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Damn it's been a long time since I updated this page..

And hello once again..last time I was here this was my Christmas greeting (Christmas Greeting in August??) Well not much has changed since then,nothing interesting has happened,well not to me anyway I've almost lost contact with all the other ducks,and it bites but this year I'll be able to hunt them down and make them talk to me.
Also I'm in the process of getting a new have no idea how big of a pain in the ass this has been.. first,we got it,I had it almost set up with my stuff and my grandma's too,and it decided to comit suicide,and corrupt it's hard drive while I was sitting there trying to work with it,just to make me feel like crap,well we sent it back to the company and they sent us a new one we just have to go get it..
Anyway I think this is going to have to come to an end,I'm having a sneeze attack (stupid allergies) anyway..everybody take care and may the toaster smile upon you..until next time this is Ducky-o-6..
