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CREATIVITY By ... Steve Lucky


CREATIVITY By ... Steve Lucky With imagination one can see Worlds never part of reality. These world one never had to face In any time or any place, Yet many similarities can be seen On the complex bridge between Reality and the imagination. Morals are a simple demonstration Of how to two interconnect. How alike they are one can select. Does it mirror the world we know Or is it so different one can not go To the place one wants to find Because it only exists in the mind. Creativity allows one to better develop Fictional worlds one hopes will envelop People in the world of sight and touch. Complex worlds may require too much Time and effort for understanding, So the others get overdemanding For one doing the job on his or her own. With partners one no longer has to do the work alone. Each partner adds another part To the world one person had to start. In a major production it will extend Beyond the life of its creator with no visible end. The most complex world of all is where people live. One needs to make an effort to give Those in need a helping hand And spead generousity across the land. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky