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These little angels are here to give you a lift, from me to you, they are my gift

I want to dedicate this poem
to Beth, my friend for over 20 years.
May you be blessed with such an angel

A Friend Is....

A friend is...
one who is not hard to find
when you are penniless.
A friend is...
one who makes
your grief less painful,
your adversity more bearable.
A friend is...
one who joyfully sings with you
when you are on the mountaintop,
and silently walks beside you
through the valley.
A friend is...
one with whom you are comfortable,
to whom you are loyal,
through whom you are blessed,
and for whom you are grateful.
A friend is...
one who warms you by his presence,
trusts you with his secrets,
and remembers you in his prayers.
A friend is...
one who gives you a spark of assurance
when you doubt your ability
to fulfill your noblest aspiration,
climb your special mountain,
or reach your secret goal.
A friend is...
one who helps you bridge the gaps
between loneliness and fellowship,
frustration and confidence,
despair and hope,
setbacks and success.
A friend is...
one who is available to you,
understanding of you,
and patient with you.
A friend is...
no less a gift from God
than is a talent;
no less a treasure
than life itself.
A friend is...
also someone who listens.

By: William Arthur Ward

Have you ever said to yourself..."What a close call that was!" or..."Wow what a lucky break!"? Well, maybe, just maybe, those times weren't lucky at all, but instead...the work of your guardian angel!!


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