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Val Island Council Pathfinder's Homepage

Welcome to my homepage.  If you aren't familiar with Val Island - it would take me weeks to explain.  Suffice it to say, the Island is a tropical paradise where a select group of fan fic writers play with a variety of characters.  Dedicated to the many characters brought to life by the talented Valentine Pelka, the island also includes characters from Highlander, First Knight, X-files, and Young Hercules (not to mention a few original Grigori, some Gods, and a Cossack village).

Most of our stories are joint efforts, and the storylines all tend to intersect.  This list is highly interactive - which is what makes if fun.  Hope you enjoy my ramblings.  I've credited my friends with the parts they wrote personally, but none of this would have been written without the support and encouragement of Lilly and Sharon.  With the exceptions of Jair, Radzin, and Vassily - I do NOT own any of these characters (but I borrrowed quite a few).  No money was made from this and no muse was damaged (beyond the local gods ability to repair).

ps... I sure do *love* feedback!

This is my Val Island work (some storylines intertwine, they are listed in the order they should be read):
 The Portal
 Canopy Aerie
 Canopy Aerie: Part Two
 Cossack Village
 Mud Fight
 Birthday Surprise
 The Reunion
 Jair's Journey: Part One
 Jair's Journey: Part Two
 The Reunion: Part Two
 Jair's Journey: Part Three
 The Reunion: Part Three
 Jair's Journey: Part Four
 The Reunion: Part Four
 The Reunion: Part Five
 Christmas Celebration: Part One
 Christmas Celebration: Part Two
 Christmas Celebration: Part Three
 Christmas Celebration: Part Four

This is stuff I did just for the heck of it:
 Detours on the Path of Revenge (Part One)
 Detours on the Path of Revenge (Part Two)
