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Merry Meet and Merry Bright, Guide thee well in Love and Light. . . An it harm none, do what thou will. . . . Ever mind the rule of three. . .

This site is guarded by my spirit animal totem, the tiger. Click upon it to enter.

May not the unprepared eyes see
the secrets which entrusted be.
May all those eyes whose path this might,
be guided well in love and light.

Attention all fundies and those who only wish to come to these pages to preach and/or display any sort of immature behavior (i.e. sending me hate mail or any mail of a "you are wrong and poorly misguided" nature)

I do not go around and tell you that you are wrong or misguided, therefore, I do not expect the same behavior in return. I do in fact hate it. If you've come here with this intent, instead of venturing into pages such as mine, go to this site and join those with a like maturity, perhaps even higher in some cases...
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