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The Mists of Time

Well, it's a work in progress, but after three years I'm finally re-doing the whole damn page. Looking back over it, I had relized it read as if it was written by a whinny spoiled 16 year old. Which it was. Now I'm 21 and this page was supposed to represent who I am, so it's time to revise it to who I am now. I hope I can be happy wih it when it's done. If you like it then tell me so in my guestbook.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Hidden in the mists

The Guardians of the Mist
The Mists of Unreality
The Gate Keeper
What the Mists Hide
The weridness in the Mist
The Mists of Fear
The Depths of the Gate Keeper
The Truth
The Ranting in the Mists
My Pets in the Mists!!
