Distribute anywhere as long as my name stays attached and you mail me at lydx@angelfire.com to let me know. Title: Water Cooler Crowd Classification: 3rd person POV Spoilers: none so far Summary: Feedback: is food for the soul, so please take a moment to tell me what you think of this, my first, effort. Disclaimer: They're not mine, duh. They belong to CC, the creator and most especially to GA and DD who breathe life into them. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~ I look up expectantly when I hear their voices in the hallway. Of all the Agents that pass through here from time to time, it is these two that have been the most constant and most intriguing. I've seen them in here so often, mostly together though sometimes apart, that to my colleagues I've even become something of an authority on them. They will expect me to give them the gossip on this purported latest mess the infamous duo have gotten themselves into, as soon as this meeting is over. The gossip surrounding these two has always centered on outward appearances. Centered around these attractive Agents who works so closely together that one usually knows what the other is thinking without them exchanging more than two words. These two Agents who are never seen to have a private life. This male Agent who touches his female partner on the small of her back as if she belongs to him. This female Agent, so willful and independent, who allows it. The water cooler crowd wonders about what I know and wants only one question answered, are they or aren't they? As of yet, I do not know the answer to that one. I do know though, that where meetings between the AD and his other Agents are usually conducted with businesslike efficiency, their interviews usually end up with one or both of them storming off, he slamming the door, she gently clicking it shut with a finality that somehow echoes much louder. I know that the cases they are assigned to and even more so the cases they request to be assigned to, are often cases no other Agents would come within a mile of. I know that these cases are often dangerous and always draining, physically and even more so, emotionally. And I know it is starting to show. Not that anything would seem to be amiss to the casual viewer or even the not so casual one. These two know how to keep their emotions to themselves, their expressions carefully neutral. But however much they try to hide the wear and tear of the last few years, to my by now trained eye they do not quite succeed. She especially does not. Not that I have ever seen her break down or have even seen her act less than perfectly professional, that's just not her way, I gathered that the first time I was her stalk through here. The signs are much more subtle but they are there non the less, you just have to know where to look. And that's exactly where you'll find it, in her look. Though he has been known to throw protocol out the window on just about anything including the dress code around here, she has never come in looking less than perfect. Not a hair out of place and always dressed to the nines. This has never changed. But slowly the rest of her look has changed dramatically and that's where she reveals herself. Never a flashy dresser, her array of suits was non the less always impressive. There was one beige phase I didn't much care for but thankfully she quickly moved to more tailored suits in different colors. I especially liked the various shades of blue she used to wear that dramatically set of her hair and eyes. Then there was a burgundy suit that not many redheads could have pulled off but she somehow did. Nowadays she just wears black. For some unknown reason this simple fact, a fashion statement in others, makes me ache for her. I suspect it reflects her changing outlook on life. Her partner looks at her with a pained expression on his face sometimes, when he thinks no-one's watching. I guess he suspects the same thing. The pair of them have featured in many a hot debate and have been the subject of many lustful stares over the years. They know but hardly seem to care about the former, and are completely oblivious to the latter. I must admit to my own fair share of fantasies over her partner at one point but anyone with half a brain would know he would never be interested in anyone but her anyway. It's her I've been fascinated with though, from the moment I first saw her. She comes across so strong and competent. It's in the way she moves with such grace and assurance, the way she strides in here, head held high, back ramrod straight. She's a woman making her way in the Old Boys Network and therefore has to be twice as good at anything she does, twice as right before getting anything done from the other Agents, twice as serious to be taken seriously. She does all that and more and in the process makes her detractors look bad simply by being better than them. Then, to top it off she does not follow the career path mapped out for her, which surely would have had her gunning for an AD position one of these days. Instead, after having initially been assigned to debunk his work, she chooses to stay with the lone wolf in the basement. Chooses to pursue with him these cases that no-one else deems worth their time since they are not the sort of high profile cases that get you noticed by the higher ups. The sort of cases that make a career. In truth, most likely no-one but the pair in the basement would have a prayer of solving them anyway. Watching all this unfold from the sidelines I cheer for her, she makes me proud. As does he, usually. Instead of treating her as she had been treated by her male co-workers since joining the FBI, he accepted her as his partner and treated her as an equal. Most of the time anyway. And I'm sure the other times, the times he ditched her or was overprotective of her, he only had her best interest at heart. As did she the times she tried to reign him in and temper his enthusiasm with her common sense. I like them; I like both of them for what they stand for, a working relationship between a man and a woman, based on mutual respect and mutual trust, a thoroughly professional relationship. Which isn't to say they aren't emotionally invested in each other. I've seen her frenzied when he disappeared in the Bermuda triangle, I've seen him equally crazed when she disappeared those three months. I've seen them come in to these offices time and again, fighting for the others life or career, fighting with each other sometimes. Do they love each other? Are you blind? Are they sleeping together? I certainly hope for their sakes they are, but I suspect they're not. Does it matter that much anyway? Not as far as I am concerned. I think what matters most is that together they forged a unique partnership unlike any I have yet seen. But there too is the crux. Their partnership, combined with their solve rate is the envy of the entire bureau as much as their expense accounts and hospital stay record isn't. There are a lot of Agents out there who would like to see these two go down And thus the incident - alleged incident - has given rise to a heated new debate and a brand new office pool. Did he or didn't he? Because this time the rumor is that Agent Mulder might very well be responsible for putting Agent Scully out of commission for the foreseeable future. The water cooler crowd is expecting me to give them their answers. They want me to tell them he did it and thus give them ammunition with which to gun down the duo's reputation and destroy what credibility they have left. I have other things on my mind though. I know she and her partner have been at odds with each other lately, and if these rumors are true, I wonder if today I will see the dissolution of this partnership. If he did what they say he did, he will never be able to forgive himself, even if she can. And his guilt will only be exacerbated by the office buzz which will most certainly be spiteful. In fact it might just be vicious enough to finally cause their downfall. Envy is an ugly thing, especially coming from your co- workers. Even more so when those co-workers are people you might one day have to trust to guard your back. No wonder these two have only ever trusted each other, no wonder I like them above their so-called peers. I've been rooting for them from the sidelines for going on 7 years now. I'd hate for this to be the end of my cheering session. No wonder I've been anxiously waiting for them to keep their appointment with AD Skinner all day, while all the while forcing myself to maintain a front of calm. A knock on the door announces their arrival. They do not wait for me to call them in but I'm not offended, the knock on the door is more courtesy than I usually get anyway. >~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~ When they enter I cannot stifle a gasp at their appearance. At first glance you wouldn't think anything was wrong. He is as immaculately dressed as ever and holds open the door for her just as always. He even reaches for her to guide her through the door as he invariably does, his hand automatically searching out its accustomed place low on her back. There the illusion is shattered though. For though she is as impeccably dressed as he is, she does not stride through the door in her usual brisk manner. Instead she carefully makes her way through the door on uncomfortable crutches. Her head is down and she seems focused solely on getting over to the couch and getting off her feet. His hand on her back is there for support this time, physical support rather than the emotional support his affectionate and at times reverent gesture always seems to convey. The cause of her discomfort is plain as I take in the cast on her left leg. She is obviously in some pain and I don't know what they hell she is doing here. She looks like she should be in a hospital or at the very least at home in bed, not outside the AD's door waiting to no doubt get chewed out for whatever breach of protocol they have perpetrated. I get up and offer my help settling her on the couch but she brusquely shakes her head. I know enough about her to know that she is not one to accept help easily so I take her rebuff in stride. She has yet to look at me. When I glance over at Agent Mulder he gently shakes his head. Upon closer inspection he doesn't look so impeccable. There are dark circles under his eyes and he obviously hasn't shaved in a day or two. He and I anxiously keep an eye on Agent Scully's progress. She has finally made her way over to the couch and is now lowering herself down slowly. He is standing over her, not touching her but ready to grab a hold of her at a moment's notice. When she is settled she looks up at him and offers him a tiny smile. It's all she can give him, the right side of here face is too bruised and swollen for anything else. Her cheek is so badly discolored it's almost black. Angry purple and red contusions streak down towards her jaw and flower up towards her temple. A thin but deep gash decorates the center of the bruise, following the sweep of her cheekbone. I hope it won't scar. I wonder what happened, whatever it was it must have been bad. I wonder what happens now. >~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~ Agent Mulder does not answer Agent Scully's smile but instead turns towards me with a pained expression on his face and asks me to please inform Skinner they are there. I go back to my desk and tell AD Skinner just that. His gruff voice filters back to me through the intercom, telling me he'll be a few minutes and to send the Agents in as soon as he buzzes next. I acknowledge his command and wonder if he knows what happened anymore than I do. I surreptitiously glance over at the Agents and notice Agent Mulder has joined his partner on the couch. He is not looking at her but instead is studying his hands as if the answers to life, the universe and everything are hidden in the creases in his palms. Agent Scully meanwhile is squirming uncomfortably on the couch and I wonder if she has any more not so apparent injuries hidden underneath her black business suit. My musings are cut short when she suddenly speaks up. Her voice is soft and she sounds tired when she asks me if I could please get her something to drink, something without caffeine and preferably not carbonated, juice would be best if it's not too much of a bother. I get up and smile at her to let her know it is no bother at all. I know she is a very independent woman and I know how much it must gall her to ask for help so I quickly start to leave before she can change her mind. I turn at the door and ask her partner if he would like something to drink as well. His eyes never leave his hands as he quietly asks me to get him some coffee. They haven't said two words to each other all the while they have been here and even though through her smile she has tried to forge a connection he doesn't seem inclined to respond in kind. Now that the immediate worry over her sitting down safely is over he seems to have withdrawn to someplace deep inside himself, some place grim with high walls and maybe a moat where nothing or no-one can reach him. Except her I guess. Usually. It's painfully clear to both him and me however that she's not at her usual, moat swimming, wall climbing best right now and that seems to add to his distress immeasurably. She doesn't seem to be quite ready to throw in the towel just yet though. I have a feeling that she asked for the juice just so she could get him to herself for a moment. I also get the feeling they have probably been surrounded by far too many people, at the crime scene I imagine and then in the hospital and during the flight and subsequent cab ride back here. They ostensibly haven't had a moment to themselves, have found no time to talk things through and start dealing with them. The stain between them is palpable but I see her make a visible effort to marshal her strength in order to start trying to clear the moat and scale the walls anyway . Quietly I leave them to it. Walking out into the hallway I find curious glances are cast in my direction wherever I go. I ignore them all and quickly make my way down to the cafeteria to pick up some apple juice. I hesitate only a second and then add a coffee for him and two ham-on-rye sandwiches. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't eaten since before this happened. Making my way back I realize I still don't have a clue as to what this "this" is that is supposed to have happened. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~ As I approach AD Skinners offices my pace slows until I have come to a full stop right outside. Their disembodied voices float back to me through the hardwood door. His sounds agitated hers soothing. I cannot make out what they are saying though and actually debate for a moment whether to put my ear to the door or not. I can almost feel the water cooler crowd urging me to do just that. Eavesdropping on them in this manner would mean I would probably learn in no time what happened, as they are more likely than not discussing that right now. It would also mean I would have no plausible deniability towards the gossipmongers around here though, as small gatherings of them are scattered throughout the hall, observing my actions. They would know I'd have a story to tell the minute I pressed my ear to the door and would not rest until I'd told it. I decide against it and instead quietly open the door. The collective sigh of disappointment from the water cooler crowd is almost audible. I find satisfaction in that, in fact it pleases me no end. Coffee and juice in one hand, sandwiches in the other I walk in and flash a smile at the objects of all this curiosity. They do not even notice my entrance, focused as they are solely on each other. I catch the tail end of their argument. Agent Mulder is standing over his partner, towering over her, obviously using his superior height to cry and cower her. Agent Scully is having none of it. She too is on her feet, leaning heavily on her crutches and swaying a bit. I have a fleeting thought to the effect that this stand off hardly seems fair. Whereas he apparently survived whatever they went through without a scratch, she is hurt and looks about ready to keel over. Then I notice the way her blue eyes are spitting fire and I think again. She's telling him that he should not blame himself, that she is as much to blame as he is, that neither of them could have foreseen this happening. Her tone brooks no argument and had it been me at the receiving end of that little speech I would have felt wholly absolved, would have thrown in the towel and pronounced her right in every way. He merely hangs his head in shame and seems less than convinced. His face is contorted, anguish written plainly across his features. He gives no reply though, apparently aware of my presence now and unwilling to argue in front of me. Thus it is Agent Scully who has the last word, for now. I do think however that Agent Mulder has silently reserved the right to get back to the argument and his self flagellation sometime in the near future, presumably when they are once again alone. He turns to me and his movement alerts Agent Scully to my presence. She starts to turn towards me as well but moves too quickly and looses her balance. To my horror she starts to fall and I am too far away to do anything but look on helplessly. Agent Mulder is there to catch her though. He assists her towards the couch and gently admonishes her to take it easy. He then takes her juice from me with a grateful nod and tells her to drink it. While she sips her drink he produces a small bottle filled with little white pills from his pocket, shakes out two of them and presents them to her. His voice is stern as he tells her to swallow them but underneath his brusque words there is a tenderness that takes my breath away. In all my life I have never been spoken to by anyone with such absolute reverence. How he manages to vacillate between such guilt and self-loathing as I saw reflected in his face when I walked in one moment; and this caring, sensitive man out only to support his ailing partner the next is beyond me. It makes me dizzy just observing the shifts in his demeanor. Jekyl and Hyde have got nothing on Agent Mulder it seems. Agent Scully for her part takes his behavior in stride. Obviously this is nothing new to her. She sips her juice and offers me a small smile when I present her with the sandwich I bought her. Her bruised cheek is turned away from me and for a moment there is nothing to shatter the illusion of perfection I am presented with. Pretty under any circumstance, she is transformed by the tiny lift of her lips into something altogether lovely. I suddenly realize how rarely I have seen her smile. I have certainly not seen it lately, believe me I would have remembered. I gape at her and idly wonder what she must look like with a full-blown smile gracing her features. Then she turns towards her partner and with the reemergence of the terrible contusion marring her cheek the illusion is shattered. I hastily collect myself and retreat back to my desk where I pretend to be busy shoving papers to and fro and meanwhile maintain a watchful eye on the Agents. He has absentmindedly wolfed down his sandwich in two huge bites and has gone back to morosely staring at his hands. He is leaning forward and his elbows are resting on his knees, hands clasped tightly together between them, head down. His posture is one of total dejection. She meanwhile has swallowed the two little white pills, painkillers I assume, and nibbled a bit at her food. She is obviously not very hungry but maybe she doesn't want to appear ungrateful, or maybe her common sense tells her she should eat something because she will need all her energy to deal with Agent Mulder. Presently she puts down the remains of her sandwich and sighs deeply. I observe her observing Agent Mulder's non-reaction to this obvious ploy for his attention and try to make myself disappear. Maybe if become inconspicuous enough they will finally start discussing what happened. I see her shore up her courage, see sorrow flit across her features and then determination and rejoice as I gather she has decided to try once more to reach him. Maybe now I'll get some answers. She has just quietly breathed his name, he has just rather jerkily turned towards her, unwilling to get into this again but unable to deny her anything it seems, when I hear AD Skinner impatiently calling my name. I lunge for the intercom but it's too late, the doors to his office swing open and his bulk darkens the threshold. He's obviously ticked off, probably has buzzed a few times and getting no reply decided to see what was happening. Damn, the man has a sense of timing that would not be amiss in a comedy routine. Bad comedy that is, the kind where the joke's on me. Apparently AD Skinner is in a foul mood and looking for someone to vent it on. As I am the one most recently responsible for adding to his load by not answering his calls he starts chewing me out while not even halfway through the door. Then his eyes fall on his two Agents and his whole body goes still. Only his eyes move as they take in first Agent Mulder's slumped posture and then Agent Scully's pained lurch as she tries to get up quickly but fails miserably. The AD's habitually stern expression goes soft as he sees Agent Mulder coming to his partners aid and he abruptly turns away to afford them some privacy. He is aware that to Agent Scully being dependant on anyone's help is a sign of weakness and obviously knows not to dwell on her infirmity. Moreover he evidently was unaware of his female Agents condition. A horrified expression is plastered across his normally inexpressive face and I see him working very hard to get his features under some semblance of control. This unusual display of emotions from this otherwise reserved man tells me two things. First, it confirms my suspicion that AD Skinner carries a secret torch for Agent Scully. Where she is concerned the AD has a protective streak to rival Agent Mulder's own. Second, it tells me he knows that he doesn't stand a chance, knows that her eyes are filled with Agent Mulder only, and has already relegated himself to playing the part of boss and sometime friend. It is a part he plays well but I can see in his eyes what it costs him as he silently holds open the door and lets Agent Mulder usher his partner in. The door closes behind them with a click and I am left to my own devises. Still non-the wiser as to what the hell happened. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~ This time I cave in to the pressure, exerted not by my colleagues at the water cooler but by my own burning need to know. I get up and press my ear to the door, half-ashamed of myself but unable to curb my curiosity any longer, and listen as they unfold their story to the AD. Agent Mulder does most of the talking and his voice is so soft I am not able to catch everything he says, but I hear enough to piece the story together. The tale as he tells it, involves the two of them and a case of a child's disappearance that Agent Mulder ascribed to alien abduction and Agent Scully insisted was abduction of a more down to earth kind. It also involves them following Agent Scully's lead to a remote farmhouse out in the boondocks, with Agent Mulder protesting all the way. There they confronted their suspect and unwittingly fouled up a 3-month investigation into the man's activities by the domestic terrorism unit. It ended up with Agent Mulder trying to shoot him, while Agent Scully was serving as the man's shield. The shot felled Agent Scully instead hitting her in the leg as the suspect was trying to move himself out of the path of the bullet. Throughout his narrative I hear Agent Scully interspersing her comments as well. Her voice is even softer as she consistently counters his self- condemning statements and takes her part of the blame. Yes he was less than enthusiastic following her lead first; she was over zealous in pursuing it, wanting to be right for once, instead of wrong 98,9% of the time. Yes he did not pay any attention to the signs of extreme duress the guy was sending out, neither did she notice them until just before he exploded, too focused as she was on making her case. Yes, he shot her in the leg, but he had just been clocked a good one seconds before. And yes, while his aim was off which resulted in her being out of commission for a while, at least it stopped her from being forced to follow the perp over the edge of the roof and ending up dead, which is what the bastard had had in mind for her. There's an uncomfortable silence at this last statement and then I hear AD Skinner tell them to go home and for Agent Scully not to come back until fully recuperated. I hear them get up, hear the thump thump of her crutches and his heavier steps behind that and scurry back to my desk. The door handle starts to move just as I slide behind my computer and then AD Skinners voice floats towards me. He tells Agent Mulder to take some time off and see that his partner is taken care off properly. For a moment all sound from the inner office ceases as they are apparently rooted to the spot, then I hear Agent Mulder tell him, yes, off course and they continue on their way. While waiting for them to come through the door, I contemplate what I just heard I feel intensely for both of them. They are they going to have to endure the wrath of the Agents on the other team who saw 3 months of hard work going down the drain by them inadvertently stumbling upon the scene and exposing their suspect as not just as a terrorist but an even more heinous child abductor. This team is even now being reamed out for not making these connections themselves and will in retaliation no doubt start spouting rules and regulations, about a dozen of which the two Agents broke by going after the suspect alone, without notifying the local field office. All this waiving of the rule book will have no effect on their superiors for once as they did solve the case after all and saved the child as well, which made the FBI look good for a change too. The effect on Agent Mulder and Scully's colleagues will be pronounced however. No-one wants to work with the crackpots in the basement as it is. Now it appears that they are not only crazy but also they do not follow rules, they foul up your investigations, deprive you of your collar, then have the nerve to not show any remorse. When those tales start circulating these two can kiss any though of getting any kind of back-up goodbye. Not only that but when his all gets out they will also need to listen to endless jabs about them seeing the movie "Speed" one to many times. First that other case where he drove halfway across the country without stopping, now this. Shoot the hostage, eh Spooky? Brilliant tactic, just brilliant, wouldn't you agree Mrs. Spooky? You wouldn't? Oh, but then you were the hostage, weren't you? Again.! I can see it wearing them down another fraction. Even if they would never admit to it they are affected by the jabs and jeers hurled their way constantly, I see her flinch for him as he strides by seemingly unaware, I see him cringe when mention is made of Mrs. Spooky and career paths leading down to the basement. And I can see the black wardrobe reflecting back even more starkly her black mood, can see even more guilt clogging his features, even more smiles suppressed, higher walls and broader moats loom in the future. When they emerge from AD Skinner's office however, one look at them has me hastily retracting that thought. She is slightly in front of him, his hand is on its rightful place low on her back, and a rather enigmatic smile is turning up the corners of her mouth. I don't know what else occurred in the interim but I realize she has crossed the moat already and is strategizing her next move. I think that if left to their own devices, she will no doubt wind up right inside his walls, probably much to his surprise and while he is still busying setting rocks in place and slapping on the mortar, cursing himself all the while. I watch them leave and wish them well. When they came in I feared for their partnership, seeing them together I think they will be fine, they just need a little room to breathe and get back on their feet. Which leaves me in somewhat of a quandary. What to tell the water cooler crowd, they will expect something from me. I can't very well claim to have heard nothing with them having been in these offices for over an hour. And as much as I do not want to lie - I hate liars, - I cannot tell them the truth either. That would only be adding fuel to the fire. A diversion, that's what is needed. Yes I tell them, Agent Scully got hurt yesterday in a shoot-out which also resulted in the death of a dangerous child abductor. End of case. "Now", I reveal to them, "what I learned this afternoon is that yes, he does love her, and yes, they are doing it...I think." The water cooler crowd scurries back to spread the news and just like that the stakes in the office pool, the original one, are once more upped. The duo's every gesture will once more be looked at with an eye to the romantic, their every movement analyzed. Are they doing it in the office, against the filing cabinet or on his desk, or only when out of town on a case? I look out the window and see him helping her into his car. He holds open the door and lets her get in on her own, or so he lets her think. From my vantage point though, I see how he surreptitiously makes getting in easier on her while at the same time preserving for her the illusion of self sufficiency. His expression is tender and leaves little doubt as to the veracity of at least the first half of my little revelation to the water cooler crowd, as to the second half, who knows? I wonder if I haven't done these two a disservice. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~><~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~<~ End: Water Cooler Crowd I repeat; feedback is food for the soul, so please take a moment to tell me what you think. Note that English is not my first language, if there are any glaring errors here I would appreciate you pointing them out. Mail me at: either lydx@club.tip.nl or lydx@angelfire.com