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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 2000!

The coolest Harry Potter World on Earth

No more sorting requests until futher notice please

I got a new computer so I will be able to maintaain the site as I used to. The bad thing is I lost all the old emails and the directory of email address. To compinsate for loseing your homewrk, quizes, buying etc. I am awarding each house 100 points and each member 10 galleons.

Click on the link below to vote for me in this poll

Georgia Weidman, Headmistress

I will try and get quidditch started ASAP

To enroll in Hogwarts-email me the following info at

Enter the School

Gryffindor House
Ravenclaw House
Slytherien House
Hufflepuff House
House Points
History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
The Old Site
Diagon Alley
Quiditch Teams
Quizes (earn $$$$)
Inhabitance of Hogwarts
Links to Cool Sites
Term One Authority
My New totally cool Wizard History site(submit anything here and earn lots of house points)
Awards for the practice term
