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Welcome and come Join Me In My World

Pages On My Site:

Heres some of the most weirdest FACTS in the world!
Your A Redneck If.... You Read This Page!
Things that just didn't go with the MISC page!
Music Humour....
About Me
Heres some Pix of the band formally known as Blazin Star get the pic!
My Shoutout Page...----*Updated!
President Clinton...funniest jokes on the net...
My Napster Songs
My Skeeter Shrine
My Photo Albums-----*Updated!

Click Here ^ To Read About My Freaky Hauntings!

Hey everyone!!! This page has JOKES to make you laugh!!!! And Pictures of a rising band...Blazin Star. Other than that...this page was just made for lots of fun, and FUN it was!!! I hope you guys enjoy this page, cause it was made to be enjoyed...otherwise this must have been the wrong URL you typed in. But I really hope it was a good site. I've been working on it for a year now, and I know I haven't got it all nice for anyone, but hey, its just a page...just like a sheet of paper! Well, before you leave, please take the time to sign the guestbook and tell me what you think of the page...K¿ Aight, just don't forget please, because I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this page...TALK TO YOU ALL LATER....BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, ÄC.

P.S. I have added some more pages to my collection now! And soon to come is poems for poem lovers! If you have any that you would like for me to put up on the site with the rest of them...send them to me by email and I'll be sure to add them! Bye now!

Email ME here!^

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