'Within Five Days'/Act 1
--Robert Dubh Nianque

(c) The Waterbearing Fish


What follows are scenes 1-4 for the pilot/first episode of a "Pupsical Storm" series, either tv or movie, based on Melissa Good's Dar and Kerry stories. This work was prepared from the posted version of 'Tropical Storm'--I've *NOT* read either the published version or the movie screenplay.

'Tropical Storm'--characters, story, settings--belong to Melissa Good and Ladyhawke Productions. Xena and Gabrielle, Dar and Kerry's spiritual (and actual?) ancestors, belong to Reniassance Pictures.


Cursing--"This stinks." (scene 2)

Subtext--a hint. (scene 3)

Comments are appreciated; insults are not. With many thanks to Eleanor and CC for their thoughts and impressions...

Robert Dubh Nianque

Based on the book 'Tropical Storm' by Melissa Good

*Scene 1*
(Monday morning/8:35 am)

Camera opens in ROBERT'S office. HE sits behind HIS desk looking at Associated's Director of Operations. KERRY STUART looks younger than HER age. Average height, slender build, lightly tanned skin, green eyes. Wears jeans and a short-sleeved white lace shirt.

We come in after ROBERT tells KERRY what happened. (Camera first focuses on both ROBERT and KERRY then on EACH of them as THEY speak.)

KERRY (sits in a chair; stunned by the news)

I didn't think we did that badly. I thought it was just rumors.

ROBERT (brown eyes look sad)

Chica, we did nothing wrong, ok? It came down to money, that's all. They made me an offer, like you say in the movies, I cannot refuse.

(lifts a hand)

I've got six kids, all getting near the age where I have to do cars and college, and I love the company...but the buyout...mi amiga...the buyout lets me do right by my family.

KERRY (sighs)

No, Robert, I don't blame you. I just...here...we were like a family ourselves.


I know, chica, I know.

(gets up, crosses around HIS desk, puts a hand on HER shoulder)

I tell them, every chance, how great you are. You did a fantastic job with everything, really turned things around, give them an opportunity to see that.

KERRY (quiet tone)

I don't care about me, Robert, our people work really hard. I don't think those guys are going to care. I think they'll tear us apart.


Hey, come on now, let the boat sink before you drown...ok?

(pats her cheek)

Let me see...that Michigan mascot, what is it, a badger?

(little smile; their school animals are an ongoing friendly argument)

A wolverine.


What kind of a symbol is that for a university? It's ridiculous.


Better than an alligator.

(sighs and stands)

Ok...I'd better tell the staff...I'm sure, though, they've already heard.

KERRY leaves; camera dissolves.

*Scene 2*
(Monday morning/7:30-8 am)

Camera opens on the island ferry; specifically inside a brown Lexus LX470 sport utility vehicle. Again, we're behind the WOMAN. SHE leans back in the leather seat. As the ferry begins its journey, we hear the messages SHE'S already received.

(vice-president of marketing)

Dar, the Associated Synergenics deal went through so we need a pirate team in there. Let me know how the pillaging goes...

(vice-president of finance)

Dar, the preliminary budgets are in...Call me when you get in the office.

(founder and head of Merwolf Systems, Limited)

That Associated deal, Dar, I need it at fifty percent. We've got the stockholders meeting in two months and I have to post third quarter results before that. With the budget the way it is, and that fiasco with United Telecom, either you give me Associated at fifty percent or we're not going to show double-digit growth. And you know what that means.

I know you can do this, my pretty pirate, and I've got a little surprise for you when you do.

The ferry's midway between island and mainland when DAR dials HER office via a dash-mounted cell speaker phone. HER secretary, MARIA LANA, answers on the first ring.

MARIA (precise voice, Castillian accent)

Dar Roberts' office, how may I help you?

DAR (pleasant)

Morning, Maria.


Good morning, good morning. Dar, did something happen, half the building is looking for you...


Associated Synergenics happened. The boys have themselves in an uproar.


Si...I have three thick folders and a stack of phone messages for you.

DAR (sighs)

Great. Call a meeting of the Associated account team for ten and schedule me out there this afternoon.

MARIA (gentle chiding)

You have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.


Cancel it.




Can't help it, Maria, this is a hot one...Les is sitting on it.


No wonder...He doesn't let you live.


Don't worry, I took it easy this weekend, I feel great.

MARIA (stubborn)

I'll call your doctor's secretaria and reschedule the appointment.

DAR (concedes defeat)

All right. Gotta go...need to call Mark.


Ayeyiyi...You tell him for me, Dar, no more pink rabbits on my screen...

DAR (stifles a chuckle)

All right...talk to you in a bit.

DAR disconnects; dials another number. The ferry docks. The phone rings twice. MARK POLENTI, Merwolf Systems' chief of Information Security, answers.

MARK (gruff voice)


(unfazed, SHE and MARK are friends, despite HIS apparent hostility)

Good morning Mark.


Oh...uh...hi Dar.

(releases parking brake, eases HER SUV on the metal gangplank, DOCK WORKERS wash it down with fresh water)

I need Associated Synergenics. Now.


Aw Dar...for crying out loud...the paperwork was signed Saturday night and cleared the commissions last night!!!

DAR (no nonsense voice)

I have a meeting there this afternoon, Mark, and I need data by the time I hit the office. Shouldn't take you more than fifteen minutes...if your reputation's up to it.

MARK (rapid-fire clicking in the background)

Where are you?


MacArthur Causeway; about to pass Star Island.

MARK (smug tone)

Tch, tch, tch...you're slowing down Dar...I'm in, got the database, which printer you want it at?

DAR (chuckling)

You're something else, Mark the Shark, Admin P2 will be fine.

MARK (muttering; clicking continues)

Ok, sending, what the...unsecured gateways...Dar, no wonder these guys got inhaled, they don't even have a firewall!!!


Pathetic. Who's responsible?

MARK (more clicking)

Assumption here, cause you never know, a lady by the name of Kerry Stuart. Hmm...hmmm...hmmm...yep, bingo assumption, nice...hmm...ooo...ah...hey Dar, ah, she's cute.

DAR (sighs)

Can it Mark...


Mmmm...well...strawberry blond hair...pretty green eyes...Dar, she's twenty six, my age...not married. Nothing on her medical side...oh wait...she had a pregnancy test last year. Results negative.




All right...all right...Information Systems degree from University of Michigan, previous job was for Edutech as their regional coordinator in that neck of the woods, she's from somewhere up there...oh hey...her father's Senator Stuart.

(leaves the ferry; turns south onto Brickell Avenue)

Hmmm...He's been hounding the Detroit office for money...I remember Les complaining about it.

(reaches Merwolf Systems' headquarters, drives the Lexus into the parking lot, nods to the GUARD who opens its security gate for HER)

Yeah, all right, give me a printout on her too.

MARK (chuckles)

Do seagulls mess your windshield? I'll be nice and add a color picture to it.

DAR (warning tone)

Not necessary Mark. That's more your line.

MARK (chortles)

Who said I was doing it for you? Bye.

THEY disconnect.

We hear DAR softly chuckling as we see the Lexus park. Camera shows the driver's door open, a hand grabbing the briefcase, and the door being closed.

Camera's focus changes so we now see DAR'S shadow by the door. It stays there for a moment, enough time for HER to take a quick look of HERSELF in the window and set the SUV's alarm system, before starting towards Merwolf Systems headquarters.

A black CAT, lean and fit, stops in front of HER. (Camera does a close-up of the CAT; ITS blue eyes are calm rather than fearful.)

DAR'S shadow stops; SHE looks at the CAT. (Camera now shows both CAT and DAR'S shadow.)


Another day, another gutting, hmmm?

CAT (unafraid; gives DAR a look)


CAT walks away. DAR'S shadow continues its walk towards headquarters. Camera dissolves.

*Scene 3*
(Monday morning/10:00 am)

Camera focuses on KERRY'S area. Once an open room, cubicles cover half the space. The remainder is barren save for some unused printer tables and chairs. Supervisory offices are near each corner.

The staff knows of the merger, "hostile takeover" most call it, rumors regarding what will happen are interlaced with customer-related talk. Frustration and resignation echo throughout every conversation.

The camera shifts to a group of cubicles in the support staff section. Inside each is a desk, chair, computer, file cabinet, and phone. CHARLIE sits on HIS desk, headset dangling around HIS neck, styrofoam cup in HIS hand.

ANITA, whose cubicle is on CHARLIE'S right side, glances at HER phone pad. Several lights blink. SHE is short, slim, wears short-rimmed glasses.


We're toast.

ANITA (protests)

You don't know that.


They're gonna fire us all.


Who knows...maybe it'll be better...


Forget it. My cousin worked for Allied Dynamics when they took over...

(jiggles a small barrel full of pens and markers on HER desk)

Maybe we can get pens...instead of bringing them.

(gulps down the contents of HIS cup)

Guess I'd better pretend to work...

(looks around, sits down with a grunt, puts HIS headset on)

Where are the supervisors anyway?

ELAINE (looks up)

Conference room meeting...

(SHE'S a tall thin brunette whose cubicle is on CHARLIE'S left side)

Kerry called one about an hour ago. I guess to give them the bad news.

(notices movement at the area's front entrance)

Uh oh...here they come.

The doors open; their noise quiets everyone. In walk the supervisors--RAY (area manager), SUSAN (lead programmer), ALEX (information services chief)--followed by KERRY. SHE leans against the closed doors for a moment, then straightens HER shoulders, and motions for everyone to gather in the open space.

Softly chatting, they form a semi-circle around a printer table. The supervisors are grim-faced. A bad sign. They look at KERRY. SHE carefully climbs onto the table and holds up a hand.

RAY RAMERIEZ is tall and lanky with black hair. SUSAN BARNES is a short stocky woman with silvered chestnut hair. In size and shape, ALEJANDRO ELESHA falls between RAY and SUSAN (though his hair is black with silver strands).

(shakes a little though HER voice is clear)

Ok folks...listen up.

(silence; RAY hands HER a small microphone)

Does this wor...

(KERRY'S voice grows louder; some grimace at the sudden change)

Oh...I guess it does.

(adjusts the microphone)


(clears HER throat)

I'm sure you know we were officially merged with Merwolf Systems last night.

(pauses; takes a breath)

Some of its people are going to be around here, starting this afternoon, and I think we all know there will be changes.

(a low murmur; KERRY raises a hand to still it)

I don't know what changes, or what they're going to do, or what this means for us. What I'm asking you to do is just take care of our customers. Let's not react until we know what's going on.

CHARLIE (mutters to ELAINE; disgusted tone)

Get your resumes ready.

KERRY (hears CHARLIE'S words but ignores them)

All right...

CHARLIE (turns to ANITA; tone a little louder)

Bet they find some way not to give us six month benefits...

KERRY (frustrated but polite)

Come on Charlie...

(hears grumbles of support for CHARLIE'S words)


CHARLIE (confronts KERRY)

If they keep anyone.

(stares CHARLIE into silence; the grumbling ceases)

Let's just wait and see what happens. That's all I have...If someone from Merwolf arrives, be nice, answer their questions, and keep it cool.

(gingerly gets off the table; smiles at RAY who holds HER hand to prevent a fall)


(Gives microphone to RAY, walks towards HER office along the back wall, trailed by supervisors while the staff returns to work. They reach HER office door, wanting to follow HER in, SHE raises a hand.)

After lunch, ok?

(RAY and ALEX leave; SUSAN remains)

Go get some coffee, check your email, do something...

SUSAN (snorts; shakes HER head)

I'll call my headhunter.

KERRY watches SUSAN stalk away, to an office piled to the ceiling with printouts, then enters HER office. SHE circles the woodgrain wraparound desk (which includes a recessed computer well and is covered by employee personnel folders), sits in HER chair, puts HER head in HER hands.

KERRY (rubs HER eyes)

Come on now...

(SHE leans back, lets HER hands fall on denim-covered thights, takes a breath)

Think positive.

SHE sighs then plays with a cup on HER desk and glances around HER office. A few file cabinets, one plant in each corner (each obsessively maintained), a winter landscape picture of Michigan on one wall (which features a red fox seeking shelter), a visitor's chair. Its carpet is pale blue; its walls painted light grey.

The phone rings. SHE pushes the speakerphone button.



Ker, it's Alex. I've got some buitre on the phone demanding access.

KERRY (pleads)

Don't tell me what that is, ok?

(closes eyes)

If it's from Merwolf, just give them access...they can probably get it anyway...we don't want to start off being obstructionists.


Ok, I give them mail server transfer, a postbox dial-in, and an admin account...What else?

KERRY (opens eyes)

That should keep them busy for a while. I'll try to get some ground rules when whoever they send comes over. Maybe they'll be reasonable...

ALEX (snorts)


KERRY (sighs)

Don't tell me what that means either...


But in Michigan, we'd say: "this stinks."

SHE disconnects; begins pulling employee performance reviews from the folders. Camera dissolves.

*Scene 4*
(Monday morning/11:00 am)

Camera opens on DAR'S office as the Associated account team, five MEMBERS in their early/mid twenties, leaves. THEIR faces are a mix of awe and fear.

The office itself is big. The back wall is glass; providing DAR a view of the bay and the ocean beyond. Thick burgundy carpet; smooth wood desk. Comfortable leather chair. Both speakerphone and computer system are the latest model.

Instead of a visitor's chair, there's a low-slung couch. Camera doesn't show DAR; it does--however--show papers, folders, and printouts (some labelled "Associated," some labelled "Merwolf") strewn across HER polished desk. Right now, SHE'S leaving a message for LOU (following up on HIS message in scene 2).


Dukky, you know I hate budgets. Give me a number and I'll make it fit; don't make me argue all morning over how many felt-tip markers Operations should have.

Disconnects; MARK enters and sits on the couch. HE'S a stocky dark-haired man of middling height. Camera focuses on HIS reactions to HER words.

Everything set for tomorrow?

MARK (grins)

Sure. I'm in Associated's system both officially and unofficially. Can shut it down anytime you want.


And Brady's team?


They've been briefed and have their paperwork. Normal procedure, right?


Yeah. The account team didn't mention special circumstances.

MARK (grimaces)

They may not have seen any. You know Eleanor, Dar, she lets new grads handle acquisition accounts. Gives them experience and figures we can cover their mistakes.

DAR (snorts)

One day she won't have that luxury.


I'll be there this afternoon. If I see anything different, I'll let you or Brady know.

MARK (stands; gets ready to leave)

Right. Anything else?


Maria asks that pink rabbits no longer appear on her monitor.


Dar, that was a test checking her screen's color intensity acceptance...


It passed.


As did mine. Remove the rabbits today.

MARK (hears the command in DAR'S voice)

Will do...

(pauses; then leaves with a grin)

I'll test Eleanor's monitor with them.

DAR (sighs)

Mark, Mark, what shall I do?

(pauses; camera is shooting over DAR'S shoulders)

Play a part...or let you have all the fun?


Well, why not, Associated can wait a few minutes.

(punches in a number on the speakerphone; we see a hand doing so)



Dar...Haven't boarded Associated yet?

(irked by ELEANOR'S reference to HER as a pirate; SHE can take LES calling HER one, HE'S done HIS share of HER work in the past, ELEANOR hasn't)

Soon. Just called to make sure your teams are ready to take over Associated's functions.


They're awaiting your call.



(makes ready to disconnect when ELEANOR cries out)

What's wrong?

ELEANOR (nervous)

Pink...pink...pink rabbits are covering my screen!!!

DAR (soothing voice)

Don't worry. It's only a test of your monitor's color acceptance level.

ELEANOR (worried)

How long does it last?


It varies. My monitor passed within seconds; Maria's within four hours. Check with Mark, he's running the test company wide, he'll be able to tell you more.

ELEANOR (upset)

Hey...Dar...you know Mark and I don't get along...


Sorry, Eleanor, Associated awaits...

SHE disconnects, places folders/etc. in a drawer, and writes a note. (Camera remains behind DAR as she does these things.) SHE leaves HER office and places a post-it message on MARIA'S monitor. It reads: Maria, Mark found a new home for the rabbits. Dar

SHE goes through a deserted hallway to the elevators. We hear HER laughing over ELEANOR'S fate.


Even pirates, me bucko, get marooned.

Camera dissolves.


Written during 1999 and 2003. An earlier version was posted and later deleted.

'The Fox and the Panther' print inspired the final version of Dar's encounter with the cat (scene 2) and Kerry's Michigan print (scene 3). Like the sword versus staff encounter in the Teaser, the cat and fox are subtle ties linking Dar and Kerry to Xena and Gabrielle.

'Tropical Storm'

Part 1 (posted version)


'The Fox and the Panther' print


'Within Five Days'/Teaser
'Within Five Days'/Act 2