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*updated 09.27.99*

thanks to everyone who's shown interest in this project recently...but things obviously aren't working out with a new show space. kids are booking shows at Club 513 a lot, there's a show coming up at The Echo Lounge, and some people can still afford to do shows at Under The Couch...

as far as good DIY spaces, a lot of shows are moving to The Asphalt Flight School (which is really cool) and The UN Closet (i've never been there before but i hear it's just a really long hallway.) so support those places and the kids that book there.

we could still use another DIY venue so we haven't given up on the idea for the future, but i'm doubtful something will become available any time soon.

in other news, gavin opened up a record store in his warehouse! so you should go check that out one saturday. it's open 12-6 in the C-12 warehouse at 680 Murphy Ave.

sorry i've been so slack about updating this page. i know it's been sorta confusing...

leslie photo queen
chris autohypnotic online