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JUSTICE By ... Steve Lucky


JUSTICE By ... Steve Lucky A moral code shared by all, One instinctively seems to know. Teaching the difference between right and wrong Allows this moral code to grow. When kind and innocent people suffer From the wicked who want to exploit them or worse, A justice system is brought into power, To the villians a solider, to the victims a nurse. No justice system perfectly enforces The unwritten moral code. Innocent people are wrongly convicted While guilty ones never carry the load. Justice sometimes can be found By the parents or by the courts. Sometimes one's own conscience prevents Enjoyment of ill gotten goods of all sorts. Other times justice has to come From those who are willing to take action. Their system also is imperfect, But justice is their main attraction. Without a perfect justice system, The weight is given to defense Because injustice only prospers When justice becomes too intense. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky