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ON THIS SPOT By ... Steve Lucky

On This Spot

ON THIS SPOT By ... Steve Lucky On this spot was once a prosperous and thriving community Presenting people with a golden opportunity To interact with people from all over the world. In one place many cultures were blended and swirled Which could not have happened only decades before. All one had to do was open the door. With so many things easily in reach No one knew the safety lessons they needed to teach. Compared to what happened, natural disasters seem mild. Facing a storm is preferred to the anger of a child. From lightening, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes we can protect But with human beings we can not select A good way to keep everyone safe and secure While still allowing individual freedom of which we are now unsure. Entire communities can too easily fail When terrorist acts are allowed to prevail. From a stone aged tribe with a home not set To the global community of the internet, The acts of one can destroy the whole Yet the cause of the problem no one can control. On this spot together we will see The effects of our global community. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky