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Red/Blue Walkthrough

Here is what I have of my walkthrough so far.

Here is a walkthrough for Pokemon Red/Blue. You start out in your room. Grab the Potion from your PC and head downstairs. Walk out of your house. Go out the north exit into the field. You won't get far before Prof. Oak stops you and takes you back to his lab. He will let you pick one of three Pokemon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Pick Bulbasaur if you're a beginner, Squirtle if you're a intermediate, and if you want a challenge, Charmander. (Bulbasaur is good for beginners because he's good against the first 2 Gym Leaders, but Charmander is more powerful in the long run.) Then, before you can leave, you have to fight Gary. He will have chosen whatever your choice is weak to. If you lose it's no big deal, but if you win you get $175 and your Pokemon grows to LV 6. Then head out the north entrance from Pallet Town and it's off to Viridian City. Fight wild Pokemon along the way to level up your Pokemon. In Viridian City, stop by the Pokemon Center, which is the building that says POKE on it and will heal your Pokemon for free, and then stop by the Poke Mart. You can't buy anything just yet, but the clerk will give you a package, which you need to take back to Prof. Oak. On your way back to Pallet Town, be sure to pick up the free Potion the man gives you. Once you return to Viridian, stop by the Poke Mart again. They are out of Potions, but unless you chose Bulbasaur, buy 2 or 3 Antidotes. Also buy at least 5 Poke Balls. Go south and catch a wild Pidgey and Rattata. Then, heal your Pokemon(always do this when you get to a Pokemon Center) but use the Pokemon Center. You need to save your Potions. Viridian's Gym Leader is missing, so go north through the path and into the Viridian Forest. Use your starting Pokemon for battles, and if it gets Poisoned, use an Antidote. Use your Potions wisely. Catch a Caterpie, Weedle, and Pikachu and find your way out into Pewter City. Buy a couple more Poke Balls and if you don't have any, Potions. Then head to the top of the city to the Pewter Gym. Fight his Jr. Trainer. If you beat him rather easily, you're ready. If you had to use a Potion or you lost, go level up your Pokemon. When you're ready to face Brock, your main Pokemon should be at least level 12 and know Bubble or Vine Whip. If your main is Charmander, make sure it's around level 14 and knows Ember. Also keep a couple of Potions ready. Challenge Brock. He has a LV 12 Geodude and a LV 14 Onix. Use Bubble, Vine Whip or Ember to defeat Geodude. If your main Pokemon is hurt, send out one of your other Pokemon and Potion your Pokemon. Let it faint. Then send out your main and use those same moves, EXCEPT if Onix uses Bide. Then use a move that does no damage. Keep that up and you should have the Boulder Badge in no time. After you beat Brock, head out the east exit from Pewter City. Clear the area of trainers. Charge up at the Pokemon Center next to Mt. Moon and head in Mt. Moon. Catch a Zubat, Geodude, and try to catch a Paras and Clefairy. At the end, you will fight a PokeManiac who just found a couple of rare Pokemon fossils and doesn't want to share. Defeat him and you will get your pick of the Dome Fossil or the Helix Fossil. The Dome Fossil contains Kabuto and the Helix Fossil contains Omanyte. It doesn't matter, but I prefer the Dome Fossil. Once you get out, the only place to go is Cerulean City. Defeat the 6 trainers on Nugget Bridge to receive a Nugget. Go up past the bridge and turn left into the fields. There you can catch Bellsprouts or Oddishs, depending on your version. You can also catch Abra's, but don't bother. Then go right and make your way through the trainers to Bill's house. Help him out and get the S. S. Anne ticket. Go back to Cerulean City and check out the gym. If you have Ivysaur, no prob, you can beat the Gym Leader, Misty. Wartortle or Charmeleon, tough luck. You need to train your Bellsprout or Oddish to at least LV 18 and your Pikachu to at least LV 15-16. Bellsprout is your best bet against Misty and her Jr. Trainers, but Oddish will do. Have Pikachu ready, too. Just use Bellsprout, Oddish, Ivysaur and Pikachu and you will defeat her high defense team of a LV 18 or 20 Staryu and her LV 22 Starmie. The Cascade Badge will be yours! (You'll have to figure out the rest of the game on your own! Bwahahahaha!)


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