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Jennifer's Testimony

Hello My name is Jennifer and I want to tell you about my self and how God has seen me through my life and has never forsaken me.

I grew up in a family that there was not much love. I should of been very happy, because I had nice clothes and even best dress during high school, but that did not make me happy either. Every time I did something wrong, my mom took church away from me and would not let me go for a month. I always knew what God was and I knew He was special in my life, but I did not know Him as the Lord of my life. I fell in love with someone I knew all my life and I was engaged to him to be married after high school, but something happen one night and I was almost killed, because I was pushed in a car, by someone I did not know and knifed and raped, and left for dead, but God was not done with me yet.

After the ordeal and no help from my parents, I found my self in Chicago, and once again I was seeking something and did not know what it was. I found my self at a home mission church seeking God, but I did not take the message, but God was not done with me yet.

I found my self in Los Angeles, I seen the skid row and all the teens out there with nothing, I was one of them. Then I got mixed up in a magazine group and began selling magazines door to door. One day the manager came in the motel and started in on me, because I did not sell enough. He knocked me down and I hit my back on a dresser. After that I wound up in a county hospital with two crushed verterbra in my back. God was not done with me yet.

With all of this God kept his hand on me. I got married almost 26 years ago. It has not been easy, there has been a lot of abuse and verbal abuse, but God is not done with me yet. One day when I was laying in the hospital I was ask if I wanted to be a foster mother. We went through everything and I got a baby one night not quite 5 pounds and he was 28 days old. At 3 months old, I had a dream and it was that we would adopt him and he would be in church. I woke up my husband and told him of my wonderful dream I had. He told me we might adopt him, but he would never be in church at all. When John was 29 months old, DSS told us to get his clothes ready that he would be going home the next day. The court got over at 5:00 PM. The next day, we got a phone call from DSS and they told us we had a choice to adopt or not too. Praise the Lord, we adopted him the next week. He accepted the Lord in his life when he was 8 years old. Today he is 18 and loves the Lord and he has a special ministry in helping special need adults every Sunday afternoon. He sings on occasions. I accepted the Lord in 1974, but He wasn't the Lord of my life, I still got in trouble and did my share of drinking with my husband. The Lord did not become really the Lord of my life until 1995. Then He became very real in my life and is today. So, you see, God is not done with me yet.

I know there is a ministry out there. I want to help abused wives and be a prayer partner. I am saying all of this, because, no matter what we go through. There is a God, who is never too busy. He might not come to your rescue, when you think he should, but He is always on time.

He is never too busy. I am so glad that He is the anchor of my life, through the good times and the bad times.

If you do not know Him today. You can have the chance in excepting him in your life as your savior. Then find your self a Bible believing church, where they can help you to make Him the Lord of your life. For there is no greater joy in serving the Lord. That is what I want. A closer walk with Him, for there is no greater love in life. You can have that today.


Domestic Violence
This has been around from the beginning of time but no one ever wanted to talk about it or even say it is real. No matter how hard we try to hide it from others it is there and it is very real. One day it will come out. We can always put on a face and a smile and pretend nothing has happen, but deep inside we are crying out for help.

I remember when I was going through the abuse of my husband. Of being thrown in the bathtub. Black and blue marks on my wrists and my chest. Even though it was not as bad as it could have been, it was there. I remember one night going out side in the mid winter in just my night gown, with no shoes on and got in my car. I drove as fast as I could just to make the pain go away or to kill my self one. Maybe the pain goes away for a while, but it always surface back to the top. After years of the abuse from my husband I went through the verbal abuse part of it. Believe me it is worse than the physical. Even the physical is bad and it hurts but somewhere people can see it. The verbal abuse no one sees and it is as real as the physical abuse.

I remember one night my 4 year old son got between my husband and myself and he said "Daddy don't hurt my mommy!" I remember that till this day and my son is 20 years old. Even though I got through all of what I got through it still has the scares . Not so much on the outside, but they are there on the inside. There are many types of abuse, from physical, verbal, sexual , even from a neighbor, husband , wife maybe a close friend. Or even a touching abuse that has to do with a small child. When I was growing up there was no child protection laws. I went to school with open wounds on my back and legs, from a fly swatter. Then later I was knifed and raped and left for dead. Then, if that was not bad enough I was thrown against a dresser for not selling enough of magazines. Then I married into it. Lucky today I don't have what I described above, but the scares are still there and it is very real. If you are in danger, Call a hot line and get out of that situation. You do not have to stay there. If you need someone to talk to or listen to or pray with. Please let me know and I'll be here for you.

God bless