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This site is for Christian teens and teens who want to accept Jesus as their personal savior. We are dedicated to praising the Lord, sharing his gospel, making this world a better, Christian environment, and leading our lives as Christ would want us to. We feel that anything that we can do to alert the world of the Lord's gospel should be done. That is our mission, is it yours

Here's what we're about

YOUR TESTIMONIES: This is the part of Generation Christ where you can read inspiring and encouraging stories of how others came to know Christ as their Savior, and what the Lord has done in their lives. You can also send us your own testimony or praise report, if you don't mind having posted on the site... We love to hear from you.

FAVE VERSES: That's pretty self-explanitory. It's where you send us your favorite verses. The ones that encourage you in your everyday walk in life. And also the ones that keep your mind in line.

YOUR STORIES: Okay now this is where we will need your help. If you see something that you like... send it in, we'll read over it, and mostly likely post it online. If there's something that you've written that you'd like to share with others, sock it to us! We'll be sure to get back with you ASAP. Stories, poetry, lyrics... anything. Make sure that you give your name with everything you send in.

REVIEWS: This part of the site is to give you a summary of how good all that entertainment is. We NEED Help! Send us what you think about the latest Christian music, movies, and books on the market. And we'll be sure to thank you.

THE MISSION: This part of Generation Christ is dedicated completely to help you in your walk with Christ. To explain our duties as a sold-out Christian. To help us in understanding our Salvation, faith, and what we are called to do as a Servant of the Lord. Check it out, and if you have any questions just write us and we will definately get back to you, ASAP.

Send in anything you think could make this a cool site as we progress in the making of Generation Christ. Please check back frequently.

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  • Suggestions and Comments
  • Testimonies
  • Stories, Poetry, and Anything Else for Entertainment
  • Reviews on Books, Movies, or Music

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