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STARS By ... Steve Lucky


STARS By ... Steve Lucky Most stars appear only at night Shining with a distant light. Though only one star we can reach, Their light has many things to teach From places we can never go Stars shine with a bright and distant glow. What we see came from the distant past Giving clues to the universe created so vast. More stars exist than people in all recorded history, Yet even the sun remains something of a mystery. With different colors, sizes, ages, and densities They resemble people and all their complexities. Light from distant lands and times long ago Provide a connection to what we do not know. Looking at the stars gives us a way to search The whole of our existance that we call the universe. Very little of it is here to see and touch. Any star has mysteries adding to so much. Many stories were inspired by looking at the stars, Meteors, comets, the sun, the moon, and Mars. Worlds to be found in the realm of the unknown And with increased understanding this has only grown. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky