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Current top 3 RPG's that are new out there

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Lunar: SSSC from what I hear used to be a very good rpg, but there is a lot of bias on it. GamePro says that the game WAS good, but now, it sucks compared to all the other new rpg's. The sound sucks, the graphics suck, the controls suck, and it sucks. "The only thing good about it is using the felt map as a blankie...Zzzz...

On the other hand, EGM loves it. It got a gold medal for all the classics about it. I kinda' have to agree with both sides...

The second game is FFVIII. It is not out yet here in the U.S., but it looks awesome! I'd import it, but I'm broke. I hear the best sequence is the ballroom sequence. If you're not broke, import it.

I hear this game is good. I am reffering to Star Ocean: The Second Story...Haven't played it though...

Some other good must rents are:

Azure Dreams

Grandstream Saga

Saga Frontier

In Azure Dreams, you have to go to an ivory tower and back, and the Ivory Tower and back, and so on. Also, with the money and junk you get from the tower, you can build like bowling alleys, movie theatres, racing tracks, and lots of other stuff. The best part is that you are always trying to win over a girl. There are lots to choose from too. A must-rent.

The Grandstream Saga seems to have a very good story line and ok gameplay-one I wouldn't consider buying. But is does deal with floating continents which you probably know I like from the main page...

Saga Frontier is a very good game in my opinion. The game review people didn't seem to like it very much though... In the game, there is 7 people you can choose from to play their journey. I started out with Red. His adventure is the second best. The best one has to be Asellus. She is like a mystic or something, but anyway... Enough of me blabbling on and on about the characters... I did rent this game first and to me it is understandable that some people might not like it, but rent it anyway and if you do, i reccomend starting off with Emilia. You may be tempted to start off with Riki, but DON'T.

His is the worst one...

If you like Star Wars read on...

It has just come to my attention that there will be 3 games on the new and upcoming movie "Star Wars: Episode 1". I think the one for Playstation will be identical of the one for computer, but they look really cool. I think the best one will be the one for Nintendo64. I don't know when exactly these games are coming out, but the movie is coming out on May 19, '99, one of the most notable days in Star Wars history.......hmmmm......I'm just thinking....will there be a new Star Wars CCG pack with the Episode 1 stuff in it........I wonder....hmmmm......Oh well.......(I am reading this and the one for 64 is Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer. It is the best one...But what is funny is that this was written on March somtime, and I am reading it over...I think it is funny that there actually IS a Star Wars: Episode 1 CCG...{Let's all laugh at my past...[hehehe]})