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Friends For All Time

FRIENDS FOR ALL TIME By ... Steve Lucky To my friends of the past, I wonder if I will ever see you again. Your words and your actions from years ago Affect me even today. There are times in my life When I stop and think of you And the kindness that you showed me. Whether you are alive or dead, Married or single, rich or poor, I would like to thank you For all that you have done Especially when I do not remember to thank you. To my friends of the future, You may be someone I have not yet met, An acquaintance I have overlooked, Or even a former or current enemy of mine. Occasionally I stop and wonder Who you will be and how we will first meet. No matter who you are I am glad we will get a chance to meet I would like to thank you For the kindness you will show me In case I do not remember to do so When it actually happens. To my present friends, Fond memories of the past And hope for the future May cheer me up, But it does not compare to The kind word or deed or the moment. We will in the here and now Which is where we will always be I thank you for the things you do, Have done, or will do, And I hope we can be friends Forever and for all time. Copyright 2001, Steve Lucky