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GARDEN By ... Steve Lucky


GARDEN By ... Steve Lucky In a garden, many things grow To protect them, one has to know. What each type of plant needs to survive So the gardener can keep them alive. Each seed must be treated with care. The soil and water they will have to share. As they grow together side by side, The gardener will try to guide Each fruit and vegetable to maturity While maintaining the standard of purity. If the garden is made of flowers, Their beauty must survive drought and showers. Unwanted plants, often called weeds Drain life from the wanted seeds. For the path of the wanted plants to be smoothed, The unwanted weeds should be removed. Distinguishing between the two Is something the gardener learns to do. On the garden known as Earth, One discovers his or her worth As people search for a gardener who can sustain The type of world we want to maintain. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky