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MERCY By ... Steve Lucky


MERCY By ... Steve Lucky Dressed in black the thief moved through the darkness Until he reached the home of the rich man. As he crept towards the locked gate, He noticed the second story window was open. Being careful not to set off the alarms, He used the equipment he brought with him To climb over the gate and up to the window. He admired the expensive collection of paintings, But that was not what he was here to take. Quietly he made his way to the refrigerator. The rich man was in the other room watching television. During a commercial break he went to the same refrigerator. The thief was caught totally be surprise And the rich man quickly overpowered him. Removing the mask the rich man discovered The thief was only a child Who looked like he had not eaten in days. He equipment was just a rope and a hook. Scared, confused, and hungry the boy looked up At the rich man silently pleading for mercy. Instead of calling the police The rich man invited the boy To share a meal with him. There was no need to rob anyone anymore. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky