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Winter Break ============================================================

Winter Break was a lot of fun! "Weekly Fun Activities", pictures, stories....

Ashley and Erin

Leslie, Chris, Wendy, and Ashley

Hannah, Lindsay, and Justin.

Erikka, Brandon, and Hannah.

Justin taking his own picture.

Erin and Tanya trying on facial hair.

Erin and Tanya, the pirate.

Wendy trying on boas.

Tanya and Erin trying on turbans.

Erin and Tanya dressing up as teachers.

Erin and Tanya with their Harry Potter Magic Brooms.

Justin and his Teddy bear. Awe, isn't that cute?

Tanya as Osama Bin Laden (or however you spell it).

Tanya and her puppies. The puppies are SO cute! :)