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THE GIANTS By ... Steve Lucky

The Giants

THE GIANTS By ... Steve Lucky In our society certain people exist Who go above and beyond the call of duty, Giving selflessly whenever and wherever they are needed. These are the giants! Maybe not in size, but clearly in deed. Such people leave a lasting impression Remaining far longer than the deed itself. These are the people I want to be more like. Can wealth, power, and fame stand up against A simple act of kindness? Wealth, power, and fame fade with the passage of time Kindness can actually grow Into something far larger than the people involved. Only a giant wield something that large. Normal people look at the giants in awe And wonder how such a deed could possibly be done. The giants know the secret. It is not done by strength, intelligence, or raw power. It is done by love, The largest and smallest thing of all. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky