============================================================ Prom 2000: Tinsel Town Tonight
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Mr. Dodds' class made this marquee for above the door. It sports the theme; Tinsel Town Tonight

This is one of the photo scenes. Oscar poses in the foreground. Oscar compliments of Tanya, Lucy and Mr. Crusie.

This became the movie theater later in the night. Movies shown were Grease and The Wizard of OZ. Where was Jimmy Stewart?

This is where the DJ set up. The music sucked except when they played It's the End Of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M.

One wall of the gym. This ceiling was hard to put up. First Adam, Seth, Jeremy and I tried to do it with ladders. Then J.T., Seth, Rachel, Shira, and I did it with scaffolding. Then it fell. After that, Seth, J.T., and I finished it. Danny and Nikki ran the screamers back and forth for us.

This is at my grandma's house before prom. The people in the picture are Sarah Mathews, Matt Brobeck, Nick , Erin Honnold, Hannah Fout, Preston Milstead, Mike Milburn, Leslie Hatch, me , and Brandon Kier.

This is Brandon and me. The picture is slightly out of focus because my mother refuses to focus my camera before taking pictures

This is Nick and Erin. Aren't they cute? They both have their eyes shut though.

Here are Preston, Hannah, Mike and Leslie.

This is the start of the Grand March Pictures. All photos of the Grand March are compliments of Fuji. Here are Brandon and me.

Nick and Erin pose for a pretty picture.

Awe, isn't this a cute picture of Tanya and Matt? Aren't they the sweetest couple :)

Our next couple is Leslie and Mike.

Sarah and Matt just had to be different and walk on opposite sides of everyone else. :P

Our next lovely couple is Lindsay and Zach.

Mr. T (A.K.A. Michael Taylor) escourts his date, Brie.

Sara and Chad also became a couple at prom. Aren't they cute? :)

Lucy and Will looked really good. Here they are at the Grand March

Corey escorts Valerie through the Grand March

Neither Teshia or Matt are looking at Fuji in this one, but it's still cool.

Here are Liz and Ben.

Jon escourts his date, Katie.

Here is Wade and Bethany. Wade's so funny!

Jeremy and Sarah look so cute here. :)

Brandon looks styling in his Zuit suit escourting his date, Megan.