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The midi you are listening to is WHERE CORN DON'T GROW by Travis Tritt

Did you ever see a sunset stretch across the starry skies and wish those wondrous colors were reflected in my eyes?

did you ever wonder about this, when the night came closing in, if that same moon you're looking at was shining on your friend?

did you ever stop and think, no matter where you are, i just might be gazing at that self-same star?

do you know that gentle breeze that cools your fevered brow, could be dancing in my hair or touching me somehow?

and if i sent a kiss to you, carried on the wind, it might reach you, take one too, and bring it back again.

and if you see a shooting star across the heavens glide, my mouth might form and "oh how grand" as if standing by your side.

so when you close your eyes tonight, and the darkness does descend, that same night wraps around me, too, until i wake again.

that morning sunrise that you see, so glorious and pink, my eyes are looking at it, too, it makes me stop and think, no matter what the distance, it matters not how far, we can always find each other in the morning star.

baby...i love you

when i need to hold you close and the miles keep us apart i shut my eyes and dream of you and find you in my heart.

Author unknown to me

Sent To Me by StacyLynn

Beckoning Siren (poem)

Her hand gently beckons you, She calls out your name... But those who follow her - Are never the same... And she chants..... "Come and lay by my side - whisper to me your dreams Take a moment to see - what we can really be.... We'll share the tales of loneliness.. We will share tales of life -We'll bask in the sunlight - We will dance to the fife...We'll sway to the melody - We will twirl with the light Waltz through our deep thoughts - Embrace me tightly through the night... Close your dear sweet one.... Surrender to me - Open up your mind - Experience with me - a wild fantasy..... Listen to sounds of my heart - Hear the sounds of my mind - Come walk with me here - Let me show you all around - Let's see what we'll find."

(You gather your strength - you summon your pride - But your heart is wrenching - you want it to subside...)

"Come and lay by my side - Whisper to me your dreams - Take a moment to see - What we can really be... Partake of this treasured gift - Lyrical musings of my love... Drink from the stream of new life - Lift your soul up above - Gather and gain wisdom - Fill your heart with such wonderful love... Sweet words I whisper - Sweet love that I bring - Open up your heart - Hear me as I continually sing..."

(You succumb to her presence-

you succumb to your need - This siren of song you want to take heed-)

"Come and lay by my side-whisper to me of your dreams- Take a moment to see - what we can really be... Draw near and reach out - Follow your aching heart Let go of your pain...You can make a new start"

Drifting...falling...flying...Drifting...falling... flying - Drifting...falling...flying... Drifting...falling...flying...Drifting...falling... flying - Drifting...falling...flying

"Come and lay by my side-whisper to me of your dreams- Take a moment to see-what we can really be-- We'll smile and act foolishly... We'll laugh at our plight- Come touch me-dear, sweet one- Relinquist your fears-Smell the fragrance of me- Soar off to such heights of spun ecstacy... Fall into my veil-Drink this nectarous sight... Show me love with your touch... Enjoy this starved hunger... Lull me into delight..."

(You yield to your heart-you yield to your pain- This siren of song brings you out of the rain)

"We'll sway to the melody- We will twirl with the light- Waltz through our deep thoughts - Embrace all through the night... Close your dear, sweet one... Surrender to me... Open up your sweet mind- Enjoy a wild fantasy."

Drifting...falling...flying...Drifting...falling flying...Drifting...falling...flying...Drifting ...falling...flying...

"Listen to the sounds of my heart - Hear the sounds of my mind- Come walk with me here- Let's see what we find... Come lay by my side... whisper to me of your dreams... Take a moment to see- What we really can be... Sweet words I whisper - Sweet love that I bring - Open up your aching heart - Hear me as I continually sing... Close your eyes-my dear, sweet one Surrender to me- Open up your sweet mind Enjoy a wild fantasy."

Her hand beckons to you, She calls out your name... But those who follow her - Are just never the same..

Her hand beckons to you, She calls out your name... But those who follow her - Are just never the same..


This was sent to me by Libby Frost. Thank You!

The Following Poems Are Written By A Friend Of Mine Ron Laufman


Here I am once again,

Thinking of you like I always am.

As my mind goes around and around,

Knowing in my heart is where you'll be found

And as the days come and go,

I know my heart will never let go.

Because their you are forever to stay,

Just becouse I like it that way.

Yes my darling yes my dear,

Forever is how long I'll be here.

And if by chance you could be here,

My eyes could finally shed their tears.

Hopefully our hearts will one day be,

Locked as one for all eternity.

And if one day you need me,

Don't be afraid just call on me.

Because in my heart is where you'll be,

Hopping one day you will need me.

And this is what I need to say,

And im hopping it does'nt scare you away.

I have fallen head over heel's,

And what I feel is oh so real.

You are the only one for me,

And that is easy for me to see.

Oh my darling if you could see,

Just what is happening to me.

Oh how I wish for it to be,

Forever my love

Just you and me.



Hello my darling how are you,

Wishing I could just hold you.

It will come one special day,

When we become joined as one.

And on that day that we become one,

Let it be known to everyone.

That we are forever to be joined as one.

Wanting you here wanting you near,

Believing my heart it may be near.

Oh my darling oh my sweet,

You have a magical hold on me.

The silk that you have is the web that you weave,

And it is to be forever rapped around me.

Oh my darling what have you done.

You have my heart in a

Stun Stun Stun.

That's ok that's alright,

For we are to be forever

Joined as one.

Ron Laufman

That One Special Thing

Why do our hearts feel this way,

Just because of the things we say.

Everyone's heart is really the same,

In search of that one special thing.

Even though our minds don't know,

Just follow your heart it always know's.

As our hearts lead the way,

Our minds are really afraid.

But to me you'll always be,

The one and only one for me.

The love that is inside of me,

Want's to feel you all around me.

My love is here and here it will stay,

So don't ever let it scare you away.

Oh my darling I wish you could see

That you really are,

That One Special Thing.

Ron Laufman


Here I sit thinking of you.

Wondering why im drawn to you.

And if I could wish upon a star.

It would be forever you and I.

As we walk along the beach.

Holding your hands as our lips meet.

And if you could be here with me.

I could see it to be for all eternity.

And if one day we shall meet.

Then it will be forever you and I.

And on the day that we first spoke.

It is to be forever my lucky day.

And if it's ment for us to be.

Not to worry darling it will be.

Just let me say between you and I.

On one beautiful day it will be,

Forever you and I

And if I could hold you oh so close.

I could'nt find it in my heart to ever let go.

For it's ment to be forever you and I.

Oh my darling I can see.

For it to be forever you and I.

Ron Laufman

You, A Love I Hold Close

In the morning, when I wake up, I start to think of you.

When I lay in bed alone, I wish I was laying next to you.

During the day when I’m with my friends,

I wish it was you I was with, no offense to them.

You have filled a hole that was poorly kept and

lightened my life with your charm.

I wish you were here to give you a hug and feel

you in my arms.

I look back on those nights with a childish grin,

I never realized that by just talking our friendship would begin.

Even though you are far away, I hold you in my heart.

No distance nor death will ever keep us apart.

Written By Kim Timbrook. Thanks for everything Kim.

"Beauty of a Woman"

The beauty of a woman

Is not in the clothes she wears,

The figure that she carries,

Or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,

Because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman

is not in a facial mole,

But true beauty in a woman

Is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives,

The passion that she shows,

And the beauty of a woman

With passing years-only grows!

Author Unknown To ME. This was sent courtesy of Melanie Graham.

Love of yourself

is where you must start

You must love yourself

within your own heart

Love is a treasure

that's worthless when hidden

For love has no value

until it is given

Loving and liking

are two different things

You feel good when you like

but with love your heart sings

Between lusting and loving

there should be no mistake

In loving you give,

in lusting you take.

Love is not something

you withhold out of spite

Don't use it as ammo

when you argue or fight

Love's not a contest

or some kind of game

It need not be equal,

nor always the same.

Love's not a fire

that consumes as it burns

It's a path filled with life

as it twists and it turns.

Love is alive,

like a plant it needs care.

Neglect it, it withers

its branches laid bare.

Love's spark cannot travel

through connections amiss

You renew each of these

when you hug and you kiss.

Someone can love you

and never give a sign.

Be fair with your friends

treat them gentle and kind.

Written by B. W. Behling


Red roses were her favorites,

her name was also Rose.

And every year her husband sent them,

tied with pretty bows.

The year he died, the roses

were delivered to her door.

The card said, "Be my Valentine,"

like all the years before.

Each year he sent her roses,

and the note would always say,

"I love you even more this year,

than last year on this day."

"My love for you will always grow,

with every passing year."

She knew this was the last time

that the roses would appear.

She thought, he ordered roses

in advance before this day.

Her loving husband did not know,

that he would pass away.

He always liked to do things early,

way before the time.

Then, if he got too busy,

everything would work out fine.

She trimmed the stems,

and placed them in a very special vase.

Then, sat the vase beside the portrait

of his smiling face.

She would sit for hours,

in her husband's favorite chair.

While staring at his picture,

and the roses sitting there.

A year went by, and it was hard

to live without her mate.

With loneliness and solitude,

that had become her fate.

Then, the very hour,

as on Valentines before,

the doorbell rang, and there were

roses, sitting by her door.

She brought the roses in, and

then just looked at them in shock.

Then went to get the telephone,

to call the florist shop.

The owner answered, and she

asked him, if he would explain,

Why would someone do this to her,

causing her such pain?

"I know your husband passed away,

more than a year ago,"

the owner said, "I knew you'd call,

and you would want to know."

"The flowers you received today,

were paid for in advance."

"Your husband always planned ahead,

he left nothing to chance."

"There is a standing order,

that I have on file down here,

and he has paid, well in advance,

you'll get them every year.

There also is another thing,

that I think you should know,

he wrote a special little card...

he did this years ago".

"Then, should ever, I find out

that he's no longer here,

that's the card...that should be sent,

to you the following year."

She thanked him and hung up the phone,

her tears now flowing hard.

Her fingers shaking, as she slowly

reached to get the card."

Inside the card, she saw

that he had written her a note.

Then, as she stared in total silence,

this is what he wrote.

"Hello my love, I know it's been

a year since I've been gone,

I hope it hasn't been too hard

for you to overcome."

"I know it must be lonely,

and the pain is very real.

For if it was the other way,

I know how I would feel.

The love we shared made

everything so beautiful in life.

I loved you more than words can say,

you were the perfect wife."

"You were my friend and lover,

you fulfilled my every need.

I know it's only been a year,

but please try not to grieve.

I want you to be happy,

even when you shed your tears.

That is why the roses

will be sent to you for years."

"When you get these roses,

think of all the happiness,

that we had together,

and how both of us were blessed.

I have always loved you

and I know I always will.

But, my love, you must go on,

you have some living still."

"Please...try to find happiness,

while living out your days.

I know it is not easy,

but I hope you find some ways.

The roses will come every year,

and they will only stop,

when your door's not answered,

when the florist stops to knock."

"He will come five times that day,

in case you have gone out.

But after his last visit,

he will know without a doubt.

He will take the roses to the place,

where I've instructed him,

and place the roses where

we are, together once again.

Author Unknown

I'm Spending Christmas With Jesus This Year

I saw the countless Christmas trees

Aroung the world below

With tiny lights, like heaven's starts

Reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular

Please wipe away that tear

For I'm spending Christmas

With Jesus Christ this year

I hear the many Christmas songs

That people hold so dear

But the sound of music can't compare

With the Christmas choir up here

For I have no words to tell you

The joy their voices bring

For it is beyond description

To hear as angels sing

I know how much you miss me

I see the pain inside your heart

But rejoice in my reunion

With those with whom I've been apart

Just know that I too, miss you

And keep your memories dear

I'll be spending Christmas

With Jesus Christ this year

I can't tell you of the splendor

Or the peace here in this place

Can you just imagine Christmas

With our Savior, face to face?

I'll ask him to light your spirit

As I tell Him of your love

So then pray for one another

As you lift your eyes above

So please let your hearts be joyful

And let your spirit sing

For I am spending Christmas in Heaven

And I'm walking with the King!

Author unknown to me

This poem was in my local newspaper under the picture of 2 beautiful children who lost their lives. Brandon and Christy Stancil died December 3,1995 and have spent 4 glorious years with God the Father! Peace be with their family this Christmas season.

This letter to Santa was heart touching I had to include it on my web page


Snowflakes softly falling

Upon your window they play

Your blankets snug around you,

Into sleep you drift away.

I bend to gently kiss you,

when I see that on the floor

there's a letter, neatly written

I wonder who it's for.

I quietly unfold it

making sure you're still asleep,

It's a Christmas list for Santa

one my heart will always keep.

It started just as always

with the toys seen on TV,

A new watch for your father

and a winter coat for me.

But as my eyes read on

I could see that deep inside

there were many things you wished for

that your loving heart would hide.

You asked if you friend Molly

could have another Dad;

It seems her father hits her

and it makes you very sad.

Then you asked dear Santa

if the neighbors down the street

Could find a job, that he might have

some food, and clothes, and heat.

You saw a family on the news

whose house had blown away,

"Dear Santa, send them just one thing,

a place where they can stay."

"And Santa, those four cookies that

I left you for a treat,

Could you take them to the children

who have nothing else to eat."

"Do you know that little bear I have

the one I love so dear?

I'm leaving it for you to take

to Africa this year".

"And as you fly your reindeer

on this night of Jesus' birth,

Could your magic bring to everyone

goodwill and peace on earth".

"There's one last thing before you go,

so grateful I would be,

If you'd smile at Baby Jesus

in the manger by our tree."

I pulled the letter close to me'

I felt it melt my heart.

Those tiny hands had written

what no other could impart.

"And a little child shall lead them,"

was whispered in my ear

As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve

while Santa Claus was here.

Here's another heart tugging story

There was an atheist couple who had a child.

The couple never told their daughter

anything about the Lord. One

night when the little girl

was 5 years old, the

parents fought with each other, the

father shot his wife then

shot himself. The little girl watched it all.

She was sent to a foster

home after the death of her parents.

The foster mother was a Christian

and took the child to church.

On the first day of Sunday School,

the foster mother told the teacher that the

girl had never heard of Jesus, and to have

patience with her. The teacher held up a

picture of Jesus and said, "Does anyone know

who this is?" The little girl said, "I do; that's

the man who was holding me the night my parents died.

I've learned....

that the best classroom in the world

is at the feet of an elderly person.

I've learned....

that when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned....

that just one person saying to me,

"You've made my day!" makes my day.

I've learned....

that I feel better about myself when

I make others feel better about themselves.

I've learned....

that having a child fall asleep in your

arms is one of the most peaceful

feelings in the world.

I've learned....

that what we have done for ourselves

alone dies with us. What we have done

for others and the world remains and

is immortal.

I've learned....

that one sincere apology is worth more

than all the roses money can buy.

I've learned....

that words harshly spoken are as difficult

to retrieve as feathers in a gale.

I've learned....

that being kind is more important than

being right.

I've learned....

that you should never say no to a

gift from a child.

I've learned....

that I can always pray for someone when

I don't have the strength to help him

in some other way.

I've learned....

that no matter how serious your life

requires you to be, everyone needs a

friend to act goofy with.

I've learned....

that sometimes all a person needs is a

hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned....

that simple walks with my father around

the block on summer nights when I was

a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I've learned....

that life is like a roll of toilet paper.

The closer it gets to the end, the

faster it goes.

I've learned....

that we should be glad God doesn't

give us everything we ask for.

I've learned....

that money doesn't buy class.

I've learned....

that it's those small daily happenings

that make life so spectacular.

I've learned....

that once a relationship is over,

if you experienced more smiles than

tears, then it wasn't a waste of time.

I've learned....

that under everyone's hard shell is

someone who wants to be appreciated

and loved.

I've learned....

never to humiliate another person.

Always give him an honorable way to

back down or out of something and

still save face.

I've learned....

that the Lord didn't do it all in one

day. What makes me think I can?

I've learned....

that if you are still talking about

what you did yesterday, you haven't

done much today.

I've learned....

that to ignore the facts does not

change the facts.

I've learned....

that when you plan to get even with

someone, you are only letting that

person continue to hurt you.

I've learned....

that it is best to give advice in only

two circumstances; when it is requested

and when it is a life-threatening


I've learned....

that a good friend is the one who tells

you how you really look in your jeans.

I've learned....

that the less time I have to work with,

the more things I get done.

Author Unknown

I never thought much about the future. My life so full of pain and sorrow. I could barely face today. Let alone went tomorrow had in stow. Then one night I saw you standing alone. It was like an answer to a prayer. You looked over into my eyes and smiled, And in your face I saw that my future was there. You stepped into my world, And with kindness and love my sun began to shine. I knew that you were real, And that you would always be mine. Now my life is a joyful song. The love we share has great strengh and power. With you by my side, I will always look forward to tomorrow. DW Rex

What will it be like? To hold you in my arms. To touch my lips to yours and, Set my feelings free. To excape to another world, To experience the satisfaction We will give to one another. What will it be like? To settle my curiosity about you. The anticipation is over welming. To be with you for only a few moments That will belong to only us. What will it be like? To hold the memory of you In my heart the rest of my life. Knowing it may never happen again. Just once our two souls meeting, To make a memory that will last forever. What will it be like? Just once!

What is love? Is it the look in your eye, Or the tone in your voice? Can you see love, Or can you only feel love? Does love come from your heart, Or does love come from your mind? Do you need love all the time, Or do you only need love sometimes? Can love be held, Or can it only be sensed? Is love the birth of a new baby, Or is love the company of an old friend? Does everyone have love, Or does only special people have it? Is love in those that care, Or is love in those that hate? Is there any love in the world, or is love just a myth from the past? DW Rex

Love Love- Cannot be found, or can it? When you least expect it, When we are not ready for it. It is there, challenging us to look at ourselves And to take one more chance. Love- A mixture of passion and confussion. So great are the feelings, That we are afraid to touch. To make the one move that will fill Our souls to the limit. Love- Can be very fleeting. It may offer itself only once, or many times. Should we take it when it comes, To hold for only a short time And remember forever. Love- Take it, hold it, and enjoy it while it last. And when you grow old, remeber it and cheerish it. DW Rex