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FUNCTION: Ground Assualt

  • Strength: 10
  • Intelligence: 5.4
  • Endurance: 8
  • Speed: 6
  • Courage: 6.7
  • Firepower: 8.1
  • Skills: 7
  • Rank: 3
  • Arch Enemy: Any remaining Dinobot

    Tribot carries two interceptors and two cannons with him as weapons. Transforms into a Trilop which is an animal similar to a Triceratops but with spikes. In Demonic mode he likes to crush and destroy Autobots, Maximals and anything for fun. His armor is non Transmetal. Tribot still carries his activation code TRIBOT DEMONIC TIME!! Tribot was last seen defending King Warlock Palace with the remaining Demoncions. In a duel with Slag from the Dinobots, they went at it in their beast modes. Later that night Tribot died from head injuries.

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