So kindness is what the people should be fed. Everything that is done and said Creates consequences that will last. Many people have fled From echoes of events long past. One does not need to be fast To get to the proper location. With the right supporting cast, Chances are better one can reach the destination. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky