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Know About Graciano Sánchez

The name by which this town is called, has been attributed in honor to Professor Graciano Sánchez (1890-1967). He was a distinguished Mexican who was a politician and a professor. He was born in Soledad Diez Gutierrez, San Luis Potosi. Sánchez participated in the development of the League of Agrarian Communities during the presidential government of the illustrious Tamaulipecan Lic. Emilio Portes Gil. Also he signed along with others leaders, the Farmer Mexican Confederation which, after a certain time, was transformed into Farmer National Confederation (CNC). He was Governor of his native state, senator, and head of the CNC. He was also member of the old farmer guard team. He died in Mexico City.

Of the youngest towns, within the municipality of the Village of Gonzalez, without a doubt one one of them is the Graciano Sánchez Town. This town was originally located alongside the Tamesi river, which is also known as the Guayalejo river. This river is one of the largest ones in the State of Tamaulipas. Given the circumstances that each rain season brought floodings to the town, threatening the inhabitants of this new nucleus of dwellings, their inhabitants always were alarmed by such happenings. Nevertheless, they were still there along side of the mentioned river. It was until 1975 that they decided to move the urban zone to another more secure place, due to the great flood that took place in those days. This way, they decided to settle down where now it is located at the present time.

This town, which counts on 23 ejidos and 6 sorrounding colonies, has the great fortune to have a excellent geographic situation. The most important benefit, ironicly, is without a doubt as already it was said previously, the benefits of the most important river of the Southern region of the state. This river supplies of the vital liquid the sugar-cane lands of Mante city; besides, it supplies with water the Ramiro Caballero dam, better known as " La Presa de Las Animas" -the ghosts dam. At the same time, this dam has an important function in the economic activities that here are performed. This way, Graciano Sánchez greatly benefits of the favors that this river brings through its path. By the way, this so mentioned river has its origen in the Sierra Madre Oriental, which crosses the southwestern part of the state of Taulipas.

Recently, a bridge was constructed over this river that allows to cross from Graciano Sánchez to the town of Francisco I. Madero. Among other benefits that this work will bring is the direct participation of the inhabitants of both communities in multiple activities that concern to both towns. Also, it will come to satisfy the need that previously existed concerning with the impossibility to transport the basic products that are produced in both sides of the river from one town to the other. The opening of so magnificent work, was in the month of April of 1999.

If we speak of Graciano Sánchez; then, we must speak of the rocky mass that rises up in a majestic lonely manner about 6 kilometers of this locality toward the North-Northwest direction. The Bernal de Horcasitas Mountain is the name of so colorful natural beauty. Its considered hieght above the sea level is of about 1116 mts. Located in the center of the municipality of Villa González, Tamaulipas, this mountain serves as a cute background in the emblem of the State. From 1997 to the present date, it is also integral part of the licence plates designed for all the utomobiles in the state of Tamaulipas. When speaking of the history of the towns, we have to take into account the cultural wealth and social importance that each community have in each region, state, or country. This has been a very brief description of of this locality of not less than 6000 inhabitants. Keep visiting this site. In the meantime, we will be improving it for all of you that so frienly take the task of reading these lines.


