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Fast Facts On Stevie Rachelle

Name : Stevie Rachelle
Nickname: I have several
Address : P.O. Box 371202 Reseda, CA 91337 U.S.A.
Hometwon : Van Nuys, CA
Phone Number : 818-569-5450
Age: 36
Birthday: March 2nd 1966
Zodiac Sign: Pieces
Weight : 195lbs
Height : 6'
Eye Color : Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Describe Your Personaity : A Jerk
Describe Your Attitude: Shitty
Best Characteristics : My sick warped sense of humor
Best Feature :My bulge
Worst Feature : My bulge
Goals In Life : To annoy the world & all that occupy it


Bands: TUFF, Motley, GnR, Van Halen
Singers: S. Bach, Halford, DLR, & Me!
Guitarists: R. Rhoads, S. Vai, Zakk Wylde, Dimebag
Bassists: Nikki Sixx
Drummers: Vic Foxx, T. Bozzio, Vinnie Paul
Keyboardists : LAME, someone from Journey I guess?
Colors: Black & Purple
Town: Oshkosh, WI
City : LA
Song : Cats in the Cradle!
Tape/CD : The B-52s Debut
Video: Panteras Home Videos
Movie : JAWS!
Actor/Actress: Any porn chick that squirts!
TV Show: JACKASS, COPS, The Osbournes
Type Of Car/Motorcycle: My Black Ford Explorer
Place To Hang Out : Over the toilet
Childhood Memory: Shoveling snow
Place To Shop: Ralphs
Thing To Drink : Coffee heavy French Vanilla creme
Holiday: X-mas
Season : Summer
Food: Sushi


First Time You Were Kissed: South Park (in Oshkosh, WI) in the 6th grade
Describe Your Ideal Girl: Blind, deaf, dumb, 5'2" 98lbs and nude!
Describe Your Ideal Date: my room, lights out, no clothes, sex, backrub, snoring within an hour
What's The One Thing In a Person You Won't Tolerate: too many too mention
What's The Craziest Thing You Have Done To Attract The Opposite Sex: paid for it in Europe on tour
Lost your virginity: on Halloween 1981 I was 15
My favorite sexual position: is any & all of them or stop by and do some shopping in the STORE!