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Agent Rush

Char info: Name-Kortni Rush Birth place- Naples, Italy Current Location- Rhydin Age-25 Car- 1999 Red BMW Roadster Fears- Biggest fear is death even though her life is in danger every day just saying your a cop is a death wish in Rhydin. Marital status: Single


Occupation- was a model until 1996, now is in the FBI..she started off at FBI in Washington DC untill she left and went to Rhydin, but still does work on the side for FBI when she is needed. Family- Has none in Rhydin, She came From italy alone, Her mother who was died the year before she came to america in 1978 and her father died of a heart attack in 1988..She had a brother but has not seen him or heard from him since she moved, But she stil travels back and forth home often.She has never been married.


Badge #- JTT03316613 Hobbies-FBI, Working out, Sports,Wine collecting, talking,Being a Pain in the ass :smiles::,Mainly Just doing anything that is fun and knows how to have a good time Favorite Sports- Big Hockey Fan and Baseball and Football fan Favorite Music- Dosent Limit herself at all. So the music she listins too is everything. Love interest- Yea there is one guy. Bad Habbits- Will trail of into speaking italian like you can understand her when she is pissed. Favorite Sports- Big Hockey Fan and Baseball and Football fan


Favorite Music- Dosent Limit herself at all. So the music she listins too is everything. Love interest- Yea there is one guy. Bad Habbits- Will trail of into speaking italian like you can understand her when she is pissed. Quote- "I Have PMS and a Gun Any questions?" Weapons- She is a human so she cant morph into anything but her protection is a can of Mase or one of her two 9MM she always has with her. Boulevard/4163/ga014.jpg Boulevard/4163/ga015.jpg Email