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Best reasons that I hate posers..

Punx rule this sick sad world

Well now,most of you that know me,know how I get mad at certain people,Duck 7,you know who they are.
I complain about them most to you.For the rest of you out there,I just hate people that try too hard to be something they're not
for example,Jocks trying to be skaters or something,AND I HATE THAT..I mean really hate it..and then theres the wannabe G's and
G's just plain SUCK,rap SUCKS,Nike's Fila and other stupid jock shoes SUCK,all hail the almighty Airwalk.
all of you that know I'm right,and agree with me,THANK YOU,feel free to make a comment on it,email me.and those of you that don't agree


1.Posers just plain suck..
2.real skaters can skate..
3.real skaters don't skate in nike's..
4.real punks don't wear nike clothes..
5.posers want to be what they will never be because their entire life is a big game of follow the leader..
6.real cool people don't listen to anything but punk,ska,and metal,nothing else.. are what you are,and you can't be nothing else.
(I give my respect to those who are not afraid to not care,you wear what you want,and don't give a crud what anybody says,but usually it looks pretty cool) people don't have to lie about being in a band,they can actually play something(note:drums don't count because they suck in our band),even in the school band..
9.the only time the word sports is involved in the vocabulary of a cool person,is with the word SUCKS following..
(except football,everybody loves football and those other cool people that are involved with sports any ducks,or close friends..a special thank you to Wesley for making me realise that..)
10.does anyone really care about posers anyway?

do you have reasons you hate posers too? let me know..I'd like to hear from you..

ideas,comments,questions...anything else you can think of..