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Sweet and Tender Hooligan

I am updating and changing this web site for absolutely no reason at all. This site was initially created after returning to my parent's house and being bored to death. I again find myself at my parent's house with little to do other than chasing lizards out of boats, locking myself in a trunk, etc...the fun never ends.

November 4, 2000 It's really late and I am not so tired. I think my mom's meat loaf is keeping me awake. Tonight, I think I will add some new pictures. That seems like a good start.

March 24, 2001 Lots of new stuff to add to the page - whether I get around to the task of adding the stuff is not probable. The above picture is of our little sweet angel from heaven Felix. He's just as scarey as he appears.

Links, links, everywhere are links!!!

Whoa! Hey! Don't Touch Me!!! A brief intro to the world that is Miranda.
NEW!!! UPDATE!!! I'm biting the bullet - wanna see pictures of my WEDDING stuff?!
Cops at Auburn University. Come see what I did (and who) for Halloween!
Back By Popular Demand! Or Actually...just because Maribel wanted another glimpse into my sad and lonely world. The Kitty Kingdom is back!!!
Mikey, Maribel, Monica, oh my!!!