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Review by Jennifer

We get yet another delightful flashback episode! Gabrielle finds out about the "vision." They go to a town, Actus, to warn them of an attack. Just then some fireballs fly through the city. They are really using their budget for the catapults, aren't they? So we get a great flashback of evil Xena. Know how she flashed back? Yup, she was knocked on the noggin after saving (gasp) a child! Who woulda thought it? she flashes about 10 or more years back and we see Borias again.......and he's grabbing Xena where? He tries to persuade Xena not to kill some prisoners. Darn! No useless killings today! You suck, Bory. She walks off with some fireballs in the background, destroying Corinth. The attack ends on Actus and Xena talks to Gab about Bory and the old days. She flashes to when she is pregnant with Solan who has aheated discussion with Bory. The baby kicks her (he is obviously warning hernot to mess with his daddy or else he'll come out right then and there) sheflips out and then Borias leaves. Her servant, Satin (oops I mean Satrina), talks about her former masters plans and him digging or something. Xena steals his idea of poisoning grain. We go back to the future (not the movie) and she finds out that some other nut is poisoning the grain at Actus. They go to a damn (Xena! Watch your language!) and she flashes back to when sheoffs all the Corinthian prisoners and Bory lets all the centaurs. She really is having terrible mood swings! Xena, in the present, fights some guys and sees the mountain from her "vision," and they run away. Xena and Gab argue about the "vision" again and Xena remembers when she and Bory had another discussion of their child's future. He doesn't want his son to get hurt so he thinks he should take him away. Like he'd do any better! Dagnine tells them to step outside. so they step outside. He grabs Xena's coat thing and asks "what is this?" Its a party you idiot! Why don't you pull off her coat and reveal that she is with child so they can kill you both, I mean all three of you? He switches sides and Xena looks like she is in labor, in my IMO of course just cause she's panting and mad and in pain and stuff. We flash back n' stuff. Xena tells Gab that she'll try to get her out of the city and Gab's all "I will not continue like this. I am going to my trailer." Xena checks out this tunnel that the army is digging, how long did it take? She gets hit with a poison dart and remembers when Satrina gives her some potion that knocks her out. She finds that Satrina is the warlord and goes unconscious. She and Satrina remember when she was giving birth. Bory goes back to get her and this is an extremely touching moment. He is betrayed by Satrina (brat) and he gets stabbed in the leg. She gets Dagnine to fight him while Xena is giving birth. She screams his name and he gets killed (almost). As she and Satrina leave, Bory, who looks like a dead roasted chicken that is extra crispy, is seeing his son. They leave and Xena, in the present, calls for the army to attack Satrina. It turns out she was faking and she took the antidote before she came. She gets trapped under a pile of rocks, (real impressive, TPTB) and is not dead. Gabby and Xena talk and she remembers when she gave Solan away. This majiorly sucks because: 1. She looses her lover. 2. She looses her son. 3. She looses the battle and has to start over in her career. She must have gone back to her yurt that night balling. Gab comforts her and we fade out. (i almost cried) A+