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LOST By ... Steve Lucky


LOST By ... Steve Lucky It can feel like the entire universe is missing When you have to face the problem alone, Knowing things would be so much better If you could talk to somebody over the phone. Some things you must face yourself. Not all problems can be avoided. Lost in a jungle or lost deep in thought, Obsticles have not been voided. Attempt to solve the problem yourself Becuase eventually you have to face it. You may learn what to do under similar circumstances And maybe even how to ace it. Help far better than simple facts Comes from teaching to learn and teaching to teach. Without these higher levels of learning Most achievements we would never reach. If the world is lost while you are in it, Continue to proceed and do not give up hope. Familiar objects should reappear. To lasso them it will take rope Which you may have to make yourself From your unfamiliar surroundings. All heroes did this at least once At the time of heroic foundings. Villians have no guarantee Something will stay lost forever. Be patient and create your own openings. It does not always require one to be clever. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky