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     So you made it. Congradulations. Few have even made it this far. What you are about to experience will reach within your soul and you will find yourslef swirling through endless arangements of a bunch of senseless word, much like these. However, you are here: The Joe Network. It is my personal webpage. I am merely letting you look at. There's a little bit to do. I hope this webpage allows you to pass some of the time. I'm done with my rant now. Try to enjoy yourself.

New Updates!

     A whole new webpage redesign! Wow! Amazing! It even comes with a magnifying glass!


What To Do

  • Contact - I can be contacted in many forms. This just lists nearly all of them.
  • Site Information - Information about this site.
  • Humor - Humerous things from Anon quotes to Confucious says... to pictures or me... wait... humor? Yah, that's right.
  • Odds & Ends - The ends of the odds of the odds of the ends.
  • Links - Sausage, chain, web... you name it, I got it.
Copyright © 2001 The Joe Network