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GOAL By ... Steve Lucky


GOAL By ... Steve Lucky Many people have goals they want to achieve No matter what others say or believe. Completing a project, passing a test, Doing required chores, and setting a personal best Are just come of the goals people set. One wants to succeed without regret. Examine the goal to make sure it is wise For any goal of any size. Time should not be spent on the completion Of something that later requires deletion. When the proper goal is found A course should be set to gain solid ground. Time and effort will always be needed. Crops grow best in the ground best seeded. Some goals are more difficult than others. If the goal is too hard, who ever recovers? Goals going beyond what one can own Should not be attempted alone. Friends, neighbors, people inspired, Aquiantances, strangers, and help that is hired Play their part in getting the job done, But the goal will still depend on one. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky