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Clan Deus

Welcome. You have reached the home page for Clan Deus, an ideological Magic the Gathering playing organization devoted to improving our skill at limited Magic games and winning stuff on Magic Online.

Current Events

Deus is currently in the recruiting phase! If you've been given this link, it's probably because we're considering recruiting you. We are looking for players who are good at the fundamentals of magic and know the rules well, but who wish to improve their skills through practice and discussion. If you're already a pro you probably won't learn anything from playing us, and if you're new to the game we probably won't learn anything from playing you. Since we're still recruiting, this site is otherwise pretty empty, but it will be exciting after we've been doing this for a while.

Champions of Kamigawa will be coming out for Magic Online on the 28th. Our current project is to practice with the Kamigawa cards until our brains rot between now and then. Hopefully we'll make a good showing in the 128 person sealed tournaments!

I'm currently in the process of getting a Netdraft server up for our drafting pleasure, and an FTP server to distribute some key files for everyone. This will be done on an "IM me if you need anything" basis, since I don't want to leave the servers up all the time just yet.

Bragging Rights

In the history of Clan Deus we have won more than 500 prize packs, representing well over a hundred limited events of experience. Our clan's name is based on the latin for "God", and our motto is, "I don't know what we have, but we have a lot of it." We have several members rated over 1700 on Magic Online. We haven't won anything major of late, though, which we hope to address soon. Most importantly, we're all devoted to practicing our Magic skills as much as possible, with the goals of reaching an 1800 rating and gravy training as many packs as possible. Preferably looking cool while doing it.


Look here for when we're planning to hold drafts and other events. I'm still getting information about when our members can make it, so we don't have a weekly schedule just quite yet. The main things we'll be posting here are our practice drafts and a dissusion session that I'm planning to hold roughly weekly.


To get the Care Packet with all the critical information you need to play Magic with us, instant message Xane and ask me to put up the FTP server.

Our practice game methodology is here. We're going to keep records of all the practice games and drafts we do, and this basically just tells you what files to save, as well as what programs we're using for practice.

I'll be posting those aforementioned records here, so keep your eyes open for the first batch of stuff, which should be up in a week or two.