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Here are some Photo's of some of my best friends from high school.

Here we are on the beach in the Cayman Islands.

(For anyone who cares the people are, Sarah Cohen, Nathen Jones, Cathy Lee, Danny Breiner(me), Lisa Benjamin, Justin Wilkens, Ginger Danaher, and Paul Zavitz...listed from left to right)

Here is my junior prom picture. This one of my oldest and dearest friends Sarah.

This is Mariel. Another wonderful prom date. This time though it's senior year prom.

Here is my best friend Lisa and me. This picture was taken upon our return to our high school for their homecoming. Unfortunately, she goes to another school I can't mention on this page. (But, I don't hold that against her).

In fact, here are two more of my good friends. They also go to that other school.