A Marcher Lord's Reflections

Years ago, "marcher lords" referred to nobles residing along the English-Welsh border. I use "marcher lord" here because I'm a member of Shire Rivermarch and have received an award-of-arms.

My persona is late 16th century Scottish and Moravian. A traveler who's seen and done his share of fighting. One who now shares what he learns. Hence, these pages.

Some thoughts about them...

A VIKING LADY'S TREASURES. It features links to, and pictures of, items created by my sister Lady Shara of Starwood (who's also known as Lady Asa of the Wood).

HISTORY OF THE SOUTHERN MARCHES. It's based on theories and facts supplied by Earl Sir Michael Bohun, Lord Laurence the Imager, and me. The first version, I believe, was distributed in 1995. I've done some updating but much more is needed. A link to another version, also done in two parts, can be found on each page.

PROPOSAL REGARDING THE SOUTHERN MARCHES. It's an unsubmitted proposal, methinks, written sometime between 1990 and 1995. A link to the Consortium's structure can be found on each page.

HISTORY OF THE CONDOTTIERI OF THE TWIN CITIES. It too, was originially published in 1995. A link to Lady Erin's site is on each page.

PROPOSAL REGARDING THE ROYAL ARMY OF MERIDIES. Earlier versions were made between 1990 and 1995. A link to Sir Al Hadad Al Hadi's Fighters' Collegium class on Large Melee Tactics can be found on each page.

THISTLE AND ROSE. It's an Elizabethan allegory set during the time of Elizabeth Tudor and Mary Stuart. "Albion Alba" represents Britain (home of England and Scotland). Earlier versions appeared in 'Paw Prints' (May 1987) and 'At the Drop of a Feather' (March 1988).

UP *THE LION'S FACE*. It's based on, and adapted from, the article "Braemar"--written by Yvonne Mayer--which appeared in 'British Heritage' magazine (October-November 1981/pages 64-72). An earlier version was published in 'At the Drop of a Feather' (April 1988).

THE CAT-TAIL BATTERY. Rowan MacDonald developed the thought, which I adapted, during 2000. He and I, though, were unaware of the South Downs Trebuchet Company.

FEATHERFALL LEGEND, originally written between 1985 and 1989, is a fictional version of how Shire Featherfall got its name. It was performed at least once, in 1988, and a passing reference to the tale can be found here.

RIVERMARCHERS' REALM. Earlier versions, made during 2000 and 2001, served as Shire Rivermarch's webpage. Website credits can be found at Shire Tidbits.

Please let me know your thoughts regarding these words. Wishing you and yours good fortune always, I remain yours in service...

Lord Robert Cattanach of Moravia
(who the internet knows as Robert Dubh Nianque)

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Page updated 8 June 2003 by Lord Robert Cattanach of Moravia.
(c) The Waterbearing Fish.