Hey Anonymous01 Avast ye Need your help ? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm. To me it feels like... the same. As it always was. Hasn't changed? Good to hear, thanks :D Mk Hey Anonymous02 Hey Need your help with something nos Yas o rly? rly k Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Ohhh Well if it's anon... the LM community has alienated itself from the rest of the community, their elitist attitudes are exactly what is making the server go downhill. The admins don't follow guidelines for rules... more like they kick/ban depending on their mood. Thanks :D Hey Anonymous03 Yo Need your help Sup Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well NS is getting boring as a game. It's unbalanced and not fun to play That's it? Well LM is basically NS Haha It's just that some people had a lot to say about the admins :P I don't think the admins are the problem But thanks for your input! Without strict admins the server would be like Voogru or something. Everytime someone gets banned its obvious to see they deserved it. The complaints weren't about strictness, but rather about the admins being elitists and banning based on their moods. I don't think I've ever seen an unjust banning But I haven't been on the server for 4 months Hahahaha, I'm barking up the wrong tree here :P I dunno when I played it was fine Yeah, this is more about how it feels lately. There seems to be a lot of tension building up. Between admins and players, and also admins and admins. I dunno it's just a game I think people take it too seriously Thank god someone else sees it that way I mean LM is a pub not a clan match And shouldn't be played that way But I think the fact the game is unbalanced leads to alot of stress on people It's not just ingame. Lots of shit flying around because of stuff happening on IRC or the forums. shrug I never noticed anything in IRC And I only read Off Topic lol And the ban appeals Because they are funny Haha The only admin related thing I have to say is A lot of admins don't do anything And shouldn't be admins anymore Alright, well, thanks for everything :D np Some of the players/admins. A bit because of B5. Uranium. ebnar isn't worthy of being an admin. Breaks the rules all the time. Err... Vinnie does nothing for the community except piss it off. Talesin, don't get me started on that butt. Gray has been in LM for about a second and is already a community leader. HD was alright before he got his mic. Hell, I don't even want to talk to Uranium about his shit attitude. He is just all "Hey look at me, my opinion is the only one that matters, all the rest of you are pieces of shit compared to me. I am the law. question me and I'll just ban you because I can" Hey Anonymous05 Heya ^^ Need your help What's up? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Huh. I don't think it's you. Oh, this isn't about me personally. It's just in case someone THINKS I'm one of the causes and is afraid to say so because I'm asking :P Heh Hmm... tbh what's kind of been bothering me is how liberal LB is with kicking people from the server, randomly slaying ingame, etc But no one else really seems to care and it's not THAT big a deal to me. Er, and the IRC chan Other people have complained about that, actually As far as the server itself, I dunno... there just hasn't been a lot of good games lately I guess And it's not just stacking. Yeah, I know what you mean. It's B5, right? It seems like a lot less of the community is on at any given time. I don't think it's B5, but maybe? We could probably use some more map rotation maybe. LB doesn't want to change it while it's in beta And an influx of new regulars that are fun. LB doesn't even attend PTs, as far as i know :P So I dunno why he'd care. Alrighty, thanks :D Mostly I think we need to get the community to play together more. And get some new people that are fun to play with. Bring back reg night, sorta thing? More community together Maybe reg nights Yeah Also B6 will make things more interesting. Good to hear. I really think people will like the new stuff and the new maps So that should help too I hope so. Don't wanna see the server die. Oh Also As far as admins... it's kind of silly to see admins in chan that aren't ingame often. Or really do anything as far as ingame goes. Just a thought Appreciated, since you're not the first to mention it. k. ^^ I guess that's about it. That's plenty. PM? Yeah Need your help ? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. LM as a community Or LM as a server? Both. As a server, yes As a community of regs Absolutely not. Hey Anonymous07 Hey, I just woke up. Haha I need your help Hmm? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well, I haven't really been around much lately, but I keep an eye on the forums and on the channel every once in a while and everything seems fine to me... I've got no problems. Hell, I'm going to be playing my first game in months when I see people I know on. Okay then :D Thanks Welcome. Hello Mr. Anonymous08 ? Yus? Need your help With? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. TBH, I don't do a lot with LM these days. And I don't really know you that well. So I can't say. Oh, this isn't about me really That's just in case someone doesn't want to speak up because I'm the one asking I wasn't sure if you played much or not, since I'm not around as much as I used to. Well, like I said, I don't play on LM much. Yeah Thanks anyway :D The whole "SCRIPTING IS SATAN" thing turns me off. Hahaha Hey You want something? Yeah Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Oh You're definitely not one of the causes It seems like LM might be going downhill a little though Good god why do people keep thinking this is about me D: I just put that in there in case people were afraid to speak up since I was asking I just started playing NS again today after being gone for over a week So I might of missed things happening on the server itself Can you elaborate on the downhill part? I do know that some people who are just pubbers aren't a fan of LB But then, you're bound to have that happen everywhere Yeah It's that we get tons of pubbers on the server now Not as many regs play now So the games aren't as good And no matter what anyone says, NS isn't improving Yeah Less people keep playing But apparently B6 is gonna help Yeah But the only way to fix this problem is to get people excited But Flayra isn't doing that People want NS:Source They want info about NS2 Bleah Yup The interview that Flayra did helped though More stuff like that would improve the NS scene a lot Okay, well, thanks for your input :D Ph, and the little vet/pub/clanner debates have started to turn people away from pubs Notice how LM was mentioned in those type of things a lot Hmm? What's with the topic? Gotta talk to you, but it'll have to wait a minute, sorta busy right now. Gimme like 3 minutes. Okay You still there, Anonymous10? Yeah Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. * Anonymous10 thinks Well, LB's excessive use of his admin powers whenever he's on doesn't put on a very good impression, he comes across as some abusive admin to anyone who doesn't know him. Man a lot of people are bitching about that. First thing that came to my mind. The server rules kind of suck, the only good way to find out about them is to read the big thread in the forums. I suggested to JHunz that every player gets a psay listing stuff like FF is on, etc important stuff about 2 months ago... I think he forgot. Yes, if every player gets a psay 15 seconds after they join saying FF is on. Hopefully some changes'll be made once this thing is finished I don't think we would have the people not knowing Really, NO ONE except people who have played know FF is on. We could use some more admins, usually there is one on, but then there's the problem of one person making the decisions on things such as spawncamping, etc I disagree with that one. Why? What we need isn't more admins, it's better admins. Or active ones. List of active admins I can think of: LB(amazing, he plays NS) devnull, Archi, Grayduck, DHP, HD, ebnar A lot of the admins do seem to come accross as anti-clanner, true it's mostly because most of them share this thing I call the "clanner atitude", which is arrogance, disrespect, stuff. But, it would be nice if they were a bit nicer, and tried to explain what rules they were breaking, and why they aren't being banned because they're good at NS. Hmm, you're right, even I don't do that. If we could get some sort of good word in the clanner community that would be nice, but since we do things such as run blockscripts, no spawncamping and stuff, they don't seem to like that It would also be nice if the reasons for most of the clanners bans were a bit more public It might not work out, but perhaps that ban ticket system could be made public so everyone could see them? That has some problems though... Don't think that's gonna happen. But thanks a lot for all of this, you're one of the most informative people yet :D I mean, we do have a very few clanners who play on LM, but not too much. TheAdj and Civ play sometimes... is TheAdj banned, I think he might be... Nah He was unbanned. I think it was temp. Besides that I can't really think of any other problems. Thanks a bunch :D Hey Anonymous11 ? Got a minute ? Why? This Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hm I wouldnt' really say the server is going downhill, but I haven't been on it much 'cause I'm bored with Natural Selection If anything NS is going downhill Thanks Combat! Anything else? Any gripes about the server? Or the community. Not really, just about NS Okay, thanks! A bit late, but I'm here now. Hey, you still play on LM from time to time? Yeah Alrighty then, you can help. Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm I personally don't see any degradation. There are certainly things I don't like about LM, but they've been always present. Alrighty then, thanks :D No problem Hello LM has been doing pretty okay if you ask me. If anything, i think too many people are complaining about things that are extremely stupid. Yesss? Need your help Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. And before the question comes, I'm not doing this to get info about myself, I'm doing this to see what people don't like about the community. Oh Well, the forums have been getting quieter and nubbier. I haven't played in ages because the ratio of good to bad games has gone down. Yeah, that came up a lot so far. Not as much fun games, apparently. A bunch of good guys have either left or been banned (good being 'liked by Anonymous14') And the celebtity endorsement factor has gone down. Celebrity? The last MonsE sighting was in 2k3 Oooh Anything to say about the management? Haven't seen it in action lately Alrighty then, I guess that's about it. Thanks! Last i checked the 'ban first, ask questions later' method worked quite well because it wasn't too hard to set things straight. I haven't really had to be on the other end of the stick though. So I wouldn't know I think it works out well as long as the banned person isn't too pissed about it, and goes off on a raging tirade. Point Test Alrighty Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Oh cool you're in Montreal aren't you? Yeah Just noticed the hostname Hahaha I'm in ottawa :) We're neighbors! well, compared to how far away I am to most of the people in LM :P Anything about the server to say? Not really, I mostly just hang out in IRC right now My game system isnt available to play on so :/ Well, community in general. Not really Okay then :P Well If I could force the people I like to chat with to be on when I'm on That would be great ^_^ * Anonymous15 hates timezones I need your help with something What's that? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well The only real problem I see on the server now Is lack of teamwork People don't want to listen to their commanders anymore Ignorant people are the only thing ruining the game for me I have no problems with any of the admins Makes sense, I never really noticed but now that I think about it, yeah. The only one other tiny gripe Is the way spawn camping is defined I find that if we are in a hive building a PG And we are killing a skulk, building, killing another skulk etc People start to warn for spawn camping etc Yeah, big debate going on in the channel about that right now. Ah I see I'm just going to stay out of it But that's the only other thing that concerns me Spawn camping to me Is someone going in the hive And staying there with the obvious intention of camping If they aren't doing anything If they are even knifing the hive, I don't look at it as camping But thats all Right. Good luck. Thanks for the help :D np Yo Anonymous17 ? Need your help with something What's up? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Ah Mind if I eat my dinner really quick? No problem Fast food night, and not my turn to do the dishes, so I'll be back soon I'm not even halfway done so take your time Still have tons of people to contact I'm back Let's get crackin' If you're busy with other people I wouldn't want to interfere or anything Nope Don't worry about it Alrighty then You want my general opinion on the matter, or specifics? Or the former first, then explain it with the latter Former then explain Or whatever you want. Heh I just copy and paste the entire convo in a .txt file, for later editing. Well overall, there has been something about the community that isn't the same We don't seem to be as unified, as... much of a solid community anymore At first, everyone knew everyone and we chatted and had fun But it seems now, we're a bit more separated, a bit more distant Part of it comes from people not playing NS anymore Like myself, the game just isn't fun anymore, and I'm finding other games to play I can understand that The NS game itself is what got me and most everyone else into the community I would have quit NS a long time ago if it wasn't for the community Sometime back in 2.0 Another thing seems to be that we aren't getting in as many solid community members There are people that regular the server, but don't join the forums or chat in IRC People that reg on the server only don't have much of an impact on those of us that don't play, also So when someone that still plays talks about how cool someone from the server is We don't know who the person is, so we don't quite have the same feeling towards them This is all very true. overall, it is the deterioration of the game that is slowing the community down What about the management? There are a few personal things, some quirks that have kind of irked me also A bunch of people have complained about that so far. I never really had any problems with how LB decided on who to put in charge of what But recently, at least one person that is in charge, I really don't think should be Who? Well Honestly, I don't think Grayduck has the right kind of attitude to be in that kind of position She's quick to anger, offends easily at things One of the first nights she had admin, someone was joking with her A guy we'd all known, one of the server regs but not community regs He always jokes around and calls people things and whatnot Like me :P But when he called Grayduck something minor Yea She goes on about "Respect the admins" and such Right away Right Someone made a thread about spawncamping, the one where Gray was killed in a hive rush She was the first and only spawned skulk to die right away Yet she immediately jumped to "no spawncamping" If there's one thing I can't stand about people in game It's the fact that they take it as more than that: just a game If I get angry, if I dont like the way things are going I take a break People get all worked up over such a simple thing You're another one of the top people in this thing so far. Ah You've seen that I get along well with most everyone I don't even have any problems with Uranium, but everyone else seems to want him dead Personally, he's always been pretty cool with me Only problem with Uranium is that he demands respect of everyone, but treats everyone likes shit. Doesn't randomly abuse me in IRC, doesn't start getting pissed at me And believes that he's always right :P That's why people don't like him. But he's not that bad of a guy I've even been able to get away with taking jabs at him I think it depends on his mood. Always seems to have the same mood to me I haven't seen him around much lately because of WoW, anyway. but out of everyone I can think of off the top of my head GD is the only one I'm not completely keen on The forums seem to be building some tension TAK is trying to express his interest in a culture nobody else really cares about But instead of letting it go, everyone has to make some kind of snide remark or poke fun at it Fuck, you have no idea how much Vinnie and GD are on my back because of that stupid thread I made. Really? I didn't think it was bad Yes, apparently it was equivalent to raping his grandmother. I actually laughed at it You're able to joke about it without crossing the lines that "owned" and other things do Sure, the guy had a questionable lifestyle with questionable choices made But it doesn't warrant random flames and direct remarks like a number of them that were posted I've avoided the situation completely I'm not into that kind of culture, but I don't feel the need to go and bash it But there's this tension, it seems The kind of tension that you notice between people that have been around eachother too much Like a boyfriend and girlfriend who are starting to get on each other's nerves You don't see any direct fighting between them But there's just something there, you know they aren't happy with eachother Talesin I don't really care for either But he's like the omnipresent guy who you can't shake Everyone that's somehow connected to NS, any other channels People have a lot of respect and admiration for him because he's a big guy in NS But he's proven to be as immature as anyone else, to me Especially when he goes on his political rants Hahaha I had to leave the channel for a while one day because I just couldn't stand him He was going on and on and on and on and on... wouldn't stop at all You have no idea how interesting all this stuff I'm hearing from everyone is Heh I've been sitting here talking to people about the server for about 6 hours now I think you're one of the few that would actually get it out of everyone you've really been chatting with people about this for six hours? Yeah I tried playing some Diablo 2 with Lancer and had to alt-tab all the time because people PMed me Well I suppose that's all I've got on the community Thanks a lot Haha well, when I'm honest I lost a friend for being honest once But when someone really wants my honesty on something, I get it out there I'm really happy at the way everyone opened up Why am I PMing you? Because I need love Wait no I mean Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. I knew it I don't see it as going downhill so much At the same time I can see where people come from I personally find the sort of head hunt we just had to be repulsive We spent 20 minutes arguing over civ and spawncamping, with no proof on any side of it. Yar. I really see it as the community being pulled into the clan scene as well as trying to maintain the public status I'm not sure if the problem is the attitude on the part of the clan members or simply the reaction of those of us on the recieving end. I'm not really into the clan scene so I can't really comment on this I know we don't promote clans at all here, though Well most of the obs guys are ex LM regs and what not I don't see it a declining so much as changing I guess We are, in my opinion of course, playing fewer "quality" games Team work in the broader sense seems to be absent a lot of the time That's one thing that came up a lot with other people, too. It is frustrating to watch the aliens execute the fade will save us strat for the 4th straight time I'm not sure where the problem comes from. I see people leaving the community banned or not, particularly from those who play well and a lot. Yes, that's one thing the server is apparently known for. Good players get banned. Look at Squat's good bye thread in off topic He's not a really good player But he was solid, his only flaw was that he didn't post and IRC all the time I think I missed that I recognize the name from way back Basically "wtf? gtfo! who are you?" To be honest, it's not that I think we ban good players or drive them off, it's that we bann jackasses Yeah, that's the way I feel too. The problem being that we tend to get hissy when some ne beats us and look at every thing they do as wrong. But it comes off as us banning all the good players because most of them are jackasses :P Yeah, part of the problem is that the guys who are good have to make more effort Going back to esuna vs civ earlier, civ tried to knife a DC in the hive and then defended himself If it had been you or me, it wouldn't have been a problem cause we would have died Because he is civ, and can do it, he gets called for spawn camping The way I see the good players on my team who aren't ever in trouble play is They stick with the team until it gets near the hive and then they rambo off against RTs It's the only way they don't get the cat calls from the other team Of course it's great for me as the comm too To be honest, what we probably should go to is a no whining system No whining? Yeah Get people to deal with it outside the game, have the admins deal with it etc It's hard to track 6 marines, let alone 15 other players Oh Actually, you're NOT supposed to argue over rules in the game. So I say stop people complaining about stuff and let the admin who is speccing do his job That's the problem, though Some of the admins are totally oblivious. Well Someone will be ranting about something all game, then 10 minutes later they go "Wut wut?" Yeah but it's not usually that Mostly it's the omnipresnet bickering over the rules that bugs me He is spawn camping! OGM Always comes back to spawncamping That's the one rule we can't seem to get straight. Well it's the biggest one in my mind Where people complain But yeah I'll have to contemplate it a bit more but, I guess to sum up it's the player base affecting the way the admins call the game Thanks a lot for all this :D Hey Anonymous19 Hiya How's it goin' Good, you? Tired from shopping Haha Christmas? Yes the horror I need your help with something Certainly Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well I play at LM everyday I really don't have any complaints The only time I leave the server From being really annoyed Is when LN comes in and slays the entire team over and over I know it's his server so I normally wouldn't say anything I just leave Other than that It seems pretty normal around there Okay then! I see no decline :) Now I've got a question for you ? What happened to my little penguin? Oooh I miss it The icon plugin was removed until it's fixed Because random people would get the admin icon Yeah that was happening Okay ty :) Yep, so until JHunz stops being lazy and actually fixes it, no icons :P I could harass him It's worked before :) Haha, go for it, I want my squid back lol OK you've inspired me to play some NS Hurray! Thanks for your input! See ya later and thanks for asking I don't see any problems with the admins, just the reg players And the only problems I see with the reg players is I don't like some of them That's it But anyway, you got anything to say about LM? The community, the management? Not really, it's all good, only problem is not being to play due to the lag bug, but overall the community is excellent. Really good one, what do you mean my management? The admins. The rules. Yea except Ura... a little bit :P, but not much lol Hahaha Alright then Thanks! Hey, I was on LM, what's up? Finally, haha Been trying to reach you all night :D Need your help ? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Would you like a list of my personal gripes? Yeah, go for it. OK Don't have too many Mainly, I've noticed there's fewer regs on, I think. As a community, this server has the reputation it does because of our regs Namely, we have enough people who KNOW how to play the game, that we can overpower general smacktardness. Yeah But it's something that has a critical mass. If you get below whatever number that is, then blamo. Server goes down hill fast. Honestly, I haven't been looking at this much yet. It's alright, I'm just getting everyone's input. So any numbers I come up with are purely abstract. As to my personal pet peeves, I really only have one. And I dont' think it's going to change. My only real objection to this server is LB's tendency to ignore the rules that he creates. But while I object to it, it's also his server that he pays for, so it's up to me to live with it. To be honest, it's something that I have to be in the right mood for. If I am, then it's cool with me. As to why there's less regs on, I'd guess that WoW and HL2 have something to do with it. Decline of interest in NS, actually. I'm hoping on B6 changing that From what other people told me tonight. That may be I have felt a somewhat less competitiveness on the server, if that's the right way to say it. Like, it's lost it's edge. I seem to see less really GOOD people on lately, althoughIi could be exaggerating. You might be right, though. I think that one also operates on a critical mass function too, actually. Without good people to compete against, why would people with incredible aim come to play? To own nubs? Ehh. That gets old. Most people who are really good at this, got that way because they're really competitive. That's the problem, though We're not a competitive server If there's no level of competition, then why play there? Yes and no. Most of those people are in clans, and we don't exactly cater to those. I don't necessarily mean competitive in the clan sense. I mean it more loosely, in terms of skill. I'm not sure if that's clear. is it? Well, what I meant was, most of those people with skill ARE in clans. Yeah, most. I guess I can say it this way. I play FPS's to get personally better at something. I usually get bored playing games like MMORPG's because it's really easy to plateau out, comparatively. I played CS on 26.4k dialup for almost 2 years because of this. There was always something to get better at. Wow, okay, I see what you mean. You're the first person to actually explain this phenomenon well. I never understood it before because I'm not that kind of person. Ahh Now that you understand that, do you think that might be part of LM? I THINK it is, but I'm not sure. Lemme think about this. I think this may be true for some players Agreed LM is (or was) a good place to get better without being part of the clan scene Because of the level of players we have. Some people definitely don't play that way. Yea I think that's why we see (saw) people like a civilian and ebnar once in a while. Or Keyser and theAdj. It's also the friendly atmosphere, though. I remember Keyser said that's why he liked playing here. Even though people didn't really like him, it was still a friendly atmosphere. Definitely. It's not a purely competitive server. I guess you could say it's a mix of both worlds? Yeah As in everything, really :D Well, yeah I suppose the next question would be "Is it gone? If so, where has it gone? And can we, as a community, get it back?" It's not gone. Not yet. That's why I'm doing this thing tonight. Agreed. But it's starting to look like it's in the process of leaving. I've been thinking of solutions from all I've read tonight. Seriously though, I've been talking to people ever since I got home from work. 7 hours ago. I applaud you man. * Architeuthis shrugs It's been really interesting. I learned a lot. That's the sort of thing that makes this server a nice place to play. seriously. Well, you seem to have an open mind in the problem, and that's a huge part. Well SOMEONE has to have one. I started this thing because some of the admins pissed me off to no end. Someone has to have one to fix the problem, yes. There's no hard and fast rule that all problems get fixed though. Which is why I'm complimenting you. Anyway, back on topic, what sort of solutions have been suggested, if you don't mind my asking? Oh, nothing. It's solutions I'm considering Stuff I'm gonna propose to the other admins when I finish this whole thing. Once I've got a satisfactory number of people, I'm gonna edit the whole thing to make it anonymous. I see. And correct it, add capitalization, that sort of thing, so you can't tell from the style of writing who I was talking to. LB is already interested in seeing the results. Well, I hope so. That's one of the things that I like about him, is that he does try to make the server good. Yeah I had some complaints about him abusing his commands tonight, but I mentionned them and he immediately thought of cutting back He's not as hard-assed as people make him out to be. It's how he comes across At least in game Which is fine, though. He's a figure of authority. Yeah, and we do need something like that in a community. Well, I think I tend to have a more analytical mind than most, so if you ever want some feedback on something, I'd be happy to help. You've been a huge help already * Anonymous22 shrugs Anonymous23 You awake? Yar Hey Anonymous23 You got some time? For what Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. ogm it's the f-ing holidays Many many new things, ie games are coming out People will be playing them Not just that, Anonymous23. Once they get bored I mean as a community. They'll come back But hey, good enough for me! Oh sweet, Anonymous24 ? Yes? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Okay I do Frankly, I think you're helping making it better But I think the way its being handled overall, with the hate towards Clanners, and the general idea of "These are the rules, don't debate 'em" is bullshit. I'd rather have us slowly perfect the server, its rules, and the community overall, over time. The community used to be a lot better, but we're allowing asshats to be asshats, and good people with good intents but being frank about things are being silenced just because you don't want to deal with them. Anything else? Well, I think we need to be more serious on our current members, and those coming into the community, and stop being damned lazy. But thats it from what I can think of atm. I just hate the clan abuse the most D: Not the first one to mention it tonight. Who else? Oh and one more thing Banning Malibu Stacey was bullshit I was against it. Total, utter, undevised, bullshit. I mean, when I heard that, I practically logged off for the day. We're banning everyone thats trying to make the server better Hell, I'm the only one that's stayed around after getting in people's faces about it Yeah, you came close too. Eh, I can get banned for all I care #nspug has become a better environment than LM Haha And that's saying something I mean, I'd love to help the server up out of the gutter, but with the way it's being handled, that isn't happening That's why I'm doing this tonight. I want to know what the goddamn PLAYERS think. And I learned tons of stuff. Make sure you send me a PM or something when its assembled Sure thing. Gonna take a while And if there's anything you need to help, anything that risks banning, tell me, and I'll do it I'm sure, there's probably a ton I've done almost half of the people I wanted. Heh You think you're risking something, maybe? No way. LB asked what I was up to, he's looking forward to the results. Hmm Well, whenever I brought it up, many of the admins told me to shut up It was like they just didn't want to hear about it If anything, it'll put some admins in their damn places. May I ask who? GrayDuck and Vinnie, mainly. They've been on my back as of late. Dunno why. Well, I haven't seen Gray do much But Vinnie, I totally understand Most of this happens in the private admin channel and forum His attitude about it is like "I'm admin, I know how to do things", and he doesn't know shit Btw, use this, you've got me on another tangent Oh, don't worry Anonymous24, everything good is gonna get taken. But I remember at least twice, me and him have bumped heads, and he almost banned me Okay, I want to be sure I just paste the entire conversations. I'm gonna have to edit out the talk about random games out of some of them :P Heh, yeah But I remember this one game specifically I'm in the RR, talking to someone real quick, and Vinnie tells me to join the game And I say to him "Why? There are 12 in there" He said to take it to IRC. I told him this would take like 2 more minutes, and we'd be in Then, he kicks me. No warning of kick, just bam. I come back, tell him its bullshit, and he says that he's gotta keep up the rules somehow And the server wasn't full? Or the teams uneven? Neither. Yeah that was crap. I mean, if it was full, I TOTALLY understand Or uneven But it was just fine. Hell, it was like 20 minutes in Vinnie says he doesn't have grudges against anyone They really didn't need anybody to continue But he does. Pfft He had an agenda against Malibu He probably has one against you He hates my guts. Every chance he gets he hates me I agree, he's gotta hate MS He'll ban esuna the first chance he gets MS was one of the best players LM had Well, I'm not too happy now with esuna either, but me and him are at least personable about it... or have been. Oh, I understand about not getting along with esuna. But he is NOT hurting the server. Oh no, not at all Hell, he makes games pretty fun, I gotta admit His contribution to my little crusade here is fantastic. Like HD. A total hardass and jackass, but they make games fun Heh. I'll be sure to read every part of it Oh, that reminds me I'm kind of sore at LB ? He too has the idea that Vinnie has. I mean, I understand it's his server and all, but we can easily leave. Which basically makes him pay hundreds of dollars for nothing. He makes it sound like we need him. Rather, he needs us quite a bit He puts ALL of us on edge. His way or the highway, and before he got there, it was a good, carousing, fun time. Then he gets there, within 3 minutes kicks 2, bans 1, and NO ONE talks. I dunno I don't get that vibe. You'll see one text message once every 10 minutes. And being he's always on aliens, no one is on alien team speak but me. Makes for some funny situations, though True "FF is on, who's the goddamn nub biting me?" "Oh, it's LB, carry on." Oh, yeah That pisses me off that he doesn't try to watch. I got kicked several times because of accidental stuff, but he does it intentionally. No, I mean, he actually hunts me down to bite me on purpose That's my point He does that, and we get the stick for accidents I get the idea like "Jeez, hello Bill Clinton" Abusing his power like that So yes... LM eh? Going downhill you speak? I just hate how some RSERS quit. Because they think they are going to lose :( And I've noticed how you guys tend to stack. Usually forming a team against randoms. So anything else to say about the server? I've also noticed most of the regs not taking their time to chomp down the RTs. Just parasiting and running off to kill marines. Hey Anonymous26 'sup nigga Hi Anonymous26 SHUT UP ANONYMOUS THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU I'M MAKING IT ABOUT ME! Okay, anyway Anonymous26: Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmmm. I would say that it has taken somewhat of a decline. Or at least distanced itself from the rest of the community But that's because LB is a banhappy mofo I know several people who are too terrified to even talk when he joins the server I heard of that from someone else Never noticed it myself. Yeah - I haven't played with LB in a long time But every time he's on someone on #lm will tell a story about how he had just banned three people in under a minute What are we talking about, here, exactly? Justified bans or what? I'm not entirely sure - usually the bans are for something they said I guess Maybe awful attempts at jokes? Maybe evading the swear filter? Other than those things, the only thing bringing the community down is the fact that some of the cooler players don't play a lot anymore. But that really happens in the later days of any big release. Right. The server was fucking awful to play on before 3.0 Wait, what? No way D: Well, at that point everybody but me had downloaded the 3.0 beta :p Hahahaha, I didn't download it until about 2 months in I RULED the 2.0 LM server So it was me and probably 12 complete idiots who didn't even know the beta existed Hehehe Thems were the days :D Yes, those people thought I was the owner because I was the only admin showing up Haha I guess one could always say that the new players "bring the community down" But the game is growing, so it's bound to happen. Hey Anonymous27 'lo Need your help What with? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Actually, I think NS as a whole is going downhill It's getting filled with lots of elitist players who think they can play better than everyone else And we keep banning them, but because of that, we're losing regulars Malibu and Seth come to mind Yes. Seth had his chance, though. I was the one to ban him, but then he decided to make a half-assed PR thread. Yes, I'm not saying he shouldn't have been That pretty much made everyone decide on him staying banned. I'm just saying we're losing our good players Right. Someone else mentionned this. That LM wasn't going as well because we don't have as many good players. Well, it's that, and all the regs know who's good Like ebnar If the regs see him go to a team, that team gets stacked Same with rad4 I never noticed it with rad, but yeah, happens with ebnar Well, I guess rad only counts on marines Because he's such a good comm He's a nice guy. Yep But, of the people we have left, the only exceptional ones would be ebnar and adj if he's still around Adj is still around The ban was only temporary I think. And civ, but he doesn't play much civ played last night and got reamed on IRC for spawncamping Ah Hmm Perhaps the map rotation could be changed to tanith first? How would that help? The server does crash quite a bit Aaah, right. Tanith probably fills it better than any other map Hell, not a bad idea. LB won't add or remove maps from the rotation since it's still in beta, but I think switching them around is fine. Yeah Maybe put mineshaft and bast at the end :P Hahaha I imagine that B6 coming out will help All the old regs will come back for another go Yeah, other people mentionned that. Apparently B6 is gonna be a lot better. It'll fix it temporarily at least Ah, nevermind archi ? I know what the problem is Shotgun rushes Constantly And the LMers are good at it Aaah Remove shotguns from the server! Haha If only Nothing gets me pissed like a shotgun t=rush Except for maybe my inability to type :/ Maybe they should do half damage to hive Hmm But then again, I'm probably just pissed because I lost to one, AGAIN Hey Anonymous28 Anonymous28 you jerk, wake up! What do you want albino? :P NEed your help! Got your tentacle stuck some where it shouldn't be again? :P What's up? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. It has nothing to do with the LM community I don't think... I think it's more of just being frustrated with B5... Finding interests elsewhere... That and the server is the same ol' grind... same map cycle... doesn't change... much... pretty much all "stock" maps... Yeah, but LB doesn't want to change them while it's still in beta * Anonymous28 shrugs I think that's just silly Then there's nothing really "special" about LM... The community? The players? Just another server where rules are kinda strict and the map cycle is unchanging I was refering to more of the server Not to the community itself... and community = players :P Yeah :P I mean I dunno what kinda reputation that LM has but it seems that less and less new people are joining the server... I dunno if that's because the server is empty more often now or what When you join it's pretty much the same crowd :/ Most of the time And I think removing CO was a bad move on LB's part... since that's what jump starts the server... 1 or 2 regs will join then people will start to join... and before you know it the server is nearly full and you can move on to classic... Yeah, not the only one to say that Anonymous28. I mean 10 regs just dont join LM to play :P I figured... but I thought I'd one up the tally :P No problem, everything's good. Heya Good morning Need your help with something! How can I be of assistance fine sir Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well I personally haven't noticed a decline in TLM as of late However removal of combat... That happened just last night :P LB stated that he would not touch the mapcyle when NS is in beta Removing combat == fuxing with map cycle NS is still beta :( Yar The median time I get on the server is when attendance is declining / going to rapidly decline Man a lot of people are mentionning the map cycle NS_ isn't fun because I just go gorge and get a good res flow and lame the eff out of the map This is small game status As most of them are Hence why CO was good Right I really have no other massive grievances with TLM Other than LB disappearing into the land of RO for months at a time But I have little to no control over that Actually, he started playing more recently. Oh really I think that's why CO went away :P Since he doesn't like it. Hafhafhaf Best of luck with speaking up No worries, LB is already looking forward to this thing. Only good things can come from pointing out grievances Because people will figure out what was going wrong, and fix it Trust me, this is gonna DO something. If everyone communicated more and was chill with other people the world would be such a better place Excellent Oh the moral reason with being upset with CO removal is that LB stated he *would* *not* change the map cycle when it's beta But did so on cause he wanted to Well, he'll see the people's complaints when I get done with this. Kinda like the republicans passing the law that says if the speaker of the house is under indictment they must be removed This was in 93 And then in 2004 it applied to the republican speaker So they undid the law Gah Legal? yes Super shady Oh yeah That's about it You've been a big help, thanks Dan Ross was the guy who other republicans made the law to remove They voted against it when it applied to Tom Delay You can quote me on everything I've said for the record :) Oh, hey, what I'm doing with this is pasting the entire conversations of everyone. Then I'll remove the irrelevant stuff. And remove their names so it's all anonymous. Correct all the spelling stuff, add capitalization. Mainly so it's not obvious who it is by the style of writing. The other admins are gonna get to see EXACTLY what you guys say. That's a good plan MISTER ANONYMOUS30 Archi! Need your help Yeah? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Only thing I think going down hill is how everyone keeps bitching about the littlest things, I don't know if it was always like this, but when I joined it wasn't half this bad <3 <3 <3 <3 But you can save yourself from that if you don't talk Uranub, Malibu, and Ben :-D Actually it goes deeper than that A lot of the admins do it too. Really? THAT IS A HINT TO YOU GUYS WHEN YOU READ THIS What the fuck! LM is just for fun! Yep. That's what I want some of them to realize. We can make the server fun AND make people follow the rules. Yeah I know when I play it's only with regs Regs are there just to have fun And most don't bitch about anything Yeah But with pubbers, or "some" regs It's just not fun If you need any help with this archi Just ask Ill see what I can do You already helped. Hey Anonymous31 Hi Need your help with something k Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Only time I don't have fun on LM is when LB is on... Man, that's a popular opinion D: He's fine when he plays, but he always changes teams and teamslays when he's on the losing team That's teh suck Righto Anything else? Nope Okay, thanks! Well that was fast :D D: What? What was fast? Didn't you get my PM on the forums? Hm Haven't checked I sent it like 30 seconds ago Saying I needed to talk to you on IRC :P I see Ah, got it now So what was it? :o Need your help Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Aha I haven't been very active lately since I don't have a stable internet connection. I can only use internet in school and here, on my neighbours lan Ah, right. But I often think LM is way too serious <3 Hey Anonymous33 Yo Hey, need your help Sure, if i can. Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm, reasons why LM is going downhill.... Well, I don't think LM as such is going downhill, it's just NS in general is losing playerbase, especially with HL2 and all that. Perhaps my biggest beef with LM lately is the server performance, I get so much choke it's barely playable. Really? That's weird. But I think some other players get that too It's not a very widespread problem though Yeah, it may have gotten better since LB changed the rates, but I havent tested it enough to be sure. So that's it? Yeah I guess, although the infamous "vet bashing" isn't excactly helping. Yes Thanks for your help :D No prob Why do you keep PM-ing me >_> Because I need to talk to you, you nubtart! So talk! :P FINE Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Going downhill? O_o I hadn't noticed much change Okay then, thanks anyway! Hey Anonymous35 ^_^ hello Need your help! Oh no... O_o Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. I haven't even realized something like that... I wasn't much online the last few weeks... too busy Alrighty Any gripes? Hmmm... There isn't much that pisses me off about LM... maybe the dumbasses that are playing sometimes... but that's on every server I know... but not so recent on LM... that's why it is the only server I'm playing on... no stupid jokes about my gender... or my engrish... a almost... uhm... mature acting community... but... one thing I've realized is sometimes the lack of players on the server... hmmm The only thing... that really pisses me off about LM is the resslotkick :p but I'm used to it Haha, okay. So that's it? That's not much... but I think it's all I have to say about LM... Alright, thanks a lot! Hmm what's up? Hey Anonymous36 Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. LM is going downhill?? News to me A bunch of people think so, anyway. So you don't feel that way? Maybe there are more new people but it's still the best NS server Give scooter a slot kthx Working on it. Anything you think we could do to improve the server? I'd approve of blockscripts off Some clanners think putting blockscripts on sends the message that "OLLO GO AWAY CLANNERS" Ah, right. Though we do actually send that message directly I think D: Hehe Okay, well, thanks! np I thought this would be like "Anonymous36 we saw you hacking so you are now banned from LM" Hahahahahaha, nah They wouldn't send me to do that That would make it my entire clan except -anonymous- banned I think WAIT A MINUTE, THAT SOUNDS LIKE A CONFESSION TO ME Oh crap you have no proof! I've got demos! Damn! You're not in any of them, but they're demos nonetheless! lol "Check out THIS demo! Anonymous36's hacks are so powerful, he doesn't even show up on the server!" And the skulks magically fall down! Hahahaha I'm looking at the member list, looking for people to suggest for slots So far scooter and Kodiac What the fark, Necrosis doesn't have one ohhhh and SgtFury I'll see what I can do I'm going afk, but 1 last suggestion is all admins be less trigger happy on permabans Duly noted. Hey Anonymous37 Oh Hey Need your help What can I do for you? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Do I think LM is going downhill you mean? No not at all In fact I think LM is probably the only decent server I've found... honestly I don't think I'd play NS if it weren't for LM Every other server is full of pathetic nubs, asshats, TKers, or those jerks with their stupid numberspeak and impossible names that bitch you out to no end when you get killed by a skulk What exactly is meant by "going downhill" Community not as good, games not as good, stuff like that. What do you think would make the server better? Hm Well I don't care if it's just us 20 or so people that play here Hahahahaha, 20? Well it's 17 max right? You know what I mean Oh, you meant in a single game. The community I think is pretty damn great actually I thought you meant slotters as a whole. It sucks going into a whole new pub where you don't know anyone there at all But you come to LM and you already are familiar with everyone in the server And it's friendly to a new player, too People don't make fun of the guy who doesn't know how to build instead of welding the new pg (except me) :) Hahaha If people are upset that we don't get new players everyday, then I say that's perfectly fine with me I like the community we have and I dont think we're missing out on anything, based on what I've seen in the outside world Most of the games are fun... if we just had some more concrete way to stop the stack from time to time That's really my only complaint, and I'm part of it too Usually there will be 6 or so regulars, and naturally, they'll all want to play together so they can talk and whatnot Yeah Noone WANTS to be on the team apart from all their friends, but someone has too... it's not too big a complaint but it's really the only one I can think of What does God say about all this business? LB? Yeah He's looking forward to see the results of this thing Hm Do people think he is the reason less want to play here? It came up a lot so far Hm Well LB can be a bit of a hardass from time to time I obviously don't have too big a problem, seeing as I play in his server 12+hours daily Hahaha And he certainly has a right to enforce his rules however he wants in his house I think the problem is with people, they all expect LB to change his rules and his ways, etc. in what is for all intensive purposes his living room You wouldn't come over as a guest in his house and then whine that his "no feet on the couch rule" is lame and he should throw it out Aaah, I like that So you shouldn't do the same in his server Very well said. :) Most of us know that LB doesn't take lots of humor the right way, so the intelligent thing would be not to bother with it I don't see how you could be one of the causes, yourself... Well, I was expecting some people to say so. But apparently only other admins think I'm hurting the server. Unless you banned some clanner who threw a fit and said "you bant be because im so 1337 you n00b" How could you be hurting the server? Because they're acting like children. That's how. I say ban them The admins? If I were admin I'd swing my stick all the time No the dickweed clanner bastards I'm talking about the admins here. Oh I missed that because line Hm Well I don't know... most of the admins, in the times I've ran into them have been pretty okay Not ALL of them do, not most of them. Only admin who's given me trouble was Redford, but it was misunderstanding I kinda get the feeling he may be one of the ones you're talking about He said I hit the swear filter too often, that I was mean and rude in general, and I was "tip toeing the line" for a perma-ban I thought, "Gee thats great, how 'bout a hey Anonymous37 why don't you tone it down a bit, instead I get a hey you you're bant." No biggie Redford hasn't given me any problems, so no. But I see what you mean. That's the kind of behavior other players complained about. I wouldn't consider it a complaint But I do see where you're coming from, some of the admins will undoubtedly get that "Poh I'm the big man now, feel my wrath!" I'd put the blame for that on LB, when you choose admins shouldn't you make sure you choose people who won't get bigheaded about it? You can't really tell until after the fact. I guess not.. Then maybe some kind of "probational system" so that a new admin is watched his first few weeks or so See how he does, and if he does it right, then he's made admin for real That might work out, but it's sorta too late for now I guess so Or maybe some cleanup amongst the ranks is necessary That's been considered The big cleanup that was supposed to happen is still pending LB is just really busy I think I dont know, I'm kinda talking out my ass as I haven't really seen a problem Haha Oh that's the "community restructuration" thing Yeah Hm Well how many admins are there You, Vinnie, Red, Booj, and god himself Oh, hold on. We have 27. Sheet They must not pop in that often... Nah, a lot of them aren't even around the community at all. I see no reason for 27 admins But that's just the nub's eye view of things I think we could get by with maybe 6 And make it 6 people that are ALWAYS in the server so that, ideally, there would always be an admin around Is Bill admin? Nope And I forgot Hoots And Duck I would say that some of the deities that aren't around much could be sacked at least, and probably replaced with some regs But we could certainly do without 27 admins Like I said, 6 or so should be plenty No, 6 is not enough. And I'll bet I could name who I'd pick if I had to It's not possible to find good admins that can be around all the time. 10 at the most, right? That's why we have the admin signal. In game signal? No, on IRC You got !admin in the channel Every admin has it as a highlight with a loud sound No one ever wants to come IRC Have to minimize, connect, all that crap I have IRC running all the time And I see the admin signal often And then MAYBE one of them will come and help... many times they've been like ehh I'll come eventually If I'm around, I come straight away. Male is an admin? Yeah I dunno what's up with that, I think it's just on IRC Hm And I forgot about HD too Hmm yeah we have alot I still say too many 27 server admins, or are those just forum and IRC trolls They're server admins, but like I said, a lot of these guys don't ever come to the forums or IRC Or the server. They've just been gone forever. Well if they don't come to the server ever Why have them around Ask LB :P Obviously the server is the heart, so who cares if they're on IRC and forum all the time but not server No one really cares about an IRC admin... keeping the forum or IRC channel clean isn't that big a problem According to me anyhow I guess I'm talking out my ass again I really ought to stop that You're like Ace Ventura Pet Detective Yeah :D Man that guy is funny So you think he'll be replacing, adding new admins, or giving others the boot? Possibly. What do you think will happen to you? * Architeuthis shrugs * Anonymous37 pats archi on shoulder If things stay the way they are right now, I don't really care. Whatever happens Archi! We'll always be friends!!! You dont care... meaning if the asshats stay asshats? I don't really need uppity admins on my back because of unimportant shit. This is why I'm doing this right now. Sounds like there's more to this than youre telling I want them to stop acting retarded and tackle REAL problems. * Anonymous37 makes shifty eyes That and there are some who seem to be invincible to the rules... *cough civilian cough cough* Hahaha No joke Just because they're awesome they're immune to rules Like we'll be missing something if we don't have fantastic players come in the server And all those obs. dickheads... I hate making that generalization but most of them I've played with are jerks You're like, on the totally opposite side that what some people think. Just simple rudeness... there's no reason to cuss out another teammate for not building your TF or something like that People acting like they've never lost a game before... like anyone even gives a damn if they lose What do the others think then? Some people think LM isn't doing as well because we don't have as many good players as before. That's total bull How so? Back when kesper or whatever his name was? People like him? No, not Keyser. Well Personally, speaking from the point of a B+ player on a good day I say that the superawesome guys kinda ruin the fun I'm not talking about the borderline hackers It's just not fun getting killed by the same guy each and every time Oh who are you talking about? People like Malibu, Seth and TheAdj were mentionned. And obviously you can't ban them for being good But if we lose them... I don't think we've really lost anything I like all three of those... I played with adj just the other day But it can get frustrating and I've seen people leave when the good ones come in because they don't wanna spend their whole time getting shot And those three are some of the ones that are immune to the rules... Uh, what? Malibu = banned Seth = banned TheAjd was tempbanned. Right finally But they broke rules again and again And weren't banned for the major offenses They were banned when they rubbed LB the wrong way LB is free to do what he wants. Anonymous37, I was the one who banned Seth. Not seth and the three personally Ah, ok. If I had a beef with LB I'd not play or go somewhere else and tolerate the crappy servers Or make my own. My connection can handle 9 of us :) Stacey needed to be banned... he was an asshole Hm, I dunno. He's one of the ones that'll swear out a fade when he rushes 3 rines I liked Malibu. People just took him the wrong way. Just totally unnecessary I guess people probably could read me that same way if they didn't know me any better Redford did, anyhow I don't know... is LM not gonna be around then in the future? Time will tell. The server, I don't know. But the community is here for a long time. Well if the server leaves, who's gonna bother with the community Look at the community, Anonymous37. People who stopped playing NS are still active on the forums or the server. Yeah but it revolves around the game Err, IRC, not the server. This is more than just about NS at this point. Should it be? Of course. This isn't just a place to play NS. It's somewhere to meet up with friends. Right It's a group of wonderful people Blah blah blah we've all heard it... I could say it but I'll spare it Slotters get together and arrange meetings in other games. Hmmm Oh speaking of slotters, I wanna reccommend scooter for a slot I think you're the third one so far, hahaha Third Only third That's crap That's because not everyone took this opportunity to recommend people. Well Then I reccommend him 7 times So that makes ten Is that hint Archi? Okay I get it... back to the point No, it's not, haha I'm just saying, other people would probably recommend him. Good They ought to They just didn't see this talk with me as an opportunity to. How many have you talked to? You're number 37. Wowzer Well I say there's absolutely no problem with the community The ones that think there's a problem, are the problem Haha, alright. Why should the community have to change to fit the needs of a few? There's bound to be a community that they can like, so they can go be part of that one Don't change mine. I like mine. That make sense? It's a perfectly valid opinion. It's the correct one Anyone who disagrees is wrong Hahahaha Not kidding at all Is it over :( Well, anything else to say? Thanks for considering me as one of the ones to talk to Hey, no problem. Thanks for your input. I am flattered Just... flattered I'm going to go play now... rather go get slotkicked a few dozen times See ya around Later man :D I swear to god Archi it wasn't me! I have demos So don't even lie. Oh no D: So what is it Need your help Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Err ok I think LM is fine, but we have a bad name when it comes to vets I believe Yeah Definitely :P How about clearing the ban list Just this once When the ns.com boards go back up Of course just the general assholeness bans Not the cheating ones Thing is, ban list is HUGE. Well split it among admins And some regs I could do a tiny bit Hello? Yeah, sorry Got like 4 people messaging me suddenly I'll think about your idea, though. Ok Removing all the bans is out of the question, that's for sure. Mainly because every admin has to agree on a decision like that. Yeah not all the bans Not cheating ones The idea will be passed along, though. But it would be a good idea and I could help the ban list Starting monday Hahaha, okay :D Later Archi And delete those demos Thanks for your help Yeah np, anytime Hey Hi Need your help How can I serve you captain Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. No I love you I think NS is just getting stale I stopped playing about after beta 5 came out Think you'll pick it up again when B6 is out? Probably not It just depends on whenever I get a sudden urge to play again Which will be when I get bored of Halo 2 Which probably won't be for a long time Haha SQUIDDY! You sent me a PM sir? Yes! Hi! Need your help Shoot. Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm, well I haven't played there in a while... HL2 and stuff I think it's more NS is having a crisis then LM But if I had to start naming causes, I'd say U235. He's a jackass to everyone, turns a lot of people off... Still, that's not something that would cause the whole community to go downhill Hmm, alright. I think more than likely it's just that NS is losing appeal. Strategy is in a rut, and it's getting unfun basically. Yeah, a lot of people mentionned that. Why'd you want to talk to me about it? Because you're a player? And you're not inactive. I hang around the forums, I haven't played in months Doesn't matter, you still see the community. Forums, IRC, server, I want thoughts on 'em all. The management especially. I've got no big problems with most of the admins. U235 I've mentioned, Talesin just because of some of his actions in NS- discussion forums, but they do their job fine. HD, you, and the late-admin-Ness I think were my favorites. Thanks for your input! Thanks for asking for it. Hey Anonymous41 Got yer message ya matey. Excellent What's up Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. It's not really going downhill, but personally I think that the bickering among RS, admins, and such is beginning again. I don't really have too much of a problem with LM as much as the overly strict rules, and the different enforcements of said rules. That's all Alright, thank you :D Not a prob What I'm doing has nothing to do with the restructuring I'm doing this exactly for the reasons you stated. Pointless bickering. Oh really. Well, honestly, some of our admins need ot be a tad more mature. I fully agree :P And our community needs to state when someone may break the rule accidentally, but leave the rest to admins What do you need Archi :D Hey Anonymous42! Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm well I don't think its going downhill I just don't play as often because I am in the competitive scene And scrimming isn't on the LM :P But it's still my fav server Yeah :P Any gripes about the server? Things we could make better? The only problem I've had in a long time with it is all the little icon That was removed a while ago because of bugs with the plugin Buuuut it'll probably be back when it's fixed. Hello Archi Hey Anonymous43! Need your help With what? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. LM is going downhill? This is what some people say I want to know what you think Any opinion at all? :P Not really How about ideas to make the server better. What could we do to improve it? Make me an admin =P Actually, that would only make things worse Hahahaha Nothing I can really think of right now... the server seems to be going fairly well... You sent me a PM but I can't read it Yeah LM site is under repair? It says "PM me on IRC, wanna talk to you" :P OK then, here we are Need your help I'm all ears Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Hmm, I wouldn't say it's going downhill It just needs more advertisement, but since HL2 has been released and such, there is a load less on NS Reasons why people would come here less Hmm Some admins are abusive, not you though, you're alright, if we had a more "Cheater free" atmosphere, people would like it here Something to get the hype going, but it's not just LM overall NS in overall Think B6 will help? Hmm Not really We could use a more joyful and/or playful tuning Yeah Zero7 could leave XD Should make a private poll on that :P What's your pov My point of view? Something that a lot of other people have said so far. The admins and players bicker over little things, things that don't matter. They don't really tackle the big picture. There's too much infighting. Too many grudges. And frankly, we could do with more maturity and less seriousness. Agree with 90% of that Hey Hey Anonymous45 Need to talk to you Ok Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. You're too awesome to be the cause of anything going downhill man It's always fun when you're around That's only in there in case someone thinks I'm part of the problem But what I wanna know is, do you think the server's doing worse? Or is it the same. Anything we could do to improve it? It's changed I don't find it as much fun as it used to be What are some of the reasons other people have mentioned if any? Admins being immature, elitist and ban-happy. LB abusing his powers when he plays. NS getting stale. Bickering between admins and between players. Hmmm, hardcore... Do you agree with the reasons Some. Depends on the arguments people provide. Or rather do you think LM is going downhill or changed any? I do believe LM has changed from what it was a year ago. I hope a lot of it is just NS getting stale Well, people got me hopeful on B6 :) me too!! :D You needed to talk to me? Heya Yeah, need your help Sure Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Well I havn't really been here at LM for a long time. I'll just say what I've experienced while I was here. Well in my opinion I dont really think LM is going downhill. It seems to be fine. Maybe having another mod you guys host would be nice. But otherwise I think LM is fine the way it is The mod thing used to happen all the time. But LB killed the second box because of RL problems. RL? Real life you nub :P Oh lol Heh But yea it would be nice to see you guys playing other mods like Hostile-Intent Ew no :P We had Sven for a while, S&I, CS... CS Ugh am sick of that Rocket Crowbar. So why are some people saying LM is going down? The quality of the games isn't as high as what we used to have. People are being turned off by the admin abuse. The image the server has in the community isn't what it once was. Oh. "turned off" heh I think the administration is a little too harsh. I didn't expect the server rules to be so demanding when I first joined Yo A bit late, but I'm not done yet so what the hell Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. ...? You're not a cause, for sure Anything to say, though? About the server I mean. Or the community. Dunno... I don't see half the community on the server as often as I see other regs without slots Hey Anonymous48 Hm? Need your help with something Hm? Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. That guy with the squid icon is a pain in the ass. I can never remember his name ;) jk Hahahaha Too bad the icons were removed Mr. Smartypants! Well, map rotation isn't helping. Like... altair. The server just EMPTIES when altair comes around And it's hard to recover from that Yeah, but the maps won't be changed until NS is out of beta And now that combat is removed totally, it's hard to get a game started... two or three people come around, ns_ maps blow for that few people, and they leave before a good number can accumulate. Or they stay and goof off, people show up to a map that's been running 45 minutes, completely lamed up, and leave How did we manage without combat before? I know that's LB's policy, not changing the map selection until NS is out of beta, but... it's hurting the server Before it took a bunch of people in IRC going 'Let's go to LM' together But every time I've joined in the past couple days, it's been where there's 2v2 in a ns_ map, the whole map is lamed up, they're goofing off, and I get frustrated and leave Makes sense If it's not fun, no one's gonna bother staying. I know LB hates combat, but at least combat is playable with 4 people (well, kind of) Anyhow, that's my take on it. Thanks :D The way I see it, the server's not gonna die because a few people cracked a few jokes, the world will not end if one or two people are on the recieving end of a ribbing, but the server WILL end if "holier than thou" "SUPARADMINES" can't put a lid of their e-wangs for ten seconds to realise we're all human and pretty much all over 13 years old Personally, I support rules and the enforcing thereof, but what I don't support is some people's pretention that comes with being given an @. You're an op, you're a forum mod, you're a server admin, you're not god, how about you get down in the shit with the rest of us. You were all once lowly runts like us, and except for your server icon or forum member group, you're still the same person. I won't bite my tongue bcause you're an admin, I won't hold myself back because you have an @, and if you want to let loose at me, do it. You're in no position of power, just as I am no better than you, how about some of you take your thumbs out of your asses and realise that There's a good few admins that are really a fun bunch to be around, Archi, Niteowl, ABS, and so on, you're down to earth and nice guys to deal with, but there are a few of you who need to take a step down off of your high horses. You're acting like this is your "job," it's not. You're invited to do it in your spare time, you're not being paid, it's a hobby, ok? When I'm playing games, I don't want some little goddamn Hitler breathing down my neck ordering me to hold my tongue, no, I want someone who's down to earth to say "Hey, maybe you should tone down a bit." The human approach is 10x more effective than raping someone with the ban-ass-plug, and ontop of that, it generates like 10x the respect for that person. Respect is earned, just because you're an admin doesn't mean it grants you instant respect. Yes we, as the grunts and the playerbase for this server, need you admins around, we need you to keep the fucktards and assholes well away to not ruin our games, but we also need you to be human for once, treat us with the same respect you'd like to be treated yourself, and how about the next time you're acting like a little oppresive son-of-a-bitch, you think to yourself "hey, maybe I can resolve the situation and NOT further piss people off by just. being. human." email from Anonymous51: The server has garnered a poor reputation among some circles in the NS community. This poor reputation is largely undue, and I don't blame anybody here for it, although we do have some problems with targeting skilled players and driving them away. But the reality is that this reputation makes it hard for the community to grow. I think LM has changed a lot from what it used to be, and I think if more people gave it a shot nowadays they'd enjoy what it's become. But a lot of people don't because of what they may have heard. I'd like to see more quality players on LM. It seems like the community is losing people faster than it's gaining them. I saw that the [FAT] clan recently lifted a bunch of bans as an effort to attract more players. I've been playing there since then and have seen the effect it's had. The server saw a huge boost in activity. I'm not saying that all bans should be lifted on LM, but maybe we could do something along these lines to attract more players and help the community grow. I realize that this will attract some scrubs as well, but it will also attract upstanding players. And eventually the scrubs will get banned for breaking the rules and the quality players will stick around. There have been some other issues with the server lately, which is one of the centers of the community. It's often sparsely populated even during prime gaming hours. For some reason on a regular basis about half the players drop out after map changes. I'm not sure whether it's a steam issue, a NS bug issue, a LM server issue, or what, but it needs to be fixed. Games on LM all too often start out as a 3v3 and then gradually grow to a good size, only to have the same thing happen the next map. This makes for poor quality games. Perhaps as at least a partial remedy, the time before the game starts could be increased so that half the marines don't join dead. And to go further, the server could also auto-assign the players in the readyroom right before the game starts. Bast and Altair are still in the rotation, which also contributes to a lack of players and generally poor games. I can understand why one might want these maps on the server, but the problem is that these maps are seriously hurting the player count and annoying the people loyal enough to stick around and actually play through them. It's said that NS is still in "beta" so no changes will be made to the defaults. Well, it's been in beta for a couple of years and will be for the forseeable future, and the fact that NS is in "beta" hasn't prevented the addition of more significant changes such as lerklift. Just because it's in beta doesn't mean we can't make tweaks to it to improve the player experience until the distant time when game goes final. It's said We should learn to like the maps and that we only dislike them because we don't play them enough. Well, I don't play ns_ass2 or ns_siege007 very often, and I doubt playing them more often would make me like them more. I think some maps have serious gameplay flaws. We had these versions of Bast and Altair in the server for a long time. Maybe if people overwhelmingly don't like these maps we could take them out until the next versions of them come out. Maybe people will end up liking the next versions and the maps will be left in permanently. Oh, and one last minor thing on this topic. The switch to Combat doesn't work properly. It often stays on NS maps even with a player count lower than 9. It's easy to fill up a server when you've got just a few players on a combat map. But when you've got just a few players on a NS map, they will often all leave. And once you are down to 0 players on the server, it's going to stay at 0 players for a very long time. Also, the forums are relatively inactive. People just aren't posting. I don't know what could be done to make the forums more interesting. Although I did find it kind of funny that when the forums suddenly became interesting with that post about Forlorn. The thread was locked the same day and the forum went back to being boring =\ Now for number 52 and 53, who are banned players. Hey Keyser hello I need your input, despite you being banned. Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. Seeing as you're banned, you can give a different insight on the management. well i try to stay in good humour, but the only real problem i see with the server is U235 not necessarily regarding my situation, but altogether i see him as really hurting the community He doesn't even play NS anymore, though. i didn't think LM was necessarily based around NS It isn't, you're right. Geez, I've been telling that to other people, I'm dumb for not realizing it right now. heh did you ever see some of his posts on the ns.org forums? No, I never go there. Flames, I suppose? well yeah anybody who has a differing opinion gets flamed, thats pretty much why he got banned Here, lemme fish out what someone said about him Hell, I don't even want to talk to Uranium about his shit attitude. He is just all "Hey look at me, my opinion is the only one that matters, all the rest of you are pieces of shit compared to me. I am the law. question me and I'll just ban you because I can" Like that, right? sorry if i seem like i'm personally out to get him, but i see him as someone who is really holding LM back sounds about right You don't mind if I don't make your name anonymous when I post this thing, right? no i don't even play ns anymore :) Haha, really? nah my computer died shortly after i was banned and i kinda fell out from the clan scene college eats up most my time anyways Ah, right. Hey Malibu sup I know you're banned and all But I'd still like your input Apparently, more than one person thinks LM is going downhill, so I'm going around asking people if they think so and why. Feel free to mention me if you think I'm one of the causes. I'm gonna compile a big anonymous list of what everyone said. no you're not one of the causes What ARE the causes though, that's what I want to know. I'm not trying to get data on myself, I want to know what people don't like about the server. And considering you were banned, I'm sure you have a lot to say about the management. I got banned for saying something in #ns not #lm that speaks volumes about the management What'd you say? hang on let me find it http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dj_sanders/files/lbrules.txt basically if every admin was more like Grayduck & Holy Devil there would be a lot more people on the server LB empties his own server guys like Vinnie & U235 don't help the situation Hmm Lots of people I've talked to complained about LB I've seen people banned for killing LB 3 or 4 times in a row (not spawncamping) Some about Vinnie and Uranium And a few about GrayDuck. its almost as if skill is banned Redfords comments when he saw civilian joined exigent ? Some snide comment about clans, I guess? [04:30] * Joins: [exi]-civilian (~a_civilia@ [04:31] civ has joined exigent. No suprise there. Bleah. just keeps reinforcing the sterotype that the LM admins & community keep trying to deny exists LB doesn't deny it, that's for sure. btw this decline has been happening well before I got banned Oh, I know Malibu. tbh I only stuck around because of Grayduck, fatty, Bob, Nite etc the problem with LM is attitude and more specifically LB yes he pays for the server but unless he wants to pay for a server which is 0/17 24 hours a day he needs to stop acting like a spoiled little kid in his backyard all the time if he learns how to play with the other kids & figure out that if he keeps throwing tantrums no one will want to play with him then you'll be about 90% of the way to fixing all the problems with LM when I started playing on LM I took my fair share of snide comments from the regs & admins just for having a vet icon D: but I stuck around because of people like Bijiy & Grayduck & Bob who wanted me on their team even though I got kicked every 5 minutes there was a good community back then but in those 3 months its deteriorated rather rapidly mostly due to the attitudes of a minority of admins & regs I want to fix that, that's why I've spent the last two days talking to people. plus the drama that almost needs to be associated with anyone with either a clan tag or a vet icon (see what happens to people like me & Keyser who have both to name but a few) also the number of people who never actually play on the server but stick around & are practically "yes men" for LB & other admins outnumbers the number of people who actually play the game I thought the whole point of a server community was to play the game but it doesn't seem to appear so in LM Well, LM isn't just about NS anymore. I don't count guys like Vinnie or Redford in that, they do a useful job when they spec on the server however some of the rules need to be addressed in that department too I've seen admins spec when there's like Snark, HD, Grayduck & Bob all playing on the teams Yes, I know. That pisses me off too. what purpose does that serve other than to take up a slot & get someone like me slotkicked even quicker I can understand speccing with no other admins on the server But when there's plenty, you don't need to go spec. seriously LM has the reputation of "we ban good players" not just clanners that is the main problem You're not the only one to bring that up what you'll find is that people trying to refute that will say "oh thats just the clanners we've banned & their friends saying that" seriously its not just the clan players theres plenty of people in IRC & on other servers who feel the same way You don't mind if I don't make you anonymous when I post this, right? Would be sorta pointless anyway. yeah I don't mind its good to see someone actually doing something about it :P LM had a great community but let it go to waste I can't even read the normal forums without logging out though LB banned my account from even seeing the forum list Yikes I reckon I'm about done can't think of anything else really Alright, thanks :D no trouble And finally, a message from esuna! LB reswhores too much. STOP GOING ONOS! XD Hahahahaha I'll put that at the end :D every. single. game. without fail I've seen him go gorge liar you take that back No really! But maybe he hit the wrong key?