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Hand Of Friendship

I've nothing else to offer, so to you Lisa, I extend my hand of friendship. It's nothing that I borrowed, and it's nothing that I will lend. It has no dollar value, it's just something I give as a friend. It can't be overused; though often it's abused. It isn't fragile, so it won't break, and as you know, friends are difficult to make.

I've given it to others, but each time it's unique, it's meaning is always different; it depends on what you seek.
It's something you can store away and feel when you're in need, but never is it on display; it's beauty can't be seen. I extend this Hand Of Friendship with no strings attached, no costly warranties and I will never take it back. This Hand of Friendship that I am sending in the holy name of Christ, let it forever remind you that we are Friends For Life.
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"My One Wish"

Oh my sweet Lisa, you are "The Strong One, The Encourager" an inspiration to myself and others. Losing a friend such as you is their lost; they will never find another.
I hold back the things I want to say and speak not of what I wish we could do, I can only speak, smile and say hello, when the urge is to reach out and hug you. I long to meet you and feel your presents close to mine, just keeping each other safe and content, in my mind this happens all time. So I ask, before I go, can you, would you, grant me one wish? "Think Of Me Often," I won’t ask for anything less than this.


For You Lisa Stay Sweet Friends For Life


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