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Gameshark/Game Genie Codes

These are Gameshark and Game Genie codes for Pokemon.

Submitted by Misty5060 Fight Oak: 01e2d8cf Fight Mew: 0115d8cf Buy masterballs: 01017ccf Game Gennie submitted by Atogepi 22690 Mew 151-91A-7FC 151-93A-7FE 1519BA-5DB find w of cerulean Subject: yellow version fight any pokemon codes From: Minku922 Date: October 20, 1999 7:19:36 PM GMT fight any pokemon- 01??d7cf digits for ??'s for the "fight any pokemon codes" Bulbasaur - 99 Ivysaur - 09 Venusaur - 9A Charmander - B0 Charmeleon - B2 Charizard - B4 Squirtle - B1 Wartortle - BC Blastoise - 1C Caterpie - 7B Metapod - 7C Butterfree - 7D Weedle - 70 Kakuna - 71 Beedrill - 72 Pidgey - 24 Pidgeotto - 96 Pidgeot - 97 Rattata - A5 Raticate - A6 Spearow - 05 Fearow - 23 Ekans - 6C Arbok - 2D Pikachu - 54 Raichu - 55 Sandshrew - 60 Sandslash - 61 Nidoran F - 0F Nindorina - A8 Nidoqueen - 10 Nidoran M - 03 Nindorino - A7 Nidoking - 07 Clefairy - 04 Clefable - 8E Vulpix - 52 Ninetales - 53 Jigglypuff - 64 Wigglytuff - 65 Zubat - 6B Golbat - 82 Oddish - B9 Gloom - BA Vileplume - BB Paras - 6D Parasect - 2E Venonat - 41 Venomoth - 77 Diglett - 3B Dugtrio - 76 Meowth - 4D Persian - 90 Psyduck - 2F Golduck - 80 Mankey - 39 Primeape - 75 Growlithe - 21 Arcanine - 14 Poliwag - 47 Poliwhirl - 6E Poliwrath - 6F Abra - 94 Kadabra - 26 Alakazam - 95 Machop - 6A Machoke - 29 Machamp - 7E Bellsprout - BC Weepinbell - BD Victreebell - BE Tentacool - 18 Tentacruel - 9B Geodude - A9 Graveler - 27 Golem - 31 Ponyta - A3 Rapidash - A4 Slowpoke - 25 Slowbro - 08 Magnemite - AD Magneton - 36 Farfetch'd - 40 Doduo - 46 Dodrio - 74 Seel - 3A Dewgong - 78 Grimer - 0D Muk - 88 Shellder - 17 Cloyster - 8B Gastly - 19 Haunter - 93 Gengar - 0E Onix - 22 Drowzee - 30 Hypno - 81 Krabby - 4E Kingler - 8A Voltorb - 06 Electrode - 8D Exeggcute - 0C Exeggutor - 0A Cubone - 11 Marowak - 91 Hitmonlee - 2B Hitmonchan - 2C Lickitung - 0B Koffing - 37 Weezing - 8F Rhyhorn - 12 Rhydon - 01 Chansey - 28 Tangela - 1E Kangaskhan - 02 Horsea - 5C Seadra - 5D Goldeen - 9D Seaking - 9E Staryu - 1B Starmie - 98 Mr. Mime - 2A Scyther - 1A Jynx - 48 Electabuzz - 35 Magmar - 33 Pinsir - 1D Tauros - 3C Magikarp - 85 Gyarados - 16 Lapras - 13 Ditto - 4C Eevee - 66 Vaporeon - 69 Jolteon - 68 Flareon - 67 Porygon - AA Omanyte - 62 Omastar - 63 Kabuto - 5A Kabutops - 5B Aerodactyl - AB Snorlax - 84 Articuno - 4A Zapdos - 4B Moltres - 49 Dratini - 58 Dragonair - 59 Dragonite - 42 Mewtwo - 83 Mew - 15 Subject: yellow version fight any pokemon codes From: Minku922 Date: October 20, 1999 7:19:36 PM GMT fight any pokemon- 01??d7cf digits for ??'s for the "fight any pokemon codes" Bulbasaur - 99 Ivysaur - 09 Venusaur - 9A Charmander - B0 Charmeleon - B2 Charizard - B4 Squirtle - B1 Wartortle - BC Blastoise - 1C Caterpie - 7B Metapod - 7C Butterfree - 7D Weedle - 70 Kakuna - 71 Beedrill - 72 Pidgey - 24 Pidgeotto - 96 Pidgeot - 97 Rattata - A5 Raticate - A6 Spearow - 05 Fearow - 23 Ekans - 6C Arbok - 2D Pikachu - 54 Raichu - 55 Sandshrew - 60 Sandslash - 61 Nidoran F - 0F Nindorina - A8 Nidoqueen - 10 Nidoran M - 03 Nindorino - A7 Nidoking - 07 Clefairy - 04 Clefable - 8E Vulpix - 52 Ninetales - 53 Jigglypuff - 64 Wigglytuff - 65 Zubat - 6B Golbat - 82 Oddish - B9 Gloom - BA Vileplume - BB Paras - 6D Parasect - 2E Venonat - 41 Venomoth - 77 Diglett - 3B Dugtrio - 76 Meowth - 4D Persian - 90 Psyduck - 2F Golduck - 80 Mankey - 39 Primeape - 75 Growlithe - 21 Arcanine - 14 Poliwag - 47 Poliwhirl - 6E Poliwrath - 6F Abra - 94 Kadabra - 26 Alakazam - 95 Machop - 6A Machoke - 29 Machamp - 7E Bellsprout - BC Weepinbell - BD Victreebell - BE Tentacool - 18 Tentacruel - 9B Geodude - A9 Graveler - 27 Golem - 31 Ponyta - A3 Rapidash - A4 Slowpoke - 25 Slowbro - 08 Magnemite - AD Magneton - 36 Farfetch'd - 40 Doduo - 46 Dodrio - 74 Seel - 3A Dewgong - 78 Grimer - 0D Muk - 88 Shellder - 17 Cloyster - 8B Gastly - 19 Haunter - 93 Gengar - 0E Onix - 22 Drowzee - 30 Hypno - 81 Krabby - 4E Kingler - 8A Voltorb - 06 Electrode - 8D Exeggcute - 0C Exeggutor - 0A Cubone - 11 Marowak - 91 Hitmonlee - 2B Hitmonchan - 2C Lickitung - 0B Koffing - 37 Weezing - 8F Rhyhorn - 12 Rhydon - 01 Chansey - 28 Tangela - 1E Kangaskhan - 02 Horsea - 5C Seadra - 5D Goldeen - 9D Seaking - 9E Staryu - 1B Starmie - 98 Mr. Mime - 2A Scyther - 1A Jynx - 48 Electabuzz - 35 Magmar - 33 Pinsir - 1D Tauros - 3C Magikarp - 85 Gyarados - 16 Lapras - 13 Ditto - 4C Eevee - 66 Vaporeon - 69 Jolteon - 68 Flareon - 67 Porygon - AA Omanyte - 62 Omastar - 63 Kabuto - 5A Kabutops - 5B Aerodactyl - AB Snorlax - 84 Articuno - 4A Zapdos - 4B Moltres - 49 Dratini - 58 Dragonair - 59 Dragonite - 42 Mewtwo - 83 Mew - 15 These codes let you catch any Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow at Lv: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, and 99 with Gameshark. Catch A Pokemon level 5: 010526D1 Catch A Pokemon level 10: 010A26D1 Catch A Pokemon level 15: 010F26D1 Catch A Pokemon level 20: 011426D1 Catch A Pokemon level 30: 011E26D1 Catch A Pokemon level 40: 012826D1 Catch A Pokemon level 50: 013226D1 Catch A Pokemon level 75: 014B26D1 Catch A Pokemon level 99: 016326D1 INFINATE MONEY 019946D3 019947D3 019948D3 019949D3 Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFINATE HEALTH] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01FF15D0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite PP] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite PP- 1st Position 01ff87d1 2nd position 01ff88d1 3rd position 01ff89d1 4th position 01ff8ad1 infinite safari zone time and safari balls] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite safari zone time-01f40dd7 and infinite safariballs-011e46da -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite casino coins] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite casino coins-0199a2d5 + 0199a3d5 + 0199a4d5 + 0199a5d5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208 01D0F2CF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ash wont send out any pokemon] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres the code where ash wont send out any pokémon-00ff59d0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MISSING NO] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01B7D7CF THIS MAKES THE SIXTH POSITION IN YOUR ITEM 199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Go through walls] By 11/4/99 there is a code to go through walls on poke yellow and red and blues. It is called nickname. to use this code, stand facing away from a wall, fence or etc. and go to your items and press start. go to items and select Rival's. once you do, get out of the item screen for no pokemon can learn it. (at this point, your pokemon and a pic. of you will be standing on the left side of the screen.) move towards the wall and go to 'pokemon' on your menu list. get out of it and you should be standing on the wall or on the other side of it. CAUTION! if you try to get past walls in houses or things that the game has no data on, your game will shut off, but you can just reload it and it will be just fine. The code for red and blue is: 01A47CCF The code for yellow version is: 01A37DCF you must have infinite money to buy rival's from a poke mart, the code for infinite money is: 019947D3 (red and blue. The code for yellow version is: 019946D3 Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFINATE HEALTH] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01FF15D0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite PP] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite PP- 1st Position 01ff87d1 2nd position 01ff88d1 3rd position 01ff89d1 4th position 01ff8ad1 infinite safari zone time and safari balls] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite safari zone time-01f40dd7 and infinite safariballs-011e46da -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite casino coins] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite casino coins-0199a2d5 + 0199a3d5 + 0199a4d5 + 0199a5d5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208 01D0F2CF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ash wont send out any pokemon] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres the code where ash wont send out any pokémon-00ff59d0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MISSING NO] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01B7D7CF THIS MAKES THE SIXTH POSITION IN YOUR ITEM 199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Go through walls] By 11/4/99 there is a code to go through walls on poke yellow and red and blues. It is called nickname. to use this code, stand facing away from a wall, fence or etc. and go to your items and press start. go to items and select Rival's. once you do, get out of the item screen for no pokemon can learn it. (at this point, your pokemon and a pic. of you will be standing on the left side of the screen.) move towards the wall and go to 'pokemon' on your menu list. get out of it and you should be standing on the wall or on the other side of it. CAUTION! if you try to get past walls in houses or things that the game has no data on, your game will shut off, but you can just reload it and it will be just fine. The code for red and blue is: 01A47CCF The code for yellow version is: 01A37DCF you must have infinite money to buy rival's from a poke mart, the code for infinite money is: 019947D3 (red and blue. The code for yellow version is: 019946D3 Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Surfing Pikachu] By Minku~ 11-4-99 I just found out how to get the surfing pikachu in yellow! I just put in the gameshark code... 013975d1 and my pikachu had surf as his 4th move! I tried to surf with him and when you go to surf it shows a little pikachu icon on a surfboard! its so cool looking! ZxGarurumonxZ-When Pikachu knows Surf, you can acess the special Surfing Pikachu minigame from the man in the house south of Fuschia City -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Floating code] By Minku~ 11/6/99 put in 010a14d7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [999 Max Pokemon Status] By Minku~ 11/6/99 To make your Pokémons HP,attack,defense,speed and special go up to 999- 999 Max hp for first Pokémon - 01038cd1 and 01e78dd1 999 Max attack for first Pokémon - 01038ed1 and 01e78fd1 999 Max defense for first Pokémon - 010390d1 and 01e791d1 999 Max speed for first Pokémon - 010392d1 and 01e793d1 999 Max special for first Pokémon - 010394d1 and 01e795d1 this one is a little confusing but if you read it carefully then you can get it right. for some reason when you deposit the pokemon in the boxes then they wont have all the 999's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFINATE HEALTH] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01FF15D0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite PP] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite PP- 1st Position 01ff87d1 2nd position 01ff88d1 3rd position 01ff89d1 4th position 01ff8ad1 infinite safari zone time and safari balls] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite safari zone time-01f40dd7 and infinite safariballs-011e46da -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [infinite casino coins] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres infinite casino coins-0199a2d5 + 0199a3d5 + 0199a4d5 + 0199a5d5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 EVERY POKEMON (WILD AND TRAINER) LEVEL 208 01D0F2CF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ash wont send out any pokemon] By Minku~ 11/6/99 heres the code where ash wont send out any pokémon-00ff59d0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MISSING NO] By JOSEPH MASTERS 11/5/99 01B7D7CF THIS MAKES THE SIXTH POSITION IN YOUR ITEM 199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Go through walls] By 11/4/99 there is a code to go through walls on poke yellow and red and blues. It is called nickname. to use this code, stand facing away from a wall, fence or etc. and go to your items and press start. go to items and select Rival's. once you do, get out of the item screen for no pokemon can learn it. (at this point, your pokemon and a pic. of you will be standing on the left side of the screen.) move towards the wall and go to 'pokemon' on your menu list. get out of it and you should be standing on the wall or on the other side of it. CAUTION! if you try to get past walls in houses or things that the game has no data on, your game will shut off, but you can just reload it and it will be just fine. The code for red and blue is: 01A47CCF The code for yellow version is: 01A37DCF you must have infinite money to buy rival's from a poke mart, the code for infinite money is: 019947D3 (red and blue. The code for yellow version is: 019946D3