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The Whatleys

Whateley Deck #1


Wilhemina Whateley

Nicodemos Whately *

Basil Whateley

Unknown Hooded Figure (sweet!)

Ezekiel Whateley

Dolores Whateley

Moses Whateley-Braun

Saul Whateley

Silas Peacock*

Sir Whitmore

Bronco Bjork Gutmansen* (Not exactly sure why he's in there, but seems to work well)

Ezzie (get rid of all those little bastards)

* starting Dudes ( I know 3 is low, but it's just too expensive otherwise)


Pike's Puddle Mine

Foale's Folly

Tombstone Dispatch Branch Office

Wishing Well

The Desert Rose load

San Someon Mine

The Undertaker's

Callahan's Ditch

Drop in the Ocean Strike

Top of the World Load

Henery's Hole

The Clock tower



Rooftop Sniper x2

Haunting x2

Claim Jumper


Foreclosure x2

Goods/ Events


New Hat x2

Missing Children x2

Heavy Rain x2


Blood Curse (sweet card!)

Mind Twist

Missed Me

Shadow Walk x2

Helpin Hand x2

Texas Twisterx2

Soul Blast x3

Well, that's the deck. It may not look like much but it works. If you notice there are no deeds that provide control in the deck, I should probably fix that, but oh well. Anyway, the small strikes combined with the Heavy Rains pretty much assure that I'll have enough GR. That along with the fact that 24 of the deck's 52 cards are Kings, Queens, and Jacks. This pretty much assures that your hexes will be successful. The Soul Blasts make up the most of the offencive nature of the deck. I'll get rid of the little guys and even the biggies sometimes (it'll send em home no matter what though). The Clock Tower helps the deck a lot. Being able to have the 1st shootout action is important when you have cards like Soul Blast and Blood Curse. One more thing though, I've only gotten 1 starter and 4 boosters of episode 4 so the deck isn't exactly complete. When it is, I'll let you all know and I'll post the updated list..   

Druid Fire

By Peter, posted December 2nd 1998 - Episode 7


Nicodemus Whateley

Billy No-Neck

Basil Whateley 

Jebediah Whateley

Wilhelmina Whateley

Nicodemus Whateley Experienced

Crazy Quilt

Unknown Hooded Figure

Austin Stoker

Werner Braun


The Undertaker's

Foale's Folly

The Clock Tower


The Desert Rose Lode


Drop In The Ocean Strike

Harlot's Haven Strike

Henry's Hole

Flop House

Ignacio's Exotics

San Simeon Mine


Claim Jumper

Snake Eyes

Take Ya With Me



The First Bank Is Robbed! x 3


Nicodemus' Deck

Pembroke's Analysis Of Hoyle

Stoker's Sabre

Hoyle's Book, 1769 Ed.


Mind Twist

Puppet x 2

Hunch x 2

Shadow Walk x 2

Missed Me x 2

Shadow Man x 3

Corporeal Twist x 3

Soul Blast x 3

Notes: The entire purpose of this deck is to take advantage of the Whateley's special ability: Hexes.  This deck is loaded with them and stacked so they can get the pulls needed for them.  There is a hex for any occasion.  Nicodemus, Billy and Basil can hold their own at the start until you can afford the big guns like experienced Nickodemus and Stoker.  The variety of unique, mystical goods are mostly geared to raising huckster levels.  I have even been able to get Nicodemus' huckster level high enough to send John Bloody Knife to the graveyard with a Soul Blast.  Once you get your cards out you can take anything on and win.  The 2 main weaknesses of this deck are speed and poker.  This deck is built to be a slow developing one that is unstoppable when complete.  Fast decks that use lots of CP's early and things like Ambush or the Warrant/Clean Up The Town combo can hurt this deck early on.  Use Basil to keep people from booting to do actions against you, and Hunch to keep your opponent from getting his cards quickly.  The 3 The First Bank Is Robbed! will show up a lot denying your opponents ghost rock and slowing them down.  This deck was not built with much poker in mind.  Don't get into fights until you have either the hexes or big guys out to back you up. 

Better Off Dead

By Kurt, posted December 2nd 1998 - Episode 7


Billy No Neck

Nicodemus Whateley

Silas Peacock

Saul Whateley

Cassidy Greene

...And Scooter

Basil Whatleley

Benjamin Nightsinger

Buster Madison

Charlie Flatbush

Cletus Peacock

Crazy Quilt


Humphery Walters

John Bloody Knife

Tom O'Reilly

Unknown Hooded Figure

Vampiric Dance Hall Girl

Wakin' Dead x 4

Wall Crawler x 2


Wilhelmina Whateley


Abandoned Mine

Deadland x 3


Lord Grimely's Manor

Photographer Shop

Red Hill Hotel

Sunnyside Hotel

Town Hall


Ace in the Hole


Grave Robbin' x 3

Hot Lead Flyin'


Take Ya With Me x 2

Throw Down x 2


Founder's Day x 2

Full Moon



Soul blast

Joker x 2

Notes: None at present

Nic, New & Impoved

By Monkey, posted December 2nd 1998 - Episode 7


Nicodemus original

Kansas City Kara

Silas Peacock

Walkin dead x 4

Wall Crawler x 3



Austin Stoker



Nicodemus experienced


Abandoned Mine

Lord Grimeley's Manor

1st Bank of Gomorrah




2 Deadlands

Pony Express

Ignacios Exotics



Night Haunt

Luck of the Draw

Snake Eyes

Hell's Fury




Heavy Rain


Nicodemus Deck

Stoker's Saber

Hoyle's 1769

Pembrokes Analysis of Hoyle

Unholy Symbol

Quick draw holster


Soul blast x 2


Texas Twister

Mind Twist

Corporeal Twist

Blood Curse

Helpin Hand

This leaves about 2 more cards to add at your discretion.

My deck is stacked towards 2's kings and jacks.  Most of the 2's are meant to get out of your deck and into your boot hill, earning 5 from deadlands, 1 from undertaker, 2 from graveyard, and many from graverobbins.  Don't bother to keep them around because, UHF, Werewolf, and Nicodemus with a bunch of spells, experienced, and with all the mystical goods will do the dirty work.  Basil can sit at home and boot dudes, as can Whilhemina with a Texas Twister, or she can pump Nicodemus.  If possible play graveyard, Lord Gimeley's, and the 1st Bank in a line next to your home, for a permanent 6 control points, and you won't likely lose abandoned mine.  Use Snake eyes to fix your pulls and luck of the draw to get an edge in combat.  Also Hell's Fury Nic's original form with his experienced one for a real undead threat.

You're Mine

By John Franklin, posted November 29th 1998 -

Episode 7


Billy No-neck

Dolores Whataley

Basil Whateley

Jebediah Whateley

Nicodemus Whateley

Crazy Quilt

Vampiric Dance Hall Girl

Nicdemus Whateley(Exp)

Unknown Hooded Figure

Wilhelmina Whateley



On the side strike

Pike's puddle mine

San simeon mine

The desert rose lode

Harlot's haven strike

Thunder gulch strike

Drop in the ocean strike

Exchange office

The Tree

Wishing well

Foale's folly

Henry's hole

Strike experiment #1


Take ya with me x 2

Claim jumper x 2

Ignore 'im x 2

Haunting x 4


Nicodemus' deck

Pembroke"s analysis of hoyle

Hoyle's book, 1769 ED.


Soul blast x 2

Shadow man x 3

Shadow walk x 3

Helpin' hand x 2

Puppet x 3

Blood curse x 2

The whole point is to take control of the other player's dudes and get them into shootouts with his own men. You could also use them to claim jump their own strikes. First, shadow man one of your guys so he can't be called out. Second, shadow walk him to the opponents home or any other deed with his men. Third, puppet the dude. Near the end of the game, you'll probably always get a cheatin 5 of a kind, but who cares, it's their men that are cheatin!


By Jeffrey Hannah, posted November 26th 1998 -

Episode 7


Saul Whateley

Basil Whateley

Nicodemus Whateley

Dolores Whateley

Sir Whitmore

Jebediah Whateley


Nicodemus Whateley (exp)

Unknown Hooded Figure

Crazy Quilt

Wilhelmina Whateley


Lord Grimely's Manor


Ignacio's Exotics

Pike's Puddle Mine

San Simeon Mine

Thunder Gulch Strike

The Desert Rose Load

The Tree

Drop In The Ocean Strike

Harlots Haven Strike

Flop House

Strike Experiment #1

Henry's Hole

Wishing Well

Foale's Folly


Bad Tequila x 4

Run Out Of Town x 2

Snake Eyes x 3

Rumors x 3

Ignore 'Im x 4


Pembrokes Analysis of Hoyle


Mind Twist x 3

Texas Twister x 3

Blood Curse

Hunch x 2

Pretty typical Whateley deck from what I've seen. I have stacked the deck with as many high cards as I can and I believe that about half the deck is a value of jack or higher. The object is fairly simple. Your hucksters hang out at home until they have gotten their mind twists and texas twisters. When you are ready you blast the opponents dudes with the mind twists, rumors, texas twisters, and bad tequilas, then walk into the deeds he puts out and take control of them.

No! No! No! It wasn't me I swear!

By Graeme Bradbury, posted September 18th 1998 -

Episode 6


Dolores Whateley

Basil Whateley

Jebediah Whateley

Nicodemius Whateley

Crazy Quilt

Wilhelmina Whateley


Pembrookes Analysis of Hoyle

Still x 2


Mind Twist x 3

Texas Twister x 4

Shadow Man x 3

Shadow Walk x4

Blood Curse x 3


1st Bank of Gomorra

Sunnyside Hotel

King Willy's Mother Lode

Pony Express

Fu Lengs Laundry

On the side Strike

San Simeon Mine

Pikes Puddle Mine

The Tree x 2

Thunder Gulch Strike

The Desert Rose Lode

Drop in the Ocean Strike

Harlots Haven Strike

Foales Folly

Henry's Hole

Green Eye Saloon


Bad Tequila x 3

Rumours x 3

Ignore 'im x 3

My starting dudes are either Basil and Crazy Quilt or Basil, Jebediah and Dolores. The remaining dudes are just there for a little backup in case the starters get wasted and to add a little influence if needed. Once the Tree and a few Texas Twisters are out you can pretty much ensure that nobody comes near your hucksters. Once you get your opponents dudes booted with the Stills, Bad Tequila, and Texas Twisters. You use the Rumours, Blood Curses and Mind Twists to lower the influence and just Shadow Walk out to those deeds of his that stand between you and victory.

Dead Again

By Fred Myers, posted August 21st 1998 - Episode 4


Cassidy Green:

3 X Walking Dead:

Moses Whatley:

Silas Peacock:

Sir Whitmore:

Basil Whatley:

Nicodemous Whatley:

Unkown Hooded Figure:



Whilemina Whatley.


Pembrooks Analysis of Hoyle:


3 X Mind Twist:

Soul Blast: 

3 X Shadow Walk: 

2 X Missed Me:


2 X Founders Day:

1st Bank is robbed:


Dispatch Office:

Abandoned Mine:

King Willy's Mother Lode: 

Old Moon Saloon:

Pony Express:

Spirit of Kentucky Shaft: 

Top of the World Lode: 


Pikes Puddle Mine: 

Thunder Gulch: 

Henry's hole:

Foales Folley:


Run outa town:

2 X Snake Bite:

4 X Stray Lead:

2 X Snake Eyes:

2 X Rumors:

2 X Take You With me:

Claim Jump.

   Boot Hell

By Ken Kurpiel, posted July 26th 1998 - Episode 4


Basil Whateley

Silas Peacock

Cassidy Green

Saul Whateley

Charlie Landers

Wilhelmina Whateley

Austin Stoker

Unknown Hooded Figure

Nicodemus Whateley

Werner Braun

Delores Whateley

Sir Whitmore

Billy No-Neck

Tom O'Reilly

Moses Whateley-Braun

Zeke Whateley

Deeds :

Foale's Folly

Henry's Hole

Fu-Leng's Laundry

Pony Express

The Slaughter House


Claim Jump

Yer Cheatin' Too

Friends In Low Places

Get a Rope

Caught With Yer Pants Down

Stray Lead x2

And Stay Down

Bad Tequila  x4


Still x 3


The Fair Comes to Town x4


Blood Curse

Helpin' hand x4

Texas Twister x4

Mind Twist x3

  Keep them booted and then mind twist or blood curse the rest.  Average Value is around 8 so all the hexes will work.  On a Huckster with a 2 or higher rating I feel confident Mind twisting a 3 influence dude. Though usually I make a 2 influence dude zero, much easier that.  Since most of the dudes are one influence and cheap I still have a med-high influence (ave 6 during a game) but can move them to many different deeds.  So by keeping their guys booted and my guys at the CP deeds then reducing their influence until after nightfall, wheee.  The Helpin' Hands are invaluable against IWAL decks.   The only tweaking I might do is to remove No-Neck and put in another Blood Curse.

What's up with Humphrey?

By L Himelhoch, posted July 11th 1998 - Episode 4

Dudes (12)

1 Werewolf (Js)

2 Dolores Whateley (7s)

1 Wilhlmina Whatley (Ks)

1 Tom O'Reilly (5s)

1 Vampire Dance Hall Girl (Js)

2 Humphrey Walters (2s)

2 Nicodemus Whatley (10s)

2 Saul Whateley (As)

Actions (16)

2 Ambush (5C)

2 Double Dealing (5C)

2 Claim Jumper (QC)

2 Yer Cheatin Too (2C)

2 Hell's Fury (3C)

2 Foreclosure (6C)

2 Just a Graze (5C)

2 Dust Devil (5c)

Events (3)

3 Full Moon (5H)

Hexes (6)

4 Shadow Walk (5H)

2 Soul Blast (2H)

Goods (4)

4 Shotguns - ( 5H)

Deeds (11)

1 Abandoned Mine (6D)

1 King Willy's Mother Lode (6D)

1 Henry's Hole (KD)

1 Desert Rose Lode (QD)

1 Foales' Folley (KD)

1 Callahan's Ditch (9D)

1 Pikes Puddle Mine (JD)

1 Drop in the Ocean Strike (QD)

1 Lord Grimeley's Manor

1 Smiley's Shaft

1 Red Hill Hotel

The last three Deed's are in mainly because they are 2D However once I get the Abandoned Mine or Claim Jump an opponent's strike I can get them into play late game. Special

2 Joker     

'Things that go OH MY GOD NO!! IT'S EATING MY LEG!..GET IT OFF!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!...OH PLEASE GOD HELP ME...*thump* in the Night'

By Billy, posted July 7th 1998 - Episode 4


Dolores Whateley

Basil Whateley

Silas Peacock

Saul Whateley(x2)

Moses Whateley-Braun


Humphrey Walters(x2)

Unknown Hooded Figure



Wilhelmina Whateley

Nicodemus Whateley

Tom O'Reilly

JP Coleman(he love the smell of fear)


Smiley's Shaft


The Undertaker's

Lord Grimely's Manor

Nasty Doc's

Miner's Union House

Abandoned Mine

Henry's Hole

Spirit of Kentucky Shaft

Top of the World Lode

Callahan's Ditch


Hell's Fury(x2)

Ace in the Hole(x2)

Grave Robbin'(x2)

Snake Eyes(x2)

The Witching Hour





Shadow Walk(x2)

Soul Blast(x3)

Mind Twist

Blood Curse(x2)

Helpin' Hand(x2)

I'd love a better starting party but no one else fits the theme. There's not a lot of CP but only deeds that fit the theme are included. 5 of the actions are the only cards in the deck that don't fit the theme...but I think they're worth it. Once I get another Mind Twist one of the Soul Blasts is gone and I'll add jokers.

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