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Emperor Tewodros II Ethiopic Library

Welcome to the Emperor Tewodros II Ethiopic Library (Formerly Ethiopian Millennium Page). These collections of rare books on Ethiopia was inspired indirectly by an incident that took place in 1868 in the small town of Magdala, Ethiopia. The British had liberated their citizens who had been confined on the plateux as prisoners, the Emperor Tewodros had commited suicide and the treasures and library looted by General Robert Napier and his drunk soldiers. Tewodros had, for the first time in Ethiopia, collected and established the library for the people of Ethiopia. Among the looted illuminated manuscripts, presently in the British Castles and museums, were the Kebre Negest and hundreds of historically important books. I inquired in writing to the British Home Minister in 1970 about the status of these Brana (vellum) books and I received a crude reply from an assistant that such books in fact are in the Paris Museum. I therefore realized the urgency to purchase and establish rare books on Ethiopia that had been published worldwide in the West and put them to good use for Ethiopians and Friends of Ethiopians. This, by no means, will spiritually and physically heal the wounds inflicted on Emperor Tewodros' great and priceless Library on April 13th 1868. The Emperor Tewodros II Ethiopic Library (ETEL), therefore, may be an excellent resource for understanding the history and culture of the Ethiopian people. It may also have information which may benefit Ethiopia and her people in the areas of Environment, Education, Health and Business. This site has been dedicated not only to Emperor Tewodros but also to the young students and generous supporters of Felegebirhan Elementary School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia because of the zeal they have for books. Visit them at their web site

Ex Libris Basliel Wolde Gabriel, MS, PhD

1. The Stolen Desert; MacDonald, London Earl of Lytton, 1966

2. The Somali Dispute; Pall Mall Press Ltd., London John Drysdale 1964

3. Boundary Question Betw Ethiopia and Somalia; People's Pub. House, N. Delhi S. Piere Petrides 1983

4. Anno XIIII The Conquest of an Empire; The Cresset Press Ltd., London Emilio De Bono 1937

5. The Land of Prester John; Alfred A. Knopf Pub., NY Elaine Sanceau 1944

6. The Ethiopian War; Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago Angelo Del Boca 1969

7. Ethiopia- The Modernization of Autocracy; Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca Robert L. Hess 1970

8. The Golden Legend of Ethiopia; D. Appleton-Century Co. Inc., NY Post Wheeler 1936

9. Ethiopia's Campaign Against Famine; Harney and Jones Ltd., London John Clarke ?

10. Measuring Ethiopia and Flight into Arabia; Little Brown & Company, Boston Carleton S. Coon 1935

11. A History of Ethiopia; Clarendon and Oxford Univ. Press, London A. Jones, E. Monroe 1966

12. Ethiopia and Haile Selassie; Facts on File Inc., London Peter Schwab 1972

13. A Cure for Serpents; Andre Deutsch Ltd., London Alberto D. Di Pirajno 1956

14. The Last of Free Africa; The Century Company, NY Gordon MacCreach 1928

15. Ethiopia, Its People, Its Society, Its Culture; HRAF PRESS, New Haven George A. Lipsky 1962

16. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia; Macmillan and Company, London Samuel W. Baker 1874

17. The Blue Nile; Harper and Row Publ., New York Alan Moorehead 1962

18. Slaves and Ivory in Abyssinia, Robert M. McBride & Co., New York Henry Darley 1935

19. A Chronology of Menilek II of Ethiopia; Michigan State Univ., USA Chris P. Rosenfeld 1976

20. The Dying Lion, Feudalism & Modernization in Ethiopia; St. Martin's Prs. NY Patrick Gilkes 1975

21. The Government of Ethiopia, Northwestern Univer. Press, Evanston, IL Margery Perham 1969

22. Eyewitness in Abyssinia; Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., London Herbert Matthews 1937

23. Empress Taytu and Menilek II, Ethiopia 1883-1910; Red Sea Press, NJ Chris Prouty 1986

24. The Hammer of God; William Marrow & Company, NY Alan Scholefield 1973

25. Lion by the Tail; The Viking Press, NY Thomas M. Coffey 1974

26. Lucy the Beginning of Humankind; Simon & Schuster, NY D. Johanson, M. Edey 1981

27. Metchefe Kulkulei; Bible, Afan Oromot, Biye Etiyopiya Bible, Oromo 1978

28. Ethiopia Land of the Conquering Lion of Judah; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, NY I. G. Edmonds 1975

29. Area Handbook for Ethiopia; US Government Printing Office, Washington DC Irving Kaplan 1971

30. The Legal System of Ethiopia; The Michie Co., Charlottsville, VA Kenneth R. Redden 1968

31. Shewa Menilek and the Ethiopian Empire; Butler and Tanner Ltd., London R. H. Kofi Darkwah 1978

32. From The Roof of Africa; Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, NY C. W. Nicol 1972

33. The Russians in Ethiopia; Greenwood Press, Westport, CT Czeslaw Jesman 1975

34. The Blue Nile: Illustrated Edition, Harper and Row, NY Alan Moorehead 1972

35. Travels to Discover the Source of the Blue Nile; Horizon Press, NY James Bruce 1964

36. Economic Hisory of Ethiopia; Haile Sellassie I University Press, Addis Abeba Richard Pankhurst 1968

37. The Coming of the Italian-Ethiopian War; Harvard University Press, Boston George W. Baer 1967

38. Conflict and Intervation in the Horn of Africa; Monthly Review Press, NY Bereket H. Selassie 1980

39. Exotic Ethiopian Cooking; Ethiopian Cookbook Enterprise Publ., Falls Church D. J. Mesfin 1987

40. The Emperor; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, NY Ryszrd Kapuscinski 1984

41. Abyssinia on the Eve; Wyman & Sons, London Ladislas Farago 1935

42. Days of Emperor and Clown; Doubleday, NY J. Dugan & L. LaF L. Lafore 1973

43. The Lost Jews; Stein and Day, NY Louis Rapoport 1983

44. From Red Sea to Blue Nile; The Macaulay Co., NY Rosita Forbes 1925

45. Guide Book of Ethiopia; Berhanenna Selam Printing Press, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce 1954

46. A History of Abyssinia; Clarendon Press, Oxford Jones and Monroe 1935

47. Black Shirt Black Skin; Telegraph Press, Harrisburg, PA Boake Carter 1935

48. A Galla Monarchy; George Banta Co., Menasha, WI Herbert S. Lewis 1965

49. The Civilizing Mission; The Dial Press, NY A. J. Barker 1968

50. Hell-Hole of Creation; Alfred A. Knopf, NY L. M. Nesbit 1935

51. Unconquered Abyssinia ; Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., London Charles F. Rey 1923

52. Haile Selassie's War ; Random House, NY Anthony Mockler 1984

53. Yeamaregna Mezgebe Kalat ; Artistic Printing Press, Addis Abeba Tessema H. Mikael ec.1951

54. The Lion of Judah Hath Prevailed ; Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, USA Christine Sanford 1972

55. The Abyssinians ; Praeger Publishers, NY David Buxton 1970

56. The Citadel of Ethiopia ; Jonathan Cape, London Max Gruhl 1935

57. Ethiopie; J. A. Boom & Zoon, Meppel, Holland J. Brummelkamp 1956

58. Djibouti and the Horn of Africa; Stanford University Press, Stanford V. Thompson, R. Adloff 1968

59. War Clouds on the Horn of Africa; Carnegie Endow. for Internat. Peace, NY Tom J. Farber 1976

60. The Nile: The Life Story of a River; The Viking Press, New York Emil Ludwig 1937

61. Savage Abyssinia; J. H. Sears & Co., Inc., New York; James E. Baum, 1927

62. Travels in Ethiopia; Ernest Benn Limited, London David Buxton 1957

63. Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History; Atlantis Pub. Co., Harrisburg Sterling M. Means 1945

64. Greater Ethiopia; The University of Chicago Press, Chicago Donald N. Levine 1974

65. Queen of Sheba's Heirs; Acropolis Books, Washington, DC Edith Lord 1970

66. A guide to Ethiopia; United Printers, Addis Abeba American Women's C. ?

67. Syncrisis: The Dynamic of Health VIII, Ethiopia; US Gov. Prt. Office, Wash. DC Rose A. Britanak 1974

68. Ethiopia-Treasure House of Africa; Malter-Westerfield Pub. Co., San Diego Melvin J. Kohl 1969

69. Ye Etiyopiya Tarik; Tesfa Matemia Beit, Addis Abeba Tekle Tsadik Mekruya ec.1952

70. The Black Man's North and East Africa; Alkebu-lan Books Association, NewYork Yosef ben Jochannan 1971

71. Solomon and Sheba; Phandon Press Ltd., London James B. Pritchard 1974

72. To Kill a Generation:The Red Terror in Ethiopia; Free Ethiopia Press, Wash. DC Babile Tola 1989

73. The Ethiopian Revolution; Verso Edition, London; Fred Halliday & Maxine Molyneux, 1981

74. Ex-Italian Somaliland; Percy Brothers, Great Britain; Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst 1951

75. Haile Selassie: The Conquering Lion; Prentice-Hall, NJ; Leonard Mosely 1964

76. Wax and Gold; The Univ of Chicago Press, Chicago; Donald N. Levine 1972

77. Falasha Anthology; Yale University Press, New Haven; Wolf Leslau, 1979

78. Red Tears:War Famine & Revolution in Ethiopia; The Red Sea Press, Trenton, NJ; Dawit Wolde Giorgis, 1989

79. Treacherous Journey:My Escape from Ethiopia; Shmuel Avraham & Arlene Kushner; ShapolskyPub., Inc.; NY, 1986

80. Sylvia Pankhurst:Artist and Crusader; Paddington Press, London & NY; Richard Pankhurst, 1979

81. Wax and Gold; University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Donald N. Levine 1965

82. Ethiopia:An Economic Analysis; Michigan state University, Lansing, Michigan, David A. G. Green 1974

83. Churches in Rock Georg Gerster 1970

84. African Ark Beckwith & Fisher 1990

85. On Special Mission to Abyssinia; Argus Graphic Arts Service, NY; Catherine M. Jacoby 1933

86. An Introduction to the Economic History of Ethiopia; Staples Printers Ltd, England; Richard K Pankhurst, 1961

87. Into the Blue: The Lake Tana Expedition 1953; Collins, London; Lionel Ferguson, 1955

88. The Source of the Blue Nile; Smith, Elder & Co, London; A. J. Hayes, 1905

89. History of Rasselas- Prince of Abyssinia George B. Hill 1931

90. Ethiopia at Bay John H. Spencer 1987

91. A History of the Beja Tribes of the Sudan; Unicersity Press, Cmbridge, Great Britain. A. Paul 1954

92. Fire on the Mountains; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Raymond J. Davis 1966

93. Ethiopia and Eritrea; The Red Sea Press, Trenton, NJ, USA. Habtu Ghebre-Ab 1993

94. Eritrea, Revolution at Dusk; The Red Sea Press, Trenton, NJ, USA. Robert Papstein 1991

95. Ethiopia, A Country Study Nelson and Kaplan 1981

96. Ethiopia The Era of the Princes; Praeger Publishers, NY. Mordechai Abir 1970

97. Etiyopiyawinet; Tesfa Matemia Beit, Addis Ababa. Zewdie Gebre-Sellassie 19??

98. The United States and the Italo-Ethiopian Crises; Stanford University Press, San Diego. Brice Harris Jr 1964

99. A Social History of Ethiopia; Red Sea Press, Trenton , New Jersey. Richard Pankhurst 1992

100. Breakfast in Hell; Poseidon Press, New York. Myles F. Harris 1987

101. Peoples of the Horn of Africa: Somali Afar and Saho; Hazel, Watson & Viney, London. I. M. Lewis 1955

102. The Galla of Ethiopia-The Kingdoms of Kafa and Janjero; Hazel, Watson & Viney, London. G.W.B. Hunting Ford 1955

103. Peoples of South-West Ethiopia and its Borderlands; Hazel, Watson & Viney, London. Ernesta Cerulli 1956

104. The Ethiopians Edward Ullendorff 1960

105. Contemporary Ethiopia David A. Talbot 1952

106. An Introduction to the Medical History of Ethiopia Richard Pankhurst 1990

107. Eritrea-The Unfinished Revolution Richard Sherman 1980

108. Northwest Ethiopia - Peoples and Economy F. J. Simoons 1960

109. Dead Men Do Tell Tales Byron de Provok 1942

110. The Ethiopian Paradox Czeslaw Jesman 1963

111. Kidnapped K. and D. Dortzbach 1975

112. The Rape of Ethiopia A. J. Barker 1971

113. The History of Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia G. J. Kolb (Johnson) 1962

114. Rimbaud in Abyssinia Alain Borer 1991

115. Orde Wingate Christipher Sykes 1959

116. A History of Modern Ethiopia Bahru Zewdie 1991

117. The Medical History of Ethiopia #106 Richard Pankhurst 1990

118. The Qemant:A Pagan- Hebraic Peasantry of Ethiopia Frederick C. Gamst 1969

119. Ethiopia under Mussolini Alberto Sbacchi 1985

120. Atse Teoderos Ena Yeetiyopiya Andenent Tekle Tsadik Mekria ec.1981

121. Yettentewa Yeetiyopiya Tensaei Tarik Meri Ras A. M. Belay 1985

122. Che Belew M/Selassie W/Meskel ec.1961

123. Huwalko Tewled Ze Negus Sahle Selassie M/Selassie W/Meskel ec.1965

124. Yekenie Azmera Kebede Mikael ec.1956

125. Ye Amaregna Kkenie M/Selassie W/Meskel ec.1964

126. National Geographic Magazine Series National Geo. Society 1901-1991

127. Unknown Ethiopia; Grosset and Dunlap, NY; J. E. Baum 1935

128. A Geography of Ethiopia for Senior Secondary Schools; VSP, Belgrade, Serbia; Geoffrey C. Last 1965

129. Yelewttu Remett Yetarik Mastawesha; Washington, DC; Getachew Yerom, 1990

130. A Far Country, Travels in Ethiopia; Century, London; P. Marsden-Smedley 1990

131. Eritrea, The Agony of My People; Companion Press, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, USA; Mesghina G. Medhin 1989

132. The Case of the Socialist Witchdoctor; Heinemann & Cox & Wyman Ltd, Berkshire; Hama Tuma, 1993

133. Black Eagle, Colonel Hubert Julian; The Anchor Press, Essex, UK; Hubert Julian 1965

134. Haile Sellassie I 1892-1936;University of California Press, Los Angeles, California; Harold G. Marcus 1987

135. Gondar;Pocket Books, NY & London; Nicholaus Luard, 1988

136. The Invention of Ethiopia B. K. Holcomb, S. Ibsa 1990

137. Ethiopia, Anatomy of a Traditional Polity John Markakis 1974

138. Eritrea and Ethiopia, From Conflict to Cooperation Amare Tekle 1994

139. The Survival of Ethiopian Independence Sven Rubenson 1976

140. Brana Prayer Book in Geez (pocket size) Gebre Medhin ?

141. Caesar in Abyssinia George Steer 1937

142. A Short History of Eritrea of Eritrea Stephen H. Longrigg 1991

143. Miracle in Ethiopia Richard W. Solberg 1991

144. Aethiopische Grammatik Franz Praetotius 1955

145. Die Aeethiopische Uber Setzung des Propheten Daniel Oscar Lofgren 1927

146. Ethiopia Min. of Information 1969

147. Ethiopia Richard Greenfield 1967

148. Ethiopie Bernard Ge'rard 1973

149. De L'invasion a la Liberation de L'ethiopie A. Gingold Duprey 1955

150. Abyssinian Journey Marcel Griaule 1935 151. Ethiopia, Illuminated Manuscripts; Stephen Wright and Otto A. Jager. UNESCO. NY Graphic Society, USA. 1961

152. Rescue, The Exodus of the Ethiopian Jews Ruth Gruber 1987

153. Commentaires Sur La Campagne D'Ethiopie Morechal Badoglio 1950

154. La Civilisation de L'Italie Fasciste en Ethiopie Civilisation 1938

155. Abyssinia and Italy Emile Burns 1935

156. Ethiopie XXe Siecle Henriette Celarie 1934

157. Ethiopia Engraved R. Pankhurst & L. Ingrams 1988

158. The March to Magdala Frederick Myatt 1970

159. A History of Ethiopia Harold G. Marcus 1994

160. Ethiopia The Study of a Polity David Mathew 1947

161. Ethiopia, Great Britain and the United States 1941-1974 Harold G. Marcus 1983

162. Ethiopia "Ancient Cities and Temples" Jean Doresse 1967

163. The Lost Empire Philip Caraman 1985

164. Ethiopian Semitic Robert Herzron 1972

165. The Nonsemetic Languages of Ethiopia M. Lionel Bender 1976

166. Oromo Dictionary G. B. Gragg & T. Kumsa 1972

167. Pillars in Ethiopian History Joseph E. Harris 1974

168. Materiaux Pour L'etude ... Prononciation Traditionelle Gueze Mekonnen Argaw 1984

169. Tigre Grammar and Texts Shlomo Raz 1983

170. Etymological Dictionary of Harari Wolf Leslau 1963

171. Gafat Documents "Records of a South-Ethiopic Language" Wolf Leslau 1945

172. Ethiopian Argots Mouton, Wolf Leslau 1964

173. Ethiopia and the Bible Edward Ullendorff 1968

174. Introduction to Classical Ethiopic (Geez) Thomas O. Lambdin 1978

175. Abyssinia of Today R. P. Skinner 1906

176. Medicine in Ethiopia A. Barkhuus 1947

177. The Oromo Causative: Lexical Grammar w/o Lexical Rules Jonathan Owens 1985

178. The Verbal System of Southern Agaw Robert Hetzron 1969

179. Nayei Kkwankkwa Ittaliya Sewasu P. Francesco Da Offeio 1908

180. Catalogue of Ethiopic Manuscripts in the J. Rylands Univ. Lb S. Strelcyn 1974

181. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts G. Haile & W. Macomber 1983

182. In Ethiopia with a Mule Dervla Murphy 1968

183. Ethiopia: The Politics of Famine Freedom House 1990

184. Eritrea and the United Nations Bereket Hapte Selassie 1989

185. Bruce's Travel in Abyssinia James Bruce 1800

186. Haile selassie Emperor of Ethiopia Asfa Yilma 1936

187. The Life of My Choice Wilfred Thesiger 1988

188. Ethiopie-Empire des Negres Blances Alexandre Liano

189. Golden Lion Paul Hartlmaier 1956

190. Humane Development, Participation...Sadama of S. Ethiopia John H. Hamer 1987

191. History of the Oromo of Ethiopia Bahrey 1993

192. Cult of the Sacred Spear Brian H. MacDermot 1973

193. The Mountains of Rasselas Thomas Pakenham 1959

194. Axum Yuri M. Kobishchanov 1979

195. St. George of Lydda E. A. Wallis Budge 1930

196. Traveller Extraordinary, The Life of James Bruce of Kinnaird J.M. Reid 1968

197. My Mission to Abyssinia Gerald H. Portal 1969

198. John Hoy of Ethiopia Robinson Maclean 1936

199. Abyssinia Herbert Vivian 1901

200. Grammatik Der Aethiopischen Sprache August Dillmann 1857

201. The Morphology of the Tigre Noun F. R. Palmer 1962

202. The Ethiopian Famine K. Jansson, Harris, Penrose 1987

203. Gonderew Begashaw Gerima Tafere ec.1949

204. Mystery of the Mahteb Lide and Johansen 1942

205. Ethiopia, Politics Economics and Societyc Peter Schwab 1985

206. Ethiopia's Campaign against Famine John Clarke 1988

207. A Chronology of Menelik II of Ethiopia Chris Prouty Rosenfeld 1976

208. Ethiopian Musical Instruments Tesfaye Lemma 1991

209. Atse Menelikena ena Yeityopiya Andenet Tekle Tsadik Mekruya 1987

210. Wudasei Amlak Geija Meseret Heiwet B.C 1984

211. The Sign and the Seal Graham Hancock 1992

212. Ye Etiyopiya Ye Tarik Guzo Shiferaw Mengesha

213. Ye Derg Nuzazeina Yettereppeza Zuriya Tchewatawoch Tesfaye Lemma 1990

214. Ye Eitiyopiya Meirabawi Seilettanei Kebede Mikael 1971

215. Handbook of the Oromo Language M. Ali & A. Zaborski 1990

216. Short Grammar of Tigre Wolf Leslau 1945

217. History of Ethiopia Richard Pankhurst 1970

218. Au Pays de la Reine de Saba L'Ethiopie Jean Doresse 1956

219. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Vol I-IV W. F. Macomber 1975 to83

220. A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Vol VII G. Haile & Macomber 1983

221. Short Manual of the Amharic Language Alone-Stokes 1966

222. Classical Ethiopian Philosophy Claude Sumner 1985

223. Letters from Ethiopian Rulers D. Appleyard, A. Irvine 1985

224. The Romance of the Portuguese in Abyssinia ese Charles F. Rey 1929

225. Les Guerriers de L'Ogaden Henry De Monfreid 1936

226. A Travers L'Empire de Menelik Jean D'Esme 1947

227. The Last Stronghold of Slavery, What Abyssinia is G. C. Baravelli 1935

228. Map of Ethiopia circa 1680 .5 1.5ft x 2ft Coronelli 1680

229. Burners of Men Marcel Griaule 1935

230. Rainbow Empire Stuart Bergsma 1932

231. Abyssinian Adventure J. F. MacDonald 1957

232. Le Soleil D'Ethiopie Andre Martel 1952

233. Sheba Slept Here Alan Caillou 1973

234. Ethiopia A Pawn in European Diplomacy Ernest Work 1935

235. Triumph and Tragedy Tsige Abebe 1996

236. A History of the Abyssinian Expedition Clements R. Markman 1869

237. Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia William M. Dye 1880

238. Twixt Sirbar and Menelik M. S. Wellby 1901

239. The Fire on the Mountain and other Ethiopian Stories Courlander & W. Leslau 1956

240. Harari Riddles Rassegna Di Studi Etiopici, Vol. XXIX 82 Wolf Leslau 1983

241. Some Records of Ethiopia 1593-1646 second series no. cvii Beckingham, Huntingford 1954

242. An Amharic Chrestomathy E. Ullendorf 1965

243. Ethiopic Grammar Samuel A. B. Mercer 1961

244. Ethiopian Music Michael Powne 1980

245. Waugh in Abyssinia Evelyn Waugh 1936

246. Saint George for Ethiopia Beatrice Playne 1954

247. Beyond the Utmost Purple Rim E. Alexander Powell 1925

248. Yeamaregna Sewasew M. H. Woldekirqos ec. 1952

249. Ethiopia's Endemic Birds E. K. Urban 1978

250. Hulum Hulun Yeweq (Amharic) Alemayehu M. Dereso 1987

251. The Government of Ethiopia Margery Perham 1947

252. Revised Constitution of Ethiopia (Amharic-English) Negarit Gazeta 15#2 1955

253. Journey From the Blue Nile, A History of the Abyssinian Cat Aida B. Zanetti 1960's

254. Haile Sellasie at Bay Newsweek Magazine 1936

255. Haile Sellasie as Man of the Year Time Magazine 1936

256. A Boxful of Spirits Leslie Woodhead 1987

257. Revolutionary Ethiopia From Empire to People's Republic Edmond J. Keller 1991

258. Ethiopia Today Ernest W. Luther 1958

259. Ethiopia: Its Culture and its Birds Dean H. Blanshard 1969

260. Man and Beast in Eastern Ethiopia J. Bland-Sutton 1911

261. Haile Selassie I Ethiopia's Lion of Judah Peter Schwab 1979

262. Birds Collected by the Childs Frick Expedition to Ethiopia Herbert Friedmann 1930

263. The Falashas-The Forgotten Jews of Ethiopia David Kessler 1985

264. Ethiopia Mountain Kingdom Jane W. Watson 1966

265. John Melly of Ethiopia K. Nelson & A. Sullivan 1937

266. The Ethiopian Crises, Touchstone of Appeasement Ludwig F. Schaefer 1961

267. Ethiopia Irene C. Kleeberg 1986

268. The Land and People of Ethiopia Edna Mason Kaula 1965

269. Ethiopia, Land of the Lion Lila Perl 1972

270. Legacy of Bitterness, Ethiopia and Fascist Italy 1935-1941 Alberto Sbacchi 1997

271. The Making of Modern Ethiopia TeshaleTibebu 1995

272. The Two Zions, Reminiscences of Jerusalem and Ethiopia Edward Ullendorf 1988

273. Earthquake History of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa Pierre Gouin 1979

274. Hearth and Home in Ethiopia Lucy W. Horn 1960

275. Rivalries in Ethiopia Elizabeth P. MacCallum 1935

276. War Over Ethiopia William J. Makin 1935

277. Ethiopia Under Haile Selassie Christine Sandford 1946

278. Narrative of the British Mission to Theodore V. I Hormuzd Rassam 1869

279. Narrative of the british Mission to Theodore V. II Hormuzd Rassam 1869

280. The Abyssinian Storm Thomas Comyn-Platt 1935

281. The Abyssinia I knew General Virgin 1936

282. Redemption Song-The Story of Operation Moses Louis Rapoport 1986

283. Erlebtes und Erlauschtes in Abessinien W. Mueller 1935

284. Eritrea: The Struggle for Independence Robert Machida 1987

285. Tigray- Ethiopia's Untold Story Max Peberdy 1985

286. Ethiopic- An African Writing System Ayele Bekerie 1997

287. Antiquities of North Ethiopia Otto A. Jager 1965

288. Authority and Change- A Study ..Kallu..and Mecha Galla of Ethiopia Karl E. Knutsson 1967

289. Ethiopia the Valiant Wm J. W. Roome 1936

290. Prelude to Magdala Percy Arnold 1992

291. Modern Abyssinia Augustus B. Wylde 1900

292. The Dev. of Higher Education and Soc. Change, An Ethiopian Experience Teshome G. Wagaw 1990

293. Eight Years in Abyssinia Fan C. Dunckley 1935

294. Three Years in Gomu Gofa Irma B. Grigg 1977

295. From poverty to Famine in Northeast Ethiopia James McCann 1987

296. Selisames Abessinien Martin Rickli 1935

297. Meeting with a Stranger Duane Bradley 1964

298. The Real Abyssinian C. F. Rey 1935

299. Ethiopian Wildlands Melvim Bolton 1976

300. The Ebulient Phoenix, A History of the Vicarate of Abyssinia II Kevin O'Mahoney 1987

301. Journey of a Three Year's Residence in Abyssinia Samuel Gobat 1969

302. Artist and Naturalist in Ethiopia L. Fuertes & Osgood 1936

303. The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellasie HSI, E. Ullendorf 1976

304. Heywetayna Yeetiyopia Ermeja Haile Selassie I ec.1966

305. Ethiopian Civilization Belai Giday 1988

306. Its A Long Way To Addis Carel Birkby 1942

307. Taitu Betul Tadese Zewoldei ec?1980

308. Ethiopia A Short Illustrated History; Kiros H. Selassie and M. Dina 1972

309. Ethiopia To-Day; Radio Press Inc, Tokyo Atnafu Mekonnen 1960

310. Tafari & Ci; Edizioni Delfino, Trieste Constantino Paleologos 1938

311. Magie Medecine Possession en Ethiopie; Mouton & Co., Paris Maxime Rodinson 1967

312. Abessinien I Krig; H. Hagerup-Kobenhaven, Denmark Sven Tillge-Rasmussen 1936

313. Das Ratsel Abessinien; Reimar Hobbing, Berlin Paul Lieberenz ?

314. Abessinien Flug; A. G. Schweizer Aero-Revue, Zurich Walter Mittelholzer 1934

315. Abessinie land en volk; Andries Blitz, Amsterdam Kurt Lubinski 1935

316. Commentaires sur la Campagne D'Ethiopie; Bernard Grasset, Paris Marechal Badoglio 1937

317. A Voyage to Abyssinia; Cassel & Company, London Father Jerome Lobo 1893

318. Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God; Defense & Frgn. Affairs, Alexandria Gregory R. Copley 1988

319. The Victory of Adowa; Addis Abeba Abebe Hailemelekot 1998

320. Ethiopia: Power and Protest; Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville, NJ Gebru Tareke 1996

321. African Summit Conference Addis Abeba; Berhanenna Selam, A.A. Ethiopian Ministry of Information. 1963

322. Guide to Ethiopia; Bradt, UK Philip Briggs 1998

323. The Eritrean Dilemma, The Real Cause of the Conflict, Wash. DC Belai Abbai 1999

324. Yeertra Gudai; Central Printing Press, Addis Abeba Zewdie Retta ec?1992

325. Under Ethiopian Skies; Camerapix, Nairobi Hancock, Pankhurst, Willetts 1997

326. An Improvised War: The Abyssinian Campaign , Leo Cooper, Ldn Michael Glover 1987

327. Water Supply- Ethiopia; Addis Abeba Univ. Press, Addis Abeba Gabre-Emanuel Teka 1977

328. The Majangir; Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge Jack Stauder 1971

329. The Treasure of Lebna Dengel; Oxford Univ. Press, Addis Abeba Richard Sherrington 1970

330. The History of Nubia and Abyssinia; J. & J. Harper, New York Michael Russel 1833

331. Dersane Mikael; Ethiopian manuscript, vellum, 19th century?, 360 pages Author unknown ?

332. Folding Book; Ethiopian Manuscript, pocket size,14 pp, Author unknown ?

333. Notizia E Saggi di Opere E Documenti....La Storia D'Etiopia, Roma Camillo Beccari 1903

334. The Highlands of Ethiopia; Longman, Brown and Green , V.I, London W. Cornwallis Harris 1844

335. The Highlands of Ethiopia; Longman, Brown and Green , V.II, London W. Cornwallis Harris 1844

336. A Travers L'Ethiopie Sauvage; Nouvelles Editions Debresse, Paris R. A. Forklan 1968

337. Abessinien; Berlag & Handlung, Strasburg Munzenberger 1892

338. Vers La Lumiere Le Bienheureux Abba Ghebre-Michael; Rene Haton, Paris J. B. Coulbeaux 1926

339. The Prester John of the Indies; Volume I, Cambridge Univ. Press, Glasgow Francisco Alvares 1961

340. The Prester John of the Indies; Volume II, Cambridge Univ. Press, Glasgow Francisco Alvares 1961

341. The Highlands of Ethiopia; Winchester, NY W. Cornwallis Harris 1844

342. Amba Ras; Buchergilde Gutenberg, Frankfurt Paul Hartmaier 1953

343. Land Tenure in Chore (Shoa) A Pilot Study; Artistic Printers, Addis Abeba H. S. Mann 1965

344. Dublin Review Vol.XII: Abyssinia and Its People, Burns & Oates, London E. M. Clerke 1884

345. ETIOPIA Studio Geografico Economico; Casa Editrice A. Corticelli, Milano G. C. Brusati & G. Galleani 1936

346. La Desagreable Partie de Campagne: Incursion En Abyssinie; Lemerre, Paris Andre Armandy 1930

347. La Revanche D'adoua; Berger-Levrault, Paris Paul Gentizon 1936

348. Le Passant D'Ethiopie; Libraire Plon, Paris Jerome et Jean Tharaud 1936

349. L'Ethiopie Et Son Destin; Gallimard, Paris M. Lachin et D. Weliachew 1935

350. Ethiopic Documents: Gurage, The Viking Fund, New York Wolf Leslau 1950

351. The Tiger Prince: Adventures in Wilds of Abyssinia, Roberts Bro.,Boston William Dalton 1865

352. The glorious Victories of Amda Seyon; Clarendon Press, Oxford G.W.B. Huntingford 1965

353. Life in Abyssinia Volume I ; D. Appleton and Co., NY Mansfield Parkyns 1854

354. Life in Abyssinia Volume II ; D. Appleton and Co., NY Mansfield Parkyns 1854

355. Egypt Kush Aksum Northeast Africa; Dillon Press, Parsippany, NJ Kenny Mann 1997

356. Fire on the Mountain; Simon & Schuster, New York Jane Kurtz 1994

357. Democratization? Ethiopia (1991-1994) ; Khepera, Cambridge Tecola W. Hagos 1995

358. Correspondence & Treaties 1800-1854 ; Northwestern Univ. Press Sven Rubenson 1987

359. Land Tenure Among the Amhara of Ethiopia ; U of Chicago Press, Chicago Allan Hoben 1973

360. Journeys from Maji, SW Abyssinia; Royal Geographical Society, Kensington, UK Arnold Hodson 1929

361. I Stand Alone ; Publisher ?? Ambassador Berhanou Dinke 1967

362. The Lion of Judah ; Ariel Books, NY Charles Gorham 1966

362. Notes From the Hyena's Belly; Picador, NY Nega Mezlekia 2001

363. Gli Annali Dell'Africa Italiana ; Casa Editrici A. Mondadori, Rome Angelo Piccioli 1939

364. The Ethiopian Regime Cedes National Territories to Eritrea Belai Abbai 1999

365. Semena Werk Tessema Eshete Yednekachew Tessema ec. 1985

366. Ethiopia My Home; The Story of John Moraitis; Shama Books, Addis Ababa Elizabeth Germany 2001

367. Haile Selassie I Silver Jubilee; W. P. Van Stockum & Zoon, The Hague David Abner Talbot 1955

368. Notes From the Hyena's Belly; Picador USA, New York Nega Mezlekia 2000

369. The God Who Begat a Jackal; Picador USA, New York Nega Mezlekia 2002

370. Blacks in Antiquity; Ethio. in Greco-Roman Exp.; Harvard University Press Frank M. Snowden, Jr. 1970

371. Gold of Ethiopia; Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd, London Frank E. Hayter 1936

372. Aend Wekt Be America; Washington DC Tesfaye Lemma e.c.1994

373. English-Amharic Context Dictionary; 1500 pages, Los Angeles, Wolf Leslau, 1972

374. Historia, Guerra Aerea in Abissinia; N. 155, Milano, Italy, October 1970

375. Chronique de Theodoros II; Librairie Orientale & Americaine, Paris, E. Guilmoto Editeur, Walda Maryam year~1930?

376. Ethiopia- A List of Books in English; compiled by Jim Baylor, March 1966

377. I Castelli di Gondar; Societa Italiana Arti Grafiche, Roma, Alessandro Augusto Monti Della Corte, 1938

378. Haile Selassie I Prize Trust 10th Year Issue. Artistic Printing Press, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. 1973

379. For God and Emperor, Mission Adventure and Imperial Palace Experience in Ethiopia. Herbert and Della Hanson. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA. 1958

380. Making It in America ; Conversations With Successful Ethiopian American Entrepreneurs. Peter Hagos Gebre. AASBEA PUBLISHERS, Washington, DC. 2004

381. Collections of Early History of USSUA, USUNA etc of Ethiopian Student Movement Articles, Photographs and Periodicals from 1967-1974.

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