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I've now resurrected my own hell back to the web lands.  Spending time to do this seems rare for me so changes me come all at once, may come little at a time, may not come at all.  Attracting phrase I'm sure but what else to say.  Anyways, welcome, and enjoy your stay…  muhahaha, hahahaha!!!

What is this page entirely about?  Question yes I even ask myself.  It'll share things about me, tell things about me, those are some obvious things.  It'll have links to pages I often visit for whatever godly reason that is.  The section on my friends will probably be one of the most on going pages of this homepage as it'll always be changing, hopefully, by additions not lose.  What can you expect out of this page?  Not a damn thing really, why expect something, when you don't really know it. 

Scarring Lands | Info on the Devil | Fiendishly known people | Realizing Life | Some Drawings | Evil  Links.