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Welcome To Cheryl's HomePage!!

Hi there! My name is Cheryl and this is my family...

And these are some of my favorite sites...

The MOMS Club Of Powder Springs HomePage
Losing Weight With Friends--A great MSN community! great site for recipes my family LOVES!
Blue Mountain Art's Electronic Greeting Cards
My best friend, Linda's web page!
T.O.P.S.- My local chapter's web community on MSN
Puzzlemaker--A great site I use to help my kids learn their spelling words and to keep them busy on rainy days.
A Place for Family & Friends- My own web community on MSN
Get your OWN free web page here at Angelfire--it's easy!

I am so glad that you decided to stop by my homepage! This is just a personal page that I have for me. I am hoping to add a journal to it one day...once I figure out how to do it!!

At the end of July 2000 I stumbled onto a great MSN community that I hope you will take the time to visit. It is called Losing Weight With Friends and I love it! It is run by a wonderful woman named Val who lives in Australia. Losing Weight With Friends (LWWF) is a support group for anyone who wants to lose weight - and who would like the help and encouragement of others who really understand the problems we encounter in our daily 'struggle' to shed our excess weight. Come check it out for yourself!

Also, for those of you who haven't checked out the above link to the MOMS Club Of Powder Springs, please do! I put together the page for our chapter so other stay-at-home moms, like myself, would know that these days there is a support system out there to keep us from going crazy! With my first 2 children I stayed home with them but it was hard because we were military and moved all the time. I never really had a chance to establish lasting and strong friendships so that made it harder. With the MOMS Club I have a calendar of events each month of things to do with other mothers and their children. My daughter even has a little best friend now. Her name is Jacey! So check out the site! If you live in the Powder Springs, Georgia area and might possibly be interested in joining our group, please email us at the address provided. Or check out the International MOMS Club Page at and find a chapter near you. It was the best thing I could have ever done for myself!

I finally have 4 pages in my Photo Album. Click here to see the ones I have so far! I will add even more pictures as soon as I can!

Thank you for visiting my page here! Please come back and visit again...I will be adding to and updating this page often!

(As you can see, this page is always under construction!)

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Please feel free to email me anytime! Just click on the little mailbox or email me at

This page was last updated on Friday January 11th, 2002.

And don't forget to check out my Photo Album before you go!